War Emperor

Chapter 1561: What kind of sword is this?

Ordinary people will be dizzy and paralyzed when they hear it!

Lin Han was fearless, he possessed a celestial demon, and his strength was his strength.


At the moment, Lin Han also squeezed his fist marks, and punched it, billowing black air, like a **** river impact.

In the fist, there is even a black dragon roaring, surrounded by stars, with an amazing aura.

This represented that Lin Han's boxing power had reached a very astonishing level before a vision emerged.

"Good come." The ancient man yelled, satisfied with Lin Han's boxing power, so he was qualified to be his opponent.

At the moment, his body shook. The golden blood qi in his body was blessed in his fist. In his fist, a golden stilt burst out. It was huge as a mountain and seemed to smash the starry sky. The long fangs were like a broad knife. , The momentum is fierce.

The tip of the needle is to the wheat.

The power of the two can evolve into a beast, extremely abnormal.


Finally, the endless light burst.

Lin Han's fist was only normal, and the ancient man's fist was bigger than a house, and the two were not in the same grade.

After the encounter, a brilliant divine light burst out, a layer of divine light ripples visible to the naked eye, fierce and mighty, as if a sea exploded, and the big waves flooded the sky, flooding everything around.

Fortunately, the fire ancestors had already used formations to isolate the two from fighting, otherwise it would be a huge disaster for the onlookers around.

That's the case, the crimson formation also shook fiercely, like a major earthquake, showing how powerful the blow was.

"Haha, happy, the little brother's physique really didn't let me down." The ancient man laughed, feeling very hearty.

Lin Han also nodded. This was the first time that he had competed against others in pure flesh, regardless of the outcome.

Guman is indeed a very strong opponent.

However, everyone was in a daze. Everyone knew that the power of the giants was irresistible, especially when the giant gold body was cultivated. Lin Han was able to confront the ancient barbaric pure physical body at a three-level difference.

If the body of the giant race is very tough, what is the body of Lin Han? It's a freak.

King Zhan and Fairy Caiwu also froze with smiles on their faces.

How could Lin Han be more extraordinary than they thought, it seemed that no matter what the difficulties were, he couldn't help him.

There were still some gloating, waiting to see Lin Han fail, there was some nameless fire in their hearts.

"Come on again, open the mountain axe, kill!" The ancient man's eyes erupted with thick golden light, and his fighting spirit became more fierce. The golden axe in his hand was swung away vigorously, and immediately hit Lin Han's head with an axe. It slashed hard.


The entire void was violently shaking like being pulled by his axe.

Lin Han only felt that this axe was like carrying a piece of the power of a great world, causing him to suffocate and his skin aches.

"Mountain axe?"

Luoshui said to himself in shock, this is the most famous axe method of the giants. It is famous in the Great Thousand Realm and was created by the ancestors of the giants.

Legend has it that in ancient times, where the giants lived, there was a sacred mountain connected to the source of the universe and could not be shaken.

Many races regard it as a sacred mountain and worship every day.

However, this mountain has affected the living environment of the giants, making it inconvenient for them to fetch water and hunt every day.

Finally, the ancestors of the giants created their own mountain axe, and it took 90,000 years to split the ancient mountain.

Gu Man now even uses this fairy skill.

It can be seen that behind the ancient barbarians, there is a picture of ancient times, there is a giant standing upright, holding a big axe, and constantly slashing at a vast and majestic **** that seems to be able to suppress the universe.

Only small traces can be cut every time!

The ancestors of the giant tribe had the ambition to move mountains and drip water through rocks. For 90,000 years, they finally split the mountains.

Over the past 90,000 years, the axe that he has continuously tempered is the mountain axe, which is famous in ancient and modern eighteen realms.

"Haha, Brother Lin Han, I am a mountain axe, domineering and fierce. If you can't resist it, you can yell, I will keep my hand so as not to accidentally hurt you." Gu Manlang laughed. Exercising the mountain axe, he became like the ancestor in the ancient times, and he could split the universe and get eternity.

"No need!" Lin Han was equally wary, took out the broken sword, and confronted the ancient barbaric axe.

Although he didn't have the earth-shaking sword skills, he had the power of the flesh like a sea, and the power of the Lost Sword was extremely fierce.

This time the collision opened a crack in the void, as if it could transport people to another time and space.

In the end, he finally resisted this huge axe, but he stepped back three steps, and blood shed from the tiger's mouth.

The ancient man took five steps backwards, and a sword mark appeared on his body. On the golden skin, it was particularly eye-catching. The scarlet blood flowed on the half of his body...

"The ancient barbarian is injured!"

Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

The ancient barbarian used the mountain axe method, did not have the upper hand, and suffered some injuries, which was incredible to everyone.

"Your sword..." The ancient man also looked a little distracted, unable to accept this reality.

Then, the heart shook, and the broken sword in Lin Han's hand during the confrontation seemed to have aroused the potential in it, awakening with an incomparable terrifying aura, and it would strangely stab him.

Originally, the broken sword in Lin Han's hand was not good looking, and he didn't care at all.

Only now did I realize that this rusty, black broken sword seemed very difficult.

"What kind of sword is this?"

Everyone was aware of this, and looked at each other.

"Hey, you don't know, this is the first of many divine swords in our Canggu Sword Mansion-the lost sword!" Ling Xi pinched the willow, as if showing off her proudest thing, holding her white chin high. Smiled.

Just like Lin Han's glory, she will follow the glory.

"What, the lost sword!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

This is the Sword Realm, the sword of inheritance that has been lost for millions of years. It had a high reputation back then. Many masters who crossed the starry sky died under the sword, and there are even strong people who are unimaginable in the world.

The Sword Realm also relied on this sword, in the eighteen realms, like the sky, no one dared to provoke it.

Unfortunately, due to a turmoil, the sword realm suddenly collapsed, and even the lost sword was missing.

Many descendants have gone to the ruins of the Sword Realm to find them, but they have not found them. They will see them in Lin Han's hands countless years later. This is absurd.

This is like seeing an inconspicuous stone, but it is a rare treasure in the legend, and it is incomparable.

Luoshui also set off a huge wave in his heart.

I finally understand how unique Lin Han is, Daewoo Thunder God, powerful monster, Canggu 37 swords, and even the Lost Sword now!

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