War Emperor

Chapter 1562: Mountain axe

Any one of these things is enough to make a sensation.

Lin Han owns them all, too abnormal.

After the ancient man learned the truth, his heart was violent. The axe in his hand is a very high-grade treasure among the giants, but it is naturally incomparable with the lost sword. It is reasonable to have this fate. .


At this time, Lin Han was holding the sword of loss and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Now inside the sword, like breathing and pulse, it beating frantically, awakening in a certain power.

"Go in first." Lin Han groaned.

For the first time since he got Broken Sword, he discovered that Broken Sword had such an abnormality, and didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Otherwise, he doesn't know when to wait until he closes his eyes and his mind enters it.

Everyone was in a daze, this kid was lost in thought during the war?

"Guman, your chance is here. If you don't make a move, kill him!" At this time, the King of War and Fairy Caiwu said in surprise.

Even a person without the power to bind the chicken can kill Lin Han.

The ancient man shook his head and said: "He should have realized something before he was immersed in the broken sword. How can my ancient man take advantage of others?"

Looking at the gazes of the two, slightly despised.

The King of War and Fairy Caiwu couldn't help but twitch, and they were actually taunted by the ancient barbarians.

However, they also knew that Gu Man was upright and had no deep hatred with Lin Han, and it was normal to be willing to wait.

Ling Xi smiled and nodded, admiring the ancient barbaric character very much.

"It's all right, go ahead." Lin Han only closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened his eyes again, his eyes seemed to have a sense of understanding, with a sense of wisdom, and smiled.

"So fast?" The ancient man was startled, thinking that Lin Han would need a lot of time.

However, he knew that the time and space within Broken Sword was different from the outside.

Only a few seconds passed outside, and within Broken Sword, it might have been a long time.

Indeed, Lin Han has gained amazing results within Broken Sword!

In a starry sky, he saw an old man practicing swordsmanship. Many stars in the universe were moving with his swordsmanship. The aura moved the sky, unprecedented and unparalleled in the world.

If the sword energy can pierce eternity, smash the chaos, and pass the beginning!

Even with Lin Han's current realm, he couldn't understand at all, it was too advanced.

This is the world-shaking sword technique recorded in Broken Sword.

Finally, after Hong’s explanation, he realized that this is the eight swords of the universe that is famous in the sword realm!

This sword technique was unpredictable back then, and countless ancient powers were in awe.

The Lost Sword can become the sword of the sword realm. In addition to its great power, there is also the heart that records the eight swords of the universe!

Even the most world-defying figure in the sword realm would only comprehend the sixth sword among the eight swords of the universe, which could shock the ancients.

If all the eight swords of the universe are practiced, how powerful is it is simply unimaginable!

How can Lin Han be unhappy when he has obtained the profound meaning of the eight swords of the universe?

His excited palms were shaking slightly.

The surrounding atmosphere is a bit strange, and countless people have also noticed that Lin Han should have obtained some kind of gain against the sky!

Now the whole person is different, like a divine sword that can illuminate the heavens, emitting a chilling light.

Fire Ancestor couldn't help but wonder what Lin Han had gained.

"It seems that Brother Lin Han, this time exploring Broken Sword, the harvest is not small." Gu Man grinned.

Lin Han nodded.

"Then I'll see what is going on. It's true that the mountain axe that I showed is just a fur, not even the first formula. Now I will ask Brother Lin Han for advice and advice!"

The ancient barbarian's fighting spirit became even higher. He held a large axe in both hands, his eyes stood up, and he slashed down violently, and shouted: "Mountain axe method, first style, stand yin and yang!"


Above the dazzling golden axe, two kinds of light of black and white suddenly overflowed, like the power of yin and yang of the most origin in the universe burst out, forming a huge picture of yin and yang and Tai Chi, shrouded towards Lin Han.

The two yin and yang forces are like two dragons coiling around, strangling each other, revealing a gas that can destroy the world.

At a glance, it looked like a huge grinding disc.

Countless people were shocked, and the five-star immortal skills couldn't be compared with this one. Everyone felt that their skin was like a needle stick, and they couldn't help but regress one after another.

"Mountain Axe Technique, it hasn't appeared in the world for a long time." At this time, outside the Ten Thousand Fire Secret, many elders were watching the scene through a realm.

Palace Lord Lu Cangzheng couldn't help sighing.

I still remember that 5,000 years ago, the patriarch of the Giants, Gu Chengfeng, and Tang Weihua, the lord of the Dahua Sword Mansion, fought a great battle due to some grievances.

Both of them are strong in the Immortal Emperor Realm, looking down on sentient beings, and possessing profound methods.

During the war, Gu Chengfeng displayed a mountain axe, which shocked the world and injured Tang Weihua's arm.

I still remember that axe, a huge picture of Yin and Yang appeared, which was tens of millions of miles long, covering the starry sky, like a big world overwhelming, stunning the universe and terrifying.

At that time, I didn't know how many masters, deeply shocked!

Five thousand years later, when I saw it again, he was a little trembling.

Even if the realms of Gu Man and Gu Chengfeng are much different, it is impossible to have that power, but the fairy king realm can definitely sweep everything.

"Hehe, then, Lin Han is going to be miserable." Elder Wanhuo smiled cheerfully, gloating.

They also knew Lin Han's true identity.

A young man ascended from the mortal world, avoided the chase of the three great immortal emperors and the head of the Southern Wild Clan, fled into their Canggu Sword Mansion, and grew up incognito.

Even he had to admire Lin Han's mind.

But this kid provoked him and took his wildfire essence, which has successfully aroused his hatred.

He naturally hoped that Lin Han would be taught a lesson by Gu Man.

Palace Master Zuo also nodded and laughed. The Liangzi between him and Lin Han was bigger. This kid had rebelled against him before and took away the Void Gods and Demons. No one hated him more than him.

But as the palace master, he naturally can't care too much about a young disciple, he can only endure.

Now if Lin Han could be killed by an axe, he would also be very happy.

"The Eight Swords of the Universe, starting hand, now!" However, at this moment, a shocking scene appeared.

I saw that Lin Han's expression was solemn, without the slightest fear. In his eyes, there was a strong fighting spirit, as if he could look down upon the heavens and the world.

The broken sword in his hand exudes a strange divine light, and it automatically reorganizes to form a complete black sword!

This sword, bright white and gleaming, dazzling, surrounded by endless aura, and the mist is transpiring. This is completely two extremes from the previous black broken sword, as if this is its true face, there is something to make the ancient and modern The momentum will tremble over the years.

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