War Emperor

Chapter 1515: Excalibur Island

Lin Han also had a numb scalp, and couldn't help clenching some fists. If the other party really wanted to make a move, he would only have to use the sword-making furnace.

"Hehe, it's really a hero, Lin Wudi, you are fine, congratulations." The unexpected fairy Caiwu took a breath and smiled.

Before she recovered again, she looked gorgeous and overwhelming, and she did not eat the fireworks.

From her appearance, no one would have thought that she would possess incredible mana.

"These are 100,000 Immortal Pills. When they reach my height one day, I will discuss them with you." She took out a package with a thin hand and still gave it to Lin Han.

Many people slapped their tongues. Seeing this, Fairy Caiwu admired Lin Han very much, and asserted that he could reach the same height as himself one day.

Many people can also feel the hostility in Fairy Caiwu's tone!

Unsurprisingly, Fairy Caiwu had already remembered Lin Han, and it would be difficult for Lin Han to be among the disciples of the Excalibur in the future.

Lin Han took the package and saw the densely packed pill that was piled up like a hill, there was also a glow of heat and scalding in his heart.

With these pills, his strength will surely improve again.

"Okay, the Heavenly Sword Peak Conference is over. The number one, Lin Wudi, will report to Shenjian Island in half a month." At this time, the elder stood up and said in a deep voice.

Cheers were heard all around.

Countless people admire that Excalibur Island is the core place of the entire sword house, and only disciples of Excalibur can practice in it.

Many people dreamed of entering but couldn't. Lin Wudi only came to the Sword Mansion for a few months to do it, and his rise was too fast.


In this way, this matter came to an end. Lin Wudi's reputation once again caused a sensation in the sword mansion, even though many high-ranking disciples of the Excalibur began to pay attention to him.

In the next half month, Lin Han has been absorbing 100,000 Immortal Pills in retreat!

A full 100,000, this is a huge number. After the absorption was completed, Lin Han was not surprised, and his strength increased again, from the third level of the Daluo Jinxian to the sixth level!

Now he, in Daluojin Wonderland, not to mention sweeping is almost the same.

And after his strength increased, his Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers also practiced the second seal-Shenhai Seal!

When a seal is printed, the light waves in the void are undulating, and if the vast sea is surging, it will impact everything, absolutely domineering.

Canggu's thirty-six swords, he has also practiced the thirty-fifth sword-the sword qi soars into the sky!

This sword is the penultimate sword of Canggu's thirty-six swords, condensing the essence of this sword technique.

Once cast, the sword light penetrates the sky and the earth, illuminates the starry sky, and makes the sky full of stars. The power is not comparable to the previous thirty-four swords.

As for the thirty-sixth sword-Jinghuashuiyue, it's weird!

It has no fixed tricks. It evolved according to everyone's talents. There may be an amazing sword aura, or there may be a grass or a grain of sand, which is extremely small!

There used to be elders who practiced for thousands of years, and finally achieved success. As a result, the sword aura was displayed, just like an ordinary person, only a faint sword light was cast. The elder of the aura died in depression and died on the spot!

Therefore, the true power of thirty-six swords depends on personal fate.

Even among the Excalibur disciples, many of the amazing and talented generations have not exerted their power.

However, this sword is still a little far away for Lin Han!

Comprehending thirty-five swords is already his limit.

After consolidating the realm for two more days, he came to Shenjian Island to report.

Divine Sword Island, this is a divine island suspended above the huge spiritual soil of Canggu Sword Mansion. It occupies a vast area and absorbs the gods of the sun, moon, and stars, so that it is full of spiritual energy. Even if there are many inborn elders, they Practice here.

As soon as Lin Han came here, he was shocked by the scenery in front of him. It was like a magnificent fairyland with endless mountains, silver waterfalls, birds and flowers, and rainbows suspended in the mountains, which was extremely gorgeous.

It's like the world in a picture scroll.

Lin Han exclaimed, standing here will naturally increase his realm.

Staying for a long time will have unimaginable benefits for improving strength.

"Yes, Excalibur Island is divided into three hundred Excalibur Peaks, which are inhabited by three hundred Excalibur disciples, all of which are heaven and blessed land. Now I will take you to the mountain where you live." An old man smiled lightly.

He is the deacon who is responsible for receiving the Excalibur disciple entering the island.

Lin Han was excited for a while, seeing the shining of many peaks, and a little expectant about what the peaks he lived in looked like.

However, not long after, when the old man took him to a cliff, he stopped.

On the cliff, there is a thatched hut, crooked and cracked, surrounded by weeds, and extremely desolate.

In the wild, there are some small animals such as wild rabbits and mice running.

"This is the mountain where I live?" Lin Han said in a daze.

"Well, according to the truth, you should live in Shuiyue Cave. There is a Shuiyue Spiritual Array, which absorbs the power of Yuehua all the year round. Although it is not particularly outstanding among the three hundred swordsmen, it is also very extraordinary. Yesterday, Master Caiwu, personally explained that you will live here." said the elderly deacon.

"Cai Wu? This... girl, against me." Lin Han couldn't help gritting his teeth.

He came to Shenjian Peak to enjoy a better cultivation environment, but not to drink northwest wind in this wild field.

Compared with the fairy qi of the Three Hundred Sword Peaks, this place is completely in the sky, one on the ground, and not at the same level.

It is useless to practice here.

"Neither can it be said that this peak was once a prestigious swordsman, inhabited by the previous generation of Excalibur disciples, Chu Yunfei! But Chu Yunfei was so arrogant and conceited that he practiced a unique technique that he absorbed After all the spiritual energy in this mountain peak affected the foundation, this spiritual mountain was scrapped and desolate for five hundred years!"

The elderly deacon sighed lightly, Chu Yunfei was also a genius of heaven, and his reputation was not at all in the loneliness.

But it's a pity that practicing Kungfu is a great loss to Canggu Sword Mansion.

"However, it is said that Chu Yunfei's practice is called "Daewoo Divine Thunder". After training, he can manipulate the power of thunder and lightning in the universe, transform into Thunder Emperor, and destroy the starry sky. Over the years, there have been many disciples. Come here to find, if the chance is good, getting the "Daewoo God Thunder" cultivation method is also a harvest against the sky. In the future, it will be shining and shining." The old deacon laughed.

Lin Han twitched the corners of his mouth, even if it did, for five hundred years, he had been ripped off by other Excalibur disciples not long ago. How could it be his turn?

The old man is clearly drawing a pie for him, so he can stay here at ease!

The old deacon coughed and smiled and did not deny it.

Not to mention that being turned upside down is almost the same, it is indeed impossible to gain anything.

This was arranged by Master Caiwu, he was just giving Lin Han's comfort.

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