War Emperor

Chapter 1563: Full sword

As soon as this sword came out, a magnificent aura burst out, and the entire tomb was enveloped by a sharp sword intent. Everyone noticed an incomparable smell sweeping over, as if being in the ice and snow, cold and biting.

"The complete lost sword!"

There was a large exclamation all around.

Fire ancestors are slightly shocked!

This is a peerless divine sword famous for millions of years ago, with an extremely glorious past.

Even if it was obtained by Lin Han after countless years, it was just a broken sword, no longer the style of the past.

Now that Lin Han communicated among them, the energy in the deepest part, to bring out the complete sword of loss, is really a shocking thing.

It can be seen that beside Lin Han, an ancient picture appeared, recording the glory of the sword world millions of years ago!

At that time, the sword realm ruled a large sea of ​​stars. In each star, the cultivation civilization had the sword as the theme.

Most cultivators fly with swords, shuttle through the starry sky, ethereal and free and easy.

In the center of the sea of ​​stars, there is a huge star with a magnificent hall above it. It is almost the size of a star and is extremely majestic.

On the plaque, the words-Jian Gong were written impressively!

The Sword Palace was the strongest force in the Sword Realm that year. It has inherited the Lost Sword from generation to generation. The palace owners of each generation of Sword Palace have learned the Eight Swords of the Universe on the Lost Sword.

Now on the Lost Sword, there are these pictures, and suddenly, everyone feels like traveling through time and space, as they came to a million years ago, and their minds are cleansed.

At the same time, he was in awe of that huge sword palace.

"He is using the Eight Swords of the Universe?" Outside, many elders also exclaimed.

Elder Wanhuo and Palace Lord Zuo, the expressions on their faces were even more stagnant, like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch crazily.

The eight swords of the universe, the peerless swordsmanship that crushed millions of years ago, are hidden in the lost sword.

Even the palace lord of the sword palace back then, wanted to communicate with him, it was not easy.

Lin Han, a stinky hairy boy, successfully learned the eight swords of the universe!

This is so dreamy.


Frightening fluctuations and madness swept across. If the entire main tomb was about to collapse, the starting style of the Eight Swords of the Universe was too amazing. A single movement represented a shocking power.

The ancient barbaric axe light disintegrated in an instant, and then the powerful collapse force caused him to spout a mouthful of blood, and his body slammed against a pillar not far away, his expression was terrifying, painful, and unable to stand up.

There was a sudden silence all around.

The victory is divided!

Lin Han won, and the Eight Swords of the Universe swept out with a start-up, defeating the ancient barbarians.

Everyone is in awe, how awesome is the real eight swords of the universe?

The King of War and Fairy Caiwu also had their eyes dull, and finally cast a shadow on Lin Han!

This guy's methods are really endless, all shocking the world.

If they grow up, they will not be opponents at all.

This is the first time since becoming a disciple of Fengyun, he has sensed this kind of threat in a lower-ranked person.

"Canggu Sword Mansion, it is a blessing to have such a disciple." Luo Shui couldn't help murmuring, full of envy.

Everyone knows that the most important thing for big forces is the cultivation of younger generations.

Cultivate a junior with amazing potential, which can keep his power and prosper for at least ten thousand years.

Canggu Sword Mansion originally had loneliness, enough to make people enviable, but now there is another Lin Han, which makes people jealous.

From now on, Canggu Sword Mansion will definitely increase its status in the Great Thousand Realm. Even forces like the Second God and the Three Mountains will be even more jealous.

"Brother Gu Man, are you okay." Lin Han smiled and quickly helped Gu Man up.

When Shicai felt the Eight Swords of the Universe in Broken Sword, Gu Man didn't shoot him, he was very grateful.

Therefore, he did not have any hostility to the ancient man.

"Haha, it's okay, the little brother is powerful, and the good fortune is shocking, I'm convinced." Gu Man smiled bitterly.

Regardless of physical body or combat power, he was defeated, and it was a real blow to him.

However, he has no complaints. The Eight Swords of the Universe and the Lost Sword are not accessible to people of their level.

Even if a big person like Emperor Xian always dreams of it, he won't lose.

"Well, next, is there anyone going to fight." At this time, Huo Zu laughed.

He underestimated Lin Han's potential.

If this goes on, there is no limit.

Everyone was silent and no one spoke.

Lin Han's strength won the respect of everyone.

After Luo Shui frowned, he also shook his head altogether. Although she had a certain means, she couldn't be Lin Han's opponent if the realm was suppressed too much.

Instead of taking action, you can keep some decent.

"In that case, it is Lin Han who burned the sky, ha ha, congratulations to Lin Han!" Huo Ancestor smiled.

Withered fingers stretched out, a cluster of divine fire appeared at the fingertips, very weak, but Lin Han could clearly perceive that there was a very terrifying wave of destruction in the divine fire dormant, as if they were moved at will, they could burn everything and condense the starry sky. This kind of tolerance is much more powerful than his wildfire essence.

Lin Han's heart was hot.

Possesses this thing, not only for his physical body, it can have the effect of training all the time, but if it is only displayed, its destructive power is bound to be amazing.

"Haha, sorry, all of you are going to die today."

At this moment, there was a loud laughter suddenly heard, and then, the entire huge main tomb exploded in an instant, like being opened by some force from the outside, and the entire sky was torn open.

Then, a group of people flew in on a black warship.

This warship was as huge as a star, thousands of miles away, and extremely magnificent, with soldiers in armor standing on it.

On the deck, there is also a big flag, hunting in the wind, opening mighty, and the momentum is amazing.

"A "greedy" person?" Ling Xi said with a change of color.

"Greed realm?" Lin Han was also startled. This is one of the eighteen realms, but to the entire fairy realm, it is a malignant tumor, because the creatures in the greedy realm always want to unify the eighteen realms and control all beings. Half a million years ago, Greedy came out of an ultimate powerhouse, overwhelming the vast universe, with extreme strength.

With countless troops in the greedy realm, he almost swept the entire immortal world, turning countless stars into purgatory.

For the fairy world, it is a dark history.

Fortunately, the remaining seventeen realms of the fairy realm united to fight against the greedy realm. In addition, the ancestor of the Canggu Sword Mansion, in his later years, forced to leave the customs, and finally the demon of the greedy realm— Seal of No Heaven Immortal Emperor!

Because this battle was so tragic, the Patriarch's blood and energy were already dried up, and in time, he died completely.

Unexpectedly, half a million years later, people who are greedy will once again appear in this world.

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