War Emperor

Chapter 1585: Zhen Yaoshan

This is the heavy land of the Sword Mansion, and usually few people will come, but at this moment in the mountains, the crowd is full of darkness, and there is a sense of hustle and fire, which makes Lin Han a little surprised.

"Hey, I don’t know the younger brother, but today the elder brother lonely caught a demon king’s demon head, do you know what the demon king represents? That is the king of the demon, the mana is powerful and extremely powerful. It is said that this demon king It is not an ordinary demon king. It has reached the peak, and it is only one step to enter the realm of demon lord. This is an important role in the demon realm. The big brother caught this demon, naturally, a great sensation, and many people in the sword mansion , All come here to watch."

A thin disciple said with joy, as if he had caught the devil.

Obviously he is a great admirer of loneliness.

Lonely Shang is the big brother among the three hundred disciples of the Excalibur Sword in Canggu Sword Mansion, a genius among geniuses, illuminating the endless starry sky, and there are too many disciples in Sword Mansion who regard him as an idol.

To put it bluntly, one person can drown Lin Han with one spit.

Lin Han nodded relievedly. The Demon King is equivalent to the human beings in the fairy king realm. Because of their evil nature and weird cultivation methods, they also have frequent tricks in battle, which makes it difficult to parry. Therefore, the demon king's combat power is better than the fairy king. Much more powerful, let alone a powerhouse at the peak of the Demon King, which is equivalent to the completion of the ninth level of the Human Immortal King Realm. Such a master is indeed an important role in the Demon Realm.

It is generally too difficult to catch.

It is normal for Lonely Shang to capture him back alive and cause such a big sensation.

"Here, loneliness is here!"

"It's a big brother, so handsome."

"Master, I love you, I want to give you a monkey."

At this moment, someone yelled. Not far away, a handsome man with gray hair and black clothes flew up, his whole body seemed to glow, and the three thousand avenues covered by it were trembling. It is also shaking, so many people admire it.

Even some of the beautiful young girls in the season could not help but scream with stars all over their faces, screaming slightly crazily shy.

After all, the demeanor of loneliness is too bright. In the younger generation, it is the "heaven" they can touch. Coupled with handsome appearance and proud style, it is reasonable to make some girls crazy.

If you can become his Taoist companion and be cared for by him, it is simply the most honorable and proud thing in your life.

Many young girls wake up when they dream.

"You are here alone." At a high place, there was an old man standing there, his face was like orange peel, all wrinkles, but full of majesty, with a long-standing prestige, nodded and laughed.

He is Lu Cangzheng, the Lord of the Left Palace, with Wen Fang, the Lord of the Right Palace, Immortal Monarch Tulong, Elder Lihuo, Elder Wanhuo, etc., all of high standards.

In the Sword Mansion, there have been no disciples who have been able to catch a demon of the Demon King's pinnacle level for many years. Lonely Shang has made a good model, and they have advertised and urged the disciples.

"En." Lonely Shang smiled slightly, and his expression was a little triumphant. It was luck for him to be able to catch this demon. After all, at this point, the demon is by nature very cunning and can easily be defeated. To be able to kill is even harder, and even more difficult to capture alive.

If it weren't for this time, he would go out to travel around without any problems. In a secular city, seeing this demon turned into an evil beast and harming creatures, he would arrange a blockade formation in time, and it would not be easy to capture him alive.

After finishing speaking, he waved his palm, and a cloud of profound light burst out like a big net, appearing in front of everyone.

I saw that there was a group of black qi condensed creatures in it, shaped like a three-eyed wolf, with a single horn on its head, black electric lights lingering there, a pair of green eyes exuding bloodthirsty rays, in the thick fangs, There was also blood dripping down continuously, as if it had just eaten someone, and it looked suffocating and chilling.

"Sure enough, he is a pinnacle demon!"

Many people exclaimed that the devil's aura is very powerful, far beyond the ability of ordinary demon kings.

There are still wisps of Demon Venerable Qi on the surface of the body. It is obvious that it is only a thin line from breaking into the Demon Venerable Realm. Such a demon only allows ordinary disciples to look up.

Even some of the elite sword disciples asked themselves, they couldn't capture them alive.

At the moment, everyone looked at the lonely sorrow, and they couldn't help being filled with awe, admiration, and admiration.

Lin Han also smiled, and walked over.

"Lin Han, what are you doing?" Lonely Shang saw Lin Han, and suddenly shot a bright light in his eyes, and shouted coldly.

The Liangzi between him and this hairy boy is not small.

Last time at his Tongtian Peak, Lin Han was stunned by Lin Han, and even got the Jiutian Xinghe Qin, which made him jealous.

During the last period of time, someone in Jianfu has been talking about how extraordinary and talented Lin Han is. He will be lonely and surpassed in the future. This is very uncomfortable for him, who is arrogant. Lin Han is regarded as a thorn in his eyes. .

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, how could he let Lin Han compare with him?

"Haha, unfortunately, I also caught two monsters and wanted to hand them over to the Sword Mansion." Lin Han smiled lightly and said.

"You also caught two monsters?" Lonely Shang couldn't help but sneer. It was expected that Lin Han would have caught some small characters. He couldn't help but said: "Some small characters don't need to be taken out. Inside the town demon tower, they can be detained. They are all demons at least above the king level, besides, today is just to celebrate my capture of monsters. You don't need to make trouble here, go ahead."

He waved his hand, looking impatient.

In his opinion, even if Lin Han caught some evil spirits, he wouldn't be able to get on the stage, and it was not worthy of attention at all.

Do you want to show off here if you catch any cat or dog?

Not far away there were King Zhan and Fairy Caiwu, both of them sneered, wondering if Lin Han's brain was broken, and if he dared to come out in such a situation, wouldn't he be humiliated?

The big brother caught a pinnacle demon, and the limelight was too high.

How can ordinary evil spirits be compared.

In their eyes, Lin Han's words also seemed extremely retarded and ignorant of the world.


However, at this moment, Lin Han waved his sleeves, and a demon wind blew across, and then the heaven and the earth descended like a great evil person. The entire mountain area was billowed with dark clouds, and his vision dimmed.

Then, a group of black light and a humanoid creature shaped like a ghost appeared in the legal net constructed by Lin Han with divine power, roaring fiercely, spreading a terrible aura of slaughtering sentient beings and looting millions of corpses, just like Have slaughtered endless creatures, so angry.

"This is a demon with two heads, my goodness!"

"how can that be?"

"Hi, I'm not mistaken."

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