War Emperor

Chapter 1527: opportunity

Many people knelt down, threw their bodies on the ground, and couldn't even lift their heads. This mighty power was so majestic, like a giant dragon showing its might. They were underground ants, only shivering.

Even if there are many geniuses!

Lu Zhengcang is a strong veteran.

When he was young, he was also a genius, and the gap was too big.

Lin Han couldn't help but clenched his fists fiercely, and his heart trembled, and his legs could not help trembling.

It is not that his mind is not strong, but that his realm is too oppressive.

At this moment, he felt his body, like squeezed wet clothes, with a lot of blood spilling out of his pores uncontrollably. After a while, he was like a blood man, terrible.

This is still because of his strong physique, otherwise, he must have become a pile of flesh now.

"Lin Wudi..." There were tears in Ling Xi's beautiful eyes. If this goes on, Lin Han will die without a palm.

Although the time she and Lin Wudi have been in contact is very short, I don't know when, Lin Han has a deep place in her heart!

Now she didn't even hesitate at all, trotting up, spread her hands, and stopped in front of Lin Han, wanting to die for Lin Han!

There was an exclamation all around, and many people were surprised.

Grandpa Lingxi is the oldest person in the Canggu Sword Mansion. He has lived through the "Terror of No Heaven" and has lived for at least one million years. Even the current Palace Master must respectfully shout "Uncle Taishi".

Now she was going to die for Lin Han, which was too unexpected.

"Ling Xi, what are you doing, go away." On the sky, Lu Cangzheng also frowned, and couldn't help crying coldly.

Ling Xi's grandfather was his predecessor, and he had taught him swordsmanship when he was young, so he naturally did not dare to kill his own granddaughter.

His grandfather is a person respected by countless power masters throughout the Great Thousand Realm.

"No, Palace Master Zuo, you can't kill Lin Wudi. If you kill him, just kill me as well." Ling Xi's voice choked and said firmly.

Apart from her sister in Jianfu, the person closest to her is Lin Han!

There is only one belief in her heart, and she can't let Lin Wudi have something to do.

Lin Han couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect Ling Xi to be so interesting.

"Naughty, how honorable you are, how can you die for a humble young disciple." Lu Zhengcang couldn't help but screamed, and with a wave of his sleeves, a mysterious power erupted, causing Ling Xi to fly over.

Then his big hand, still cast off, pressed towards Lin Han.

Lin Han rebelled against him in front of so many people, he would not let it go.

"Don't..." Ling Xi said hoarse.

Many people also sighed. It seems that Lin Han is in danger today.

Lu Bin and Lu Shuo both laughed out loud, very happy!

"Wait!" However, at this moment, an old voice came over in the sky, and then white light emerged, condensing an old man, blocking in front of Lin Han, waved his palm, banged, and resolved Lu Zhengcang's big hand. open.

"Xianjun Tulong?" Many people were startled, the old man's expression was majestic and graceful.

Beside him, there is Elder Flame!

Everyone was surprised that these two great elders, regardless of the mundane affairs of the Immortal Mansion, appeared together to help Lin Wudi.

Many people are a little envious of Lin Han.

Lu Bin and Lu Shuo also laughed loudly on their faces, solidified as if they were being whipped.

Originally thought Lin Han would peel off his skin even if he didn't die today.

Now, I am afraid that their hope will be lost.

"Tu Long, Lieyan, what do you two mean?" Lu Cangzheng frowned.

The elder is too high, and his status is not weak.

He naturally wants to be polite.

"Haha, Palace Master Zuo is an expert in the world, with a noble status, why should I have a general knowledge of a young disciple." Fairy Tu Long smiled.

Elder Flame also said: "Yes, besides, the Void God and Demon Map, lost for so many years, is found by him, for the Sword Mansion, it is considered meritorious, so why bother to Palace Lord Zuo.

"Why don't you give him the image of the Void God and Demon. I have cultivated to our level, and I know everything in this world, and most of the time, we pay attention to the word "fate". Ordinary psychic celestial tools can choose the master, let alone Void God. The magic map, this map condenses the power of the heavens and the universe, and captures the beauty of the four extremes of change. If it looks at a certain person, even we can't control it."

Palace Lord Zuo's brow furrowed deeper. How did these two old guys become so good today, maintaining Lin Wudi!

I've never seen two people like this before living an age.

Palace Master Zuo was silent for a long time before he said: "Since you two said that, then I will give this kid a chance. If his blood can cause the image of the gods and demons in the void and awaken the ten gods and demons, I can promise. Let him take care of the image of the Void God and Demon!"

"What?" Many people are surprised. Generally speaking, the blood of the cultivator can make the Void God and Demon figure burst out of the three gods and demon shadows, which is considered extremely predestined. The five ways are barely qualified to become their masters, and the ten ways are compatible. Very tall, except for the former Patriarch, the people in charge of the Void Gods and Demons have never done it for so many years.

Lin Wudi was just a young man, and he wanted to awaken ten gods and demons. This condition was too harsh.

Xianjun Tu Long was also startled, and then smiled bitterly: "Palace Lord Zuo, you are obviously embarrassing."

Even the current Palace Lord, I'm afraid they can't do it.

"Huh, this is the only opportunity I give him. If he can't do it, it means he doesn't deserve to have the Void Gods and Demons. No matter what, he can't give such an important treasure to him." Lu Cangzheng's face sank, and his tone was firm. Tao.

This matter is too important, he has made the biggest concession.

Xianjun Tulong and Elder Lieyan couldn't help sighing lightly and looked at Lin Han.

Also felt that Lin Han could not succeed.

Now it seems that the best way is to hand over the Void God and Demon Diagram.

Drop blood on the Void Gods and Demons Map, a careless one, it will cause backlash, from injury to death.

"Okay, the junior is willing to give it a try." However, Lin Han smiled faintly and agreed.

The expressions on the faces of Xianjun Tulong and Elder Flames froze instantly.

Xianjun Tulong said: "Lin Wudi, this matter is no trivial matter. If it fails, the backlash will be very strong. It is not in your current realm and can be contended."

That kind of backlash, even if they are strong, would be extremely jealous.

There have been cases of dead people!

He didn't want Lin Han to take such a risk, the threshold was too high and it was almost impossible to complete.

"It's okay." Lin Han shook his head. Since this is the only opportunity, he has to try it anyway. Besides, he also believes that there must be some reason why the Void God Demon Map can be found by him.

Xianjun Tulong and Elder Flames only nodded and agreed.

They could see that even though Lin Han was young, he was extremely determined and would not change things easily.

"Okay, try it, this palace lord wants to see how you can cause ten phantoms of the Void God and Demon Image." Lu Cang waved his sleeves and sneered.

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