War Emperor

Chapter 1589: Nine Evil Sword

Right now, the sword in his hand condensed and pointed towards the sky.


Behind him, the simple sword box trembled violently, followed by a choking sound, the dragon roar of the heavenly sword being unsheathed erupted, a **** light shot up into the sky, and a red sword suddenly emerged from the box. , Flew out.

Suddenly, an incomparably violent and evil aura swept the surroundings like a flood, making the heavens and the earth gloomy and bloody, and a huge red cloud covered the heavens and the earth.

"Jiu E Sword!"

"Great Sword of Fierce, Nine Evil Sword!"

Ling Xi changed color and said.

This sword is indeed notorious in the Great Thousand Realm. According to legend, it was originally the saber of a king in a secular country. Because it was very evil and extremely bloodthirsty, the Nine Evil sword killed the king, and at the same time, the king The vast land that he ruled was completely slaughtered, hundreds of millions of lives died tragically, and all their blood was absorbed by it.

After that, they fell into the hands of nine kings, all of them were like this, the nine kingdoms were destroyed, and the blood of the creatures was swallowed by its sword!

After all, in addition to being a fierce sword, it is also incomparably powerful. It can open up territory for kings and quell wars. Those kings are all pretentious, thinking that they can surrender this sword, and finally they end up breaking the country one by one. The end of death.

Such things happen in the world, which naturally arouses the attention of some spiritual forces.

Finally, among the White House family, an unborn elder was out of the gate, with a great cultivation base, finally captured this sword to prevent it from harming the world and slaughtering sentient beings.

Then, passed this sword to the White House!

The White House is a genius of swordsmanship. Unlike the common folks, he has a profound cultivation and can suppress this sword by himself. He has a calm mind and is not easy to be contaminated.

This sword will become a great weapon in the hands of the White House!

Therefore, with this sword, the White House defeated many geniuses, soaring all the way, reaching the fifty-fiftieth rank of Excalibur disciples, which made many people look up.

Over the years, due to his lofty status and few rivals, people have not displayed the Nine Evil Sword for at least ten years. Now seeing the scene of the Nine Evil Sword covering the sun again, many people are full of deep shock. Fuzzy.

It's like everyone has come to a **** purgatory, the world is full of huge grievances and packages, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Jiu E Sword?" Lin Han frowned. He had never seen such a **** weapon in the world. Within the scarlet sword body, it seemed that he also possessed a boundless world, filled with the resentment and scarlet pungent of sentient beings. The smell of blood, even if he walked along, his mind was already firm, and he was used to seeing life and death. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his sins.

What a tragic thing to cause such a murderous intent.

"Ferocious sword, today I will supersede you, let you dissipate and be invisible between heaven and earth." Then, Lin Han's eyes became fierce, his hands were painted with orchids, and the Buddha's light around him shouted.

He learned the great power of the Heavenly Dragon, and along the way, he also had a lot of connection with Buddhism, so he naturally didn't want to see some slaughter of creatures happen.

Now he has a feeling of pity for sentient beings.

"Haha, just because you want to supersede this Nine Evil Sword? You too look at yourself too much. Do you think you are a Buddhist monk?"

The White House couldn't help laughing, like hearing the best joke in the world, even if the overly superior elder in his clan couldn't do it, Lin Han's words seemed too overwhelming.

Lin Han did not answer, but directly indicated with his actions that the sword in his hand suddenly rose up with golden light and turned into a Buddhist wisdom sword. It had an attitude of killing all evil in the world. Just looking at it made many people feel a little heartbroken. It’s like being held accountable if you have done some shameful things.

"Buddhist wisdom sword?" Lu Cangzheng was also shocked. This is a very high Buddhist teaching. It is impossible for ordinary monks to turn a wooden sword into a wise sword in a blink of an eye. Lin Han's move demonstrated his incomparable depth. Buddhist attainments.

This made him a little awe-inspiring, how much hole cards this kid had, how could he even have superior Buddhism.

"Dawei Tianlong Sword, kill!" In the end, under the shocking gazes of countless people, Lin Han gave a deep cry, and the wooden sword in his hand resembled a golden dragon, leaping towards the **** Jiu'er Sword. , Is to kill the past.

On the golden dragon, there is a vast and dignified manner. Within a pair of dragon eyes, it is shining, imitating a world of Buddhism. There are endless monks sitting on the lotus platform, chanting together and blessing the golden dragon. Mana made the golden dragon more aggressive, and seemed to be able to kill all things.

The White House was immediately shocked, but Lin Han did not expect that Lin Han would possess the mighty heavenly dragon magic.

This magical skill, even among the Buddhist schools, is a supreme and unparalleled learning, and few people in the Buddhist realm of the past can learn it.

Lin Han just showed it, and it had a great impact on him.

If Lin Han only knows some ordinary Buddhist methods, and wants to transcend the Nine Evil Sword, it is naturally a idiotic dream, and it is absolutely impossible, but the Dawei Tianlong divine art is different. It is known as the most domineering divine art among the Buddhism and can purify everything , Overcoming everything, killing everything, the fighting power is monstrous.

He also began to feel a little awe-inspiring in his heart, and he was careless, maybe this Nine Evil Sword might really be overtaken by Lin Han.

This sword, but his strongest weapon, naturally can't tolerate it, and was overtaken by others?

It's a pity that everything was in vain. Lin Han's sword aura was overwhelming, and the sword light was suppressed. The Jiu'er sword suddenly made a loud noise, and it was stunned and flew out. At this time, there was blood on its surface. , Could not help becoming dimmed, as if being purified, and black smoke rose up.

The White House also puffed, spouting a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale as paper. He had long been connected to the sword's mind. At this moment, the Jiu E sword was injured, and for him, he also suffered a huge backlash.

"Why is it like this..." He muttered to himself with a frustrated look in his eyes.

This was his biggest attack, and it was still broken by Lin Han, which hit him too much.

Now he is no longer as energetic as before, and some is just a sense of despair and decadence.

The surrounding atmosphere has also become a little quieter.

Many people sighed lightly. Everyone knew that the White House had already lost.

Even if he was famous among the Excalibur disciples, he still lost to Lin Han.

Now that Lin Han's power is so strong, many people are deeply in awe!

At this moment, Lin Han was like a luminous young god, standing in the air with a sword of wisdom in his hand, his style was supreme and detached.

"White House, are you convinced?" He smiled faintly and said to the White House.

The White House wanted to refuse to accept it, but Lin Han's combat power had completely defeated him.

He didn't even have a chance to refute. At last he gave a wry smile, stopped talking, turned around and sat down cross-legged.

If you lose, you lose, and he doesn't want to say anything else.

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