War Emperor

Chapter 1512: Odake seal

The strength of the outstanding disciple of the Excalibur is really abnormal, once successful, it is so scary.

It is hard to imagine how earth-shattering and reversing the chaos of a full shot.

"If you can't take it, you can surrender." Cai Wu said.

She felt that Lin Han was a bit unique and wanted to see its depth.

Otherwise, even if the Tianjian disciple is against the sky, it is not worth her action.

"No, it came just right." However, Lin Han let out a deep cry, his eyes became extremely firm, revealing a sense of war.

Many people were stunned, and the aftermath of light had already shook him. If Lin Han couldn't catch it, he would be shaken to death in an instant.

This is not a joke, it's about life.

They didn't understand what Lin Han had confidence and confidence not to surrender.

"The Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers, the First Seal, the Great Yue Seal!" Lin Han shouted, in the shocking eyes of the audience, a seal was formed on his chest, and with a bang, a fierce and incomparable gold seal appeared on his chest. At the finger light of Fairy Caiwu, he slayed fiercely.

The big seal of Baizhang is majestic, thick and condensed, if it is made of gold, it is full of a hard taste.

Coming just like this, it gives people the feeling that it is really like a golden mountain, falling from the sky, about to break the universe, and many people smell an irresistible smell on it.

"Da Yue Yin?"

"The essence of Shanhe Dayin?"

Some elders couldn't help but be surprised.

The essence of the Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers is the Great Seal of the Great Yue, the Seal of the Shenhai, and the Seal of the Mountain and the Sea!

One print is more powerful than one print!

It's just that it's normal for ordinary people to spend a hundred years in order to learn this kind of printing.

Even the elder who pioneered this technique had deduced it for many years before he realized this blow.

However, Lin Han has learned the essence and talent in such a short time.

Lu Yun, and Bai Shaohua turned pale. The blow was too terrifying, and they were irresistible just by looking at them. If they were hit, they had no doubt that they would die, just like the **** of death was hitting them, even a little bit. No scum will stay.

They never thought that Lin Han still had this kind of hole cards.

Linghufei also had a stiff expression. If he is talented, Lin Han will use this trick when fighting against him...

Even he couldn't imagine the end.

After the opponent defeated him, there were still powerful methods that were not displayed.

For him, this is really a blow, and a great humiliation.


The horrible divine light finally collided fiercely in the horrified eyes of the crowd, colorful and extremely gorgeous.

Lin Han's Great Yue Seal was indeed the essence of the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, and finally blocked the flaming blow. However, in the process, the Great Yue Seal also disintegrated, like a golden mountain exploded and drawn out the light. Light up the sky.


As a result, Lin Han spouted blood again, and his body flew out. This time he was hurt more severely. He hit the steps, and the bones on his back were broken. The intense pain made him almost unable to make a sound.

Many people took a deep breath, but it still didn't work. Rao Lin Han still had a huge gap with Master Caiwu when he displayed the Great Yue Seal.

If such an injury is hit on an ordinary person, it will inevitably be unbearable and will die on the spot.

Linghufei laughed happily and said to himself: "Lin Wudi, no matter how abnormal you are, with the huge gap in realm, you still can't compare with Caiwu-sama. It's the end that deserves it!"

He felt best for Lin Han to be killed.

"Haha, if you can take this blow from me when there is only the third floor of Da Luo Jinxian, Lin Wudi, you are the first person." Cai Wu nodded, her tone of praise.

Even if she only displayed 10% of her skills, she was far from being able to contend with Da Luo Jin Wonderland.

Lin Han only had the third floor of the Daluo Jinxian, and it was really incredible to be able to do it.

The power of Dayueyin is indeed extraordinary!

This is worthy of the fairy skill of the Honorary Sword House.

"But the gap between you and me is still too big, this second trick, it seems that I don't need to make a move." Then she shook her head again.

Lin Han's injury was too serious, and he was unable to take her second move.

"No, please continue with the second move." However, Lin Han gritted his teeth and stood up.

There was a huge firmness in the clear eyes!

With this blow, he was seriously injured, his clothes were broken a lot, blood was flowing, and he was miserable.

Many people are stunned, this is clearly looking for death.

Cai Wu was also slightly stagnant, and frowned, "Do you not want to live anymore? How can I pick up my second move if you are so injured?"

Lin Han just smiled, his body shook, black mist surged, and the wounds on his body instantly seemed to be mysteriously nourished. At a speed visible to the naked eye, all healed, and even the bones returned to normal, and the whole body was full of vigor. , Full of vitality, exuberant taste like the sea.

Lu Yun and Bai Shaohua suddenly looked shocked, what kind of physique this is, such a severe injury, can heal in a single thought.

Cai Wu's eyes flashed with surprise, and she couldn't help but examine Lin Han's body carefully.

I only felt that Lin Han's body, without knowing what mysterious techniques he practiced, was perfect. No matter it was explosiveness, speed, acumen, recovery ability, strength, etc., there was no flaw.

Not to mention Daluojin Wonderland, even many people in the Immortal King realm can't compare with it.

This made her quite an eye-opener.

She had never seen such an amazing physique in Daluojin Wonderland.

"What kind of magic way do you cultivate? I'm afraid that people in the magic way will be red eyes and chase you desperately after knowing it." Then she sighed.

The magic way has always been very secretive, and she didn't know much about it, so she couldn't recognize the origin of Lin Han's exercises.

Of course, even some people who often deal with the magic way will not know!

After all, the Sutra of Heaven has been lost for 100,000 years!

This is a very long time.

Unless you reach a certain height, you don't know how to live for a long time.

In today's immortal world, the four words "Extreme Devil Sutra" have been forgotten for many years.

"In that case, I'm not welcome, let you see my second trick." Then, she smiled lightly, but wanted to see the limit of this young man.


I saw that she stretched out her white jade-like palm, pinched her thumb and middle finger, like a flowered goddess, a strong wind appeared out of thin air in her delicate body, full of violence, brutality, and rigidity. A sense of fierce and domineering.

Then, in the horror of the eyes of the crowd, the wind grew stronger and stronger, and evolved into an extremely thick tornado, one after another from the sky to the ground, whizzing towards Lin Han, each wind blade, showing substance, like a knife In general, it is extremely compelling.

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