War Emperor

Chapter 1526: Palace Lord Zuo

I smashed into the desert dozens of miles away, on a low mountain, the visceral foam was spit out from the mouth, my chest was constantly rising and falling, and I couldn't catch my breath and couldn't speak.

There was silence all around!

There is no doubt that Lu Shuo lost.

Lin Han's methods were appalling.

A young man, not only learned the Daewoo Divine Thunder, but also possessed the Void Divine Demon Map, which was enough to make a sensation in the entire Great Thousand Realm!

Many super powers will pay attention to Lin Han!

With such a treasure, Lin Han already has a pass to the peak power!

As long as he doesn't die, he is destined to be at the top of the Great Thousand Realm.

There are also disciples from other sword palaces around who are full of envy for Lin Han!

A young man in the Canggu Sword Mansion was given a picture of the Void God and Demon, and his potential might be comparable to loneliness.

Lonely Shang is a legend!

"However, the Void God Demon Diagram is very important. Even if he can find it, it may not fall on him. The high level of the Sword Mansion will not be willing to give this thing to a new disciple." Many people secretly guessed. .

Lin Han also frowned, and when he glanced at the distance, there was a powerful wave hitting him. It seems that the sensation caused by today's incident is bound to be not small.

"The image of the Void God and Demon appeared, on whom!" Sure enough, the next moment, an old and magnificent voice spread, and an old man in white flew in the depths of the starry sky. His skin was as white as a baby, with a crane-haired childlike face and fairy-like bones. The smell of aloof dust.

As soon as he appeared, a great pressure swept away, eclipsing countless stars in the vast starry sky, the Tao was chaotic, and the sun and the moon were shaking.

This is a top-notch powerhouse, and there is still green chaos in his body, setting off if he does not belong to this time and space, it is mysterious and amazing.

"Palace Lord Left is here."

Many disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion were shocked, one by one shivered and saluted.

Lingxi also bows!

Palace Master Zuo is one of the three major Palace Masters of Canggu Sword Mansion!

Full name is Lu Cangzheng!

Canggu Sword Mansion, with many disciples and cumbersome things, was naturally too busy for one as the palace master.

There are three main palace masters, left, right, and main palace master!

Palace Lord Zuo is one of the three major Palace Lords, with a lofty status.

In the minds of many disciples, it is like a mountain that can only be looked up.

Lin Han was also moved. Is the hallowing Palace Master alarmed?

I heard that among the three major palace masters, the left palace master is the most severe, the right palace master is peaceful by nature, and the Zheng palace master is more mysterious. Many disciples who have come to the sword palace for hundreds of years have not seen it.

Palace Lord Left and Palace Lord Right are the affairs of General Sword Mansion.

Even ordinary people are not qualified at all. Seeing them, now Palace Master Zuo is coming, he is a little surprised.

"Palace Master Zuo, it's this kid. I don't know where. The Void God and Demon Picture obtained may be related to the wicked thief who once stolen the Void God and Demon Picture of our Sword Mansion. Please arrest him and torture him. Lu Bin was a little excited and replied respectfully.

After speaking, he glanced at Lin Han and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The thief who stole the Nether God Demon Land back then was a great enemy to the entire Sword Mansion.

Otherwise, the Void God Demon Map will not be lost.

He wanted to pour dirty water on Lin Han.

If Lin Han is a descendant of the thief, he will definitely endure the cruel punishment and punishment of the Sword Mansion.

Many people nodded, it was indeed strange that Lin Han had an inexplicable image of the Void God and Demon.

If he is related to the thief back then, it is not impossible.

Otherwise, how could this picture fall into his hands.

Palace Master Zuo did not answer, a pair of vicissitudes of eyes, looking at the void **** and demon figure floating above Lin Han's head, withered fingers, all trembling slightly.

How many years have passed... The image of the Void Gods and Demons has been lost for so long, so that the position of the Sword Mansion in the Great Thousand Realm is no longer at its peak, and it looks out of the crowd.

Now that he finally found it, he couldn't help feeling tears in his eyes.

Then, he took a deep breath, stretched out his palm to Lin Han faintly, and said, "Hand over the **** and devil figure!"

The words were calm, but with an unquestionable smell.

Lin Han frowned, saluted him first, and then said: "Palace Lord Zuo, this thing was unexpectedly obtained by me in the Primordial Gas Refining Tower. The so-called treasure of the world is inhabited by the predestined. It has been lost for so many years and was found by me. , It means you have a predestined relationship with me. Is it because the mansion will forcefully take it away?"

"Fate with you?" Zuo Cang sneered, as if he heard some absurd words, coldly said: "This is the most inherited treasure of our Sword Mansion and the foundation of Sword Mansion. Now that you find it, it depends on you. In one sentence, if you are destined, you will take it away?"

"I know that you are not a descendant of the thief. After the thief was caught by the ancestors of the Sword Mansion, he used the most cruel method to torture him. Even his family did not let him go. There can be no descendants. "

"But it's really not something you can get involved. If you hand it over, I can reward you with the "Tianhuo Knife" as appropriate."

"Skyfire knife?" Many people are hot!

Among all the celestial tools of the Sword Mansion, the Skyfire Sword was ranked in the top ten. It was a former fairy mansion who had cultivated the power of blazing fire to the extreme. It was made of Heavenly Burning Flame Stone and was extremely powerful.

Even Elder Agni is greedy for him.

It is impossible for a normal Excalibur disciple to get such a treasure.

Palace Lord Zuo wanted to reward Lin Han with the Skyfire Sword, which made many people envious.

Lin Han shook his head. Although the Skyfire Sword was good, it was naturally inferior to the Void God and Demon Map.

This is the strongest fetish of Zhen Gu Shuo Jin, he will not exchange it easily.

"Lin Wudi, are you rebelling against this palace lord? This palace lord rewarded you with the sky fire sword, which is considered a special kindness. You still don't know what is good or bad?" Zuo Cangzheng's face sank, with a hint of anger in his tone.


A terrifying aura was set off on his body, like a volcanic eruption, the entire Canghuang Desert was trembling, and many stars in the starry sky tremble more, some fell, some turned into dust, and the scene was terrifying.

Zuo Cangzheng's strength had already reached the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Not an ordinary Excalibur disciple can match imagination.

Now that he is showing his power, he is very powerful and shocking.

Lu Shuo and Lu Bin both laughed happily, and secretly said, "Lin Wudi, you dare to stand up to the high Palace Lord Left, and see how you die next."

Everyone knows that being a palace master is more severe, and Lin Han will never end well like this.

Lin Han was not afraid, his back was very straight, he found the Void God Demon Picture, no matter who the opponent was, he would not easily hand it over.

"It seems that there is nothing to say, disobey the palace lord, you should be punished!" Lu Cangzheng's expression was gloomy, as a young man who dare not listen to him as the palace lord, he was so presumptuous that he put out a big hand at Lin Han's head , Then overwhelmed the past.

The big hand is like a huge star, covering the sky and the sun, and it is filled with thick flames. If the star bursts out, it will be unstoppable and overwhelming.

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