War Emperor

Chapter 1588: World of Sword

At this moment, the dead branches turned into a sharp and unparalleled sword, revealing an aura that can penetrate everything.

As soon as Hajime was on display, many people felt a terrible sword intent, causing the hairs on their skin to rise slightly.

Many people are horrified. The White House's shots are too powerful. This is the true meaning of freedom. It can be seen that on the dead branches, there are scenes of disillusionment of stars and opening up the world.

This is his law, his principle.

Although it was just looking at a very weak dead branch, it was full of supremely vigorous aura that ordinary people could not contend.

Lin Han also condensed his eyes, admiring the White House. There are indeed two ways. A simple shot of dead branches also gave him a lot of oppression, which represents his arrogance.

He used a wooden sword against the enemy, but he wanted to kill himself with a dead branch.

However, this is naturally nothing to him. At the moment, the corners of his mouth are slightly bent, and a cold smile is conjured up. With a light stroke of the wooden sword in his hand, the space in front of him suddenly seems to be a weird one. Like a big circle, there is a taste of evolution, and it is a world of its own.

In the great circle, in the mountains, rivers, mountains, lakes and plains, you can also see some fierce birds and beasts flying and running in them, looking peaceful and primitive, magnificent and full of vitality.

"World in the sword?" Many people exclaimed.

The sword technique that Lin Han has displayed is exactly the method of the world in the sword. It needs to have a strong attainment in kendo before it can be used. Among the three hundred disciples of the godsword, the one that can be displayed is definitely not more than Of the ten people, each of them has been in the kendo for hundreds of years and has cultivated to the point where ordinary people look up to them.

Never thought that Lin Han could show it.

A touch of surprise appeared in the eyes of the White House. Even if his perception of kendo reached an astonishing level, he asked himself that there is still a lot of distance from the world in the sword. Lin Han did it, and he was extremely surprised.

Then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "However, no matter how strong you are in swordsmanship, the strong in the world are respected. Only by your own realm can you measure everything. Your realm is still worse than mine. Many, everything is in vain."

As a strong person on the fourth floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm, if he stands in the starry sky, looking down at the mortals within the stars, he is full of transcendence.

Even if this mortal has reached the peak, he can break free with only one step, it will not help.

This is the essential difference.

In his attack, the true meaning of the Great Dao and the surging mana blessings on the fourth floor of the Immortal Venerable were not at all a person who could only contend with the ninth floor of the Immortal King Realm.

"Really?" However, Lin Han sneered and said quietly.

If others can't do it naturally, but he possesses the eight swords of the universe, disregarding the eighteen realms of the immortal realm, and makes many peak powers feel frightened. Therefore, the world in the sword is not an ordinary world in the sword, but the universe. The first sword among the eight swords-Jian Yan Tiandi.

Since learning the Eight Swords of the Universe, he has always been only able to start, and the essence of the eight swords has never been learned.

After these three months of progress, he finally used this trick.


As soon as the thoughts in his mind fell, Lin Han's body surface filled with a magnificent aura. The world formed by the wooden sword has also become more magnificent and vast, like a real world manifesting in the universe. Chains of order extend from it, complementing each other with the laws of the outside world, forming resonance, and let Lin Han's sword world have a thousand rays of sunshine and a thousand colors.

"What, this is... the breath of the eight swords of the universe!"

Everyone was shocked again.

At this moment, Lin Han seemed to be incarnate into a universe, with the smell of the universe permeating, which was obviously a symbol of the eight swords of the universe.

This sword technique is famous in the past and the present, and there are records in many classics. Once it is displayed, the sword bearer has a cosmic aura, infinite power, profound creation, and unparalleled.

Now it really opened their eyes.

Lonely Shang also shook his body slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

As a powerful swordsman, his attainments in kendo have reached an extremely high level, and he deeply understands how powerful the eight swords in the universe are.

Even if he has some dreams.

Now that Lin Han has displayed the Eight Swords of the Universe, even he feels a little surprised.

At the same time, I was a little jealous in my heart, secretly thinking: It is really unfair, such a world-famous swordsmanship, if it is used by me, I will be able to sweep the world, what is the genius of the other four sword houses? I can suppress all of them, but this sword technique was obtained by Lin Han, purely violent and dusty.

Lin Han's strength is too low, and his kendo talent is definitely not as good as him.

Only he can be worthy of such swordsmanship.

At the moment, he wanted to get rid of Lin Han's heart, and he couldn't help becoming more concentrated.

There are too many babies on Lin Han.

Many things, even he must get.

"The Eight Swords of the Universe?" The White House also looked shocked and couldn't laugh anymore. He was also a sword repairman, and he was naturally acquainted with the name of the eight swords of the universe, but these eight swords were the secret of the origin of the universe. It's hard to understand, he didn't expect Lin Han to learn so quickly.

This kid is the only one who can't reach the Immortal Venerable Realm, how could he be able to comprehend such advanced methods.

Like a child, he has learned secret methods that even adults can hardly use.

It feels too fantastic.

At the same time, he also knew that since it was the profound meaning of the Eight Swords of the Universe, his dead branch was almost certain to be defeated, and it was impossible to make any achievements.


Sure enough, as the world manifested in the magnificent sword, the dead branches of the White House suddenly became much smaller. Even if the majestic murderous aura hovered above it, it was useless. After rushing up, it immediately disappeared like a mud cow into the sea. Without a trace, it turned into a part of the energy of the world in the sword.

Now Lin Han just wielded a sword of the world's supernatural powers, and his style is extremely radiant, like a huge **** that holds the world, can perceive all living beings, understand good fortune, dominate life and death, and impact people's hearts.

"Sword in the world, kill everything, kill everything!" Next, Lin coldly drank, turning the wooden sword in his hand forward.


The world in the huge sword began to rotate, like a magnificent star, boundless, flying to the White House, the oppressive universe shocked, and the void rippled.

Gu Song, who was sitting cross-legged in the White House, instantly turned into a fan. Even with him, he was shaken back a few steps, and his hair was slightly embarrassed.

The White House couldn't help adding a look of anger, and was forced to be so embarrassed by a hairy boy. Is it true that the White House is such a bully?

"Jiu E Sword, kill!"

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