War Emperor

Chapter 1586: Amazing record


Suddenly, it was like a major earthquake, and there was an uproar around it, which shocked countless people.

Lin Han actually caught two demon venerations, which was too shocking to hear.

You must know that a demon king at random is more powerful than the lonely peak demon king. It is an honor for ordinary people to catch one. Lin Han caught two of them at once. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, normal people would doubt it. Own eyes.

"Two Demon Lords?" Lonely Shang also looked dull, his expression a little stiff.

He had only caught one Peak Demon King, and he had already made the Sword Mansion such a big fan, but Lin Han had caught two monsters. Compared with that, his achievement was nothing at all.

Moreover, he humiliated Lin Han just now, saying that what he caught was only some cats and dogs. Now he really feels like being slapped. If Lin Han caught cats and dogs, then what did he catch?

At this moment, being watched by so many people, his face was a little flushed, and some couldn't get off the stage.

The King of War and Fairy Caiwu are more like being pinched by someone's neck. Their cheeks are a little red, and Shicai and they also sneer at Lin Han. At this moment, it is undoubtedly Lin Han's most advantageous counterattack. Now they all feel that their cheeks are scorching hot, and they don't show themselves. .

At the same time, they were also a little shocked, oh my god, why is Lin Han so perverted, reaching the level of demon sovereign, all of them are cunning and secretive, and it is not easy to defeat them, so Lin Han caught them at once.

This result is so brilliant, it makes them a little unbelievable.

"It's not that this kid was lucky. He happened to get injured or killed two demon-lords. He got it." They couldn't help but have such a thought. The Great Demon Lord is really amazing.

Palace Master Zuo also drew his eyelids wildly, does Lin Han really have such a strong ability now?

Capturing two demon lords at once, even if many elders in the sword mansion, they may not be able to do it.

At the moment, he squeezed a sneer on his face and said, "Lin Han, it seems that you are lucky. You must be lucky to take them down when you meet the two monsters. You can really go anywhere. Something good happened."

He didn't know that Lin Han had been practicing piano during these three months, and his combat power had changed drastically.

Just think Lin Han is luck.

"Luck?" Lin Han couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words, and then coldly said to the mountain ghost demon venerable and the horn demon venerable: "You two were taken by me, and I won't accept it."

Both the Mountain Ghost Demon Venerable and the Horn Demon Venerable were very uncomfortable. They were captured by Lin Han under the crowd, feeling very embarrassed in the demon state.

They couldn't refute Lin Han's words, after all, both of them were defeated in Lin Han's hands.

At the moment, the ghost demon monk down the mountain could not help but said with a cold look in his eyes: "Boy, don't be mad, what if you are strong enough to subdue the two of us, we are strong in the demon realm, and we do not know how much better than us. , If you let them know, they will definitely not let you go, you will not end well."

The horn Xianzun also said coldly: "Yes, maybe the Demon Sovereign will take the action personally, and you will definitely be able to survive and die."


Many people took a cold breath, and finally understood, it was obvious that Lin Han had taken the two of them by virtue of his true ability, otherwise they would not be like this.

In the tone, it seemed that Lin Han's strength was very dumb.

This shocked their hearts.

Is Lin Han really so perverted now?

Lu Cangzheng also twitched his face frantically, and said to the two demon masters: "Is Lin Han really not the slightest opportunistic?"

"Nonsense, can you win our two big monsters by opportunism? You so-called righteous way, too despise our monster clan immortal." Shangui Xianzun sneered.

Horn Xianzun also sneered and said, "Poor, there are such outstanding juniors in the right way. You don’t believe them, but you still intrigue. No wonder your so-called five sword palaces have declined more and more over the years, even the most powerful in the Great Thousand Realm. It's really sad that the forces can't be ranked."

In the past, the five sword palaces were representatives of the Great Thousand Realm, standing on top of many forces.

Over the years, there has indeed been a faint trend of decline.

Lu Cang was flushed, and was actually humiliated by the two demon masters.

Then he had nothing but Lin Han and smiled and said: "Lin Han, I really can’t tell. You have such strength. Congratulations. You have won the two demon venerations. You have made great contributions to the sword palace. What reward?"

He didn't care about the two big monsters.

In his capacity, he really didn't bother to talk to the two big demon lords, so much talk.

Lin Han thought for a while, because he has no shortage of immortal skills and artifacts, and now he has reached the peak of the ninth level of the immortal king realm, and he just wants to enter the immortal realm.

So he thought for a while, his eyes firmly said: "I want to enter "Xianshan Daze"."

"Xianshan Daze?"

When this remark came out, many people were suddenly surprised.

This is a great place in the Sword Mansion. There is endless fairy spirit in it. Disciples can enter it and cultivate quickly, but if you want to enter, you must be in the top 50 of the Excalibur disciple.

This threshold is too high, like a huge sky barrier in front of everyone, so many disciples only have to think about it, but never think that they can really go.

Lin Han actually started to enter Xianshan Daze, which naturally shocked many people.

"Hmph, Xianshan Daze, it is clearly stipulated that unless you reach the top fifty of the Excalibur disciple, no disciple can get close. Don't think that you can make an exception if you catch two demon masters. It's just whimsical and dreamlike." I couldn't help but sneered and said solemnly.

Originally, this lineup was for everyone to worship him today.

As a result, Lin Han grabbed two monsters and came over, and the limelight suddenly overwhelmed him, making him a little annoyed.

So for Lin Han, he naturally wouldn't be stingy to ridicule.

Lu Cangzheng also showed an arc at the corner of his mouth, and smiled lightly: "Lin Han, you have brought credit to the Sword Mansion. Generally, if you give the terms, we will promise you as long as it is not excessive, but it is too difficult to enter the Xianshan Daze. The top fifty sword disciples are not allowed to enter. This is a rule left by the ancestors. No one dares to break it. You can change the terms."

At the end, he couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Between him and Lin Han, there was originally Liangzi, and naturally he would not really let Lin Han enter the fairy mountain.

Otherwise, if he is in it and his strength becomes stronger, wouldn't it be more and more horizontal in the future?

Lin Han couldn't help frowning. This old clapper was clearly targeting him. There was only one rule. It wouldn't be enough to change it, but he kept talking about it.

If other disciples had such credit, he could guarantee that Lu Cangzheng would not object.

This old miscellaneous hair just sees himself unhappy.

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