War Emperor

Chapter 1511: Tentative

"Cai Wu?" Lin Han was also shocked, never wanting to meet this woman.

Within the opponent’s charming body, the mana contained in it fluctuates wildly, giving him the feeling that he is facing a vast starry sky, unfathomable, and he can feel the huge gap just by looking at it, like an ant looking up at a giant Long!

It's amazing!

Lin Han felt awe-inspiring!

The opponent's strength absolutely surpassed the fairy king, reaching a point he couldn't even imagine.

Between the Tianjian disciple and him, there is no one world at all!

Even if he is ten times stronger now, he is not an opponent.

"Lin Wudi, did you really kill Liu Yan'er?" Cai Wu looked at Lin Han with eyes like autumn water.

The voice is like a natural sound, and can't feel any murderous aura. Some people with keen senses can feel the faint sense of oppression, just like Caiwu can't make a move. A gesture will shake the sky and the stars will tremble.

As a leader among the disciples of the Excalibur, illuminating the endless starry sky, she has great power in every word and deed.

Lin Han was full of cold, knowing that he couldn't admit it, otherwise the opponent might be able to crush him with a finger, shook his head, and said, "It's not..."

"Are you still not willing to explain truthfully?" Cai Wu's voice was raised a few points, and a strange wave was emitted from her beautiful eyes, entering Lin Han's sea of ​​consciousness, making Lin Han feel as if her mind was frightened, and she wanted to be To be honest, he didn't dare to conceal the least.

"Spiritualism?" Many people are surprised. Caiwu is using methods such as spiriting. When the realm gap is too large, it can order people at low realms to be loyal to it and cannot hide it.

Everyone held their breath, Lin Han was obviously hit, if he really admitted, then he would be done.

Lin Han was also surprised. He felt that his mind was uncontrollable and wanted to be dominated by the other party. Naturally, he couldn't really make Caiwu succeed. Fortunately, he had the soul-eating eye, which seemed inevitable to ordinary people. It's nothing.

At the moment he was swaying, pretending to be really "stunned", and said in a daze: "It really wasn't me who killed it. This matter has nothing to do with me..."

Cai Wu frowned slightly. At this point, as long as people are not stupid, they know that the murderer must be Lin Han.

At this moment, Lin Han was hit by contemplation, but said no.

Did everyone really wronged him? There is another hidden story.

"Cai Wu, what did you do to me!" Lin Han pretended to react, somewhat "angry".

Being seduced by others and trying to extract the truth is an act of disrespect for others. With so many people in front of him, Lin Han has been very unyielding, which makes it more real.

Cai Wu seemed to be a little bit wrong, and smiled: "I just want to investigate the truth. Since Liu Yan'er was not killed by you, naturally everyone will no longer doubt you, and it is good for you."

Lin Han looked upset, but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, knowing that the suspicion was removed for the time being.

Then, facing the elder on the podium, he said: "Elder, if that's the case, can you declare the champion of the Tianmen Gate Contest?"

Linghufei, Lu Yun, and Bai Shaohua were all defeated by him. He can be said to have dominated the group. The champion of the competition is naturally he.

There was silence around, no one dared to refuse.

The elder nodded, Lin Han's achievements were indeed dazzling, and it was impossible for others to match.

At the moment, when he was about to stand up and announce the result, Cai Wu smiled slightly and said, "Wait a minute, since I have already come forward, how about two tricks I will accompany you?"

"What?" There was an uproar all around.

Lin Han's expression was also startled, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Fairy, are you kidding me?"

What is the strength of the opponent? I don't know how many years I have broken through the Immortal King Realm, and my current realm can make ordinary students despair.

Want to challenge him.

What's the difference between this and the dragon wrestling with an ant?

Even though he has a arrogance in his heart, he also knows that this kind of top arrogant is far from what he can resist now.

"Hehe, rest assured, I will not bully you. I only show 10% of my strength. As long as you can catch the three moves, even if you win, I will give you 100,000 Immortal Pills, how about it." Cai Wu said .

"One hundred thousand immortal pills?" Lin Han's throat was a little dry, this is a huge number.

If he can get it, his realm will increase by several levels.

The people around him found it unrealistic. Who was Fairy Caiwu, the proud child of the world, even if he only displayed the strength of the tip of the iceberg, the three tricks were by no means ordinary disciples and could be accepted.

Cai Wu is changing her way, she wants to beat Lin Han.

"Master Caiwu, it must be because Liu Yan'er and I want to vent, Lin Wudi, you dare to agree, you must be beautiful today." Linghufei grinned in his heart and muttered to himself.

Because of Liu Yan'er, he and Caiwu are also in some relationship.

Now that Lin Wudi is so in the limelight, it will be normal for Fairy Caiwu to act for him.

"Lin Wudi, I won't agree."

"Yeah, Linghufei can't even handle a successful trick of Caiwu Fairy. Normal people are not so stupid."

Many people shook their heads.

"Okay, then ask the fairy for advice." However, Lin Han said solemnly.

The expressions on many people's faces instantly solidified.

Bai Shaohua and Lu Yun also sneered, feeling that Lin Han's head had been caught by the door. This was purely asking for trouble, not at his own discretion.

Cai Wu smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming, causing everything in the world to lose its color, and said: "It's still a bad thing to do with the Tianjian disciple. You should be careful."

After she finished speaking, she stopped talking nonsense, stretched out a slender jade finger, like a jade made of condensed fat, and pointed a finger at Lin Han.


An extremely bright silver finger light pierced through the void suddenly, and came towards Lin Han's suppression. The terrifying force made the void violently toss in an instant, like a scroll of being shaken by people. Small cracks were raised in some places, and the scene was shocking. .

An unparalleled coercion swept away, and many people felt an irresistible feeling, breathing difficulties, shivering, and couldn't help but want to kneel down.

Even some elders have a heavy heart.

Fairy Caiwu's strength is too strong, revealing the tip of the iceberg, showing power like gods, and feeling oppressive against them.

After all, the status of Excalibur disciples is higher than that of ordinary elders, and what's more, there is a huge gap between Caiwu and the outstanding disciples of Excalibur!


Lin Han couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and was immediately surprised. The power of this attack was too terrifying. Just the aftermath made him unbearable. You must know that he has a celestial demon body with amazing defensive ability, and he feels pressure The blood is extremely uncomfortable. If an ordinary person stands here, he will probably shatter and die on the spot when the blow takes shape.

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