War Emperor

Chapter 1592: Princess Miao Miao

"Fast speed." Lin Han couldn't help being surprised. Is this the Chuanzi Jue? Sure enough.

Even his physical fitness was almost hit. If he were replaced by an ordinary Immortal King Realm powerhouse, he would have been taken down by now.

"Hey, good reaction speed." Princess Miao Miao also gave a soft voice, a flash of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then smiled: "However, these are not enough, are you aware of the difference now? It’s too late to hand it over."

A playful look flashed in her large Shulingling eyes, completely treating Lin Han as a prey.

"You might as well try it again." Lin Han calmed down and smiled lightly.

Princess Miaomiao was startled, and she didn't understand where Lin Han's self-confidence came from. This revealed a touch of contempt for her.

At the moment, she laughed more dangerously: "Since you are looking for abuse, the princess will fulfill you today."

After finishing speaking, with a scream, the delicate body moved, and rushed again, this time faster than last time, almost making the void constantly fluctuate, as if disturbing the origin of space.

If it is an ordinary person, he can't even react at all, and he will be taken down instantly.

Lin Han had a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth. His speed was not what others could imagine.


At the moment, a weird mysterious light appeared under his feet, and the power of time and space circulated on it. Just when Princess Miaomiao’s finger was about to point to his face, his figure disappeared out of thin air like a ghost. Disappeared.

"Well, what's the matter?" Princess Miao Miao originally thought that the winning ticket was in her hands, but when she saw this scene, the expression on a delicate and pretty face instantly solidified.

She didn't expect Lin Han to disappear so fast, and looking at this speed, she was even better than herself.

Her small ruddy mouth couldn't help being opened into a round shape, and it felt a little weird as if it were a ghost in the day.

"Haha, Princess Miaomiao, your speed is not so fast." At this time, Lin Han's faint laughter came from behind.

Princess Miaomiao instantly felt a chill in her back and was shocked.

She turned her head hard and saw Lin Hanzheng with her hands wrapped around her chest, so she looked at her in time, and couldn't help but said: "How is this possible..."


Unfortunately, she didn't give her time to shock at all, Lin Han slapped Princess Miaomiao on the left shoulder with a palm.

This little girl has a lot of strength. Taking advantage of the other party's loss of mind, it's better to take her down first, otherwise things may happen.

Princess Miaomiao's silver teeth bit her secretly, knowing that Lin Han's attack was very swift and violent. Naturally, she couldn't watch her strike. She also waved her jade hand in a rush, covering it with supernatural power, and slapped Lin Han. Resisted with one blow.

But Lin Han's speed was too fast. Before her palm was actually raised, Lin Han's palm had already landed on her left shoulder, with a bang, a dull sound of physical impact, and then Princess Miaomiao said There was a scream, the body was like a kite with a broken line, and it went backwards uncontrollably.

In the end, her delicate body slammed into a boulder before she stopped, but her fierce strength made her small mouth spout a spit of blood, and her delicate and pretty face turned pale.

"Princess Miaomiao, you have accepted." Lin Han said.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Lin Han walked towards him unkindly, Princess Miao Miao couldn't help but said with a little horror.

She was very angry, her speed was not as good as Lin Han, which made her feel uncomfortable.

At this time, she had already guessed that the delicate young man in front of him must be Lin Han, who has recently been raging.

After all, Lin Han had learned to walk through time and space, and was already known to many people in the sword mansion.

This step was left by a great figure of the ancestor level, known as the world is fast, sweeping everything.

Even she dreamed of it.

When Lin Han used his footwork just now, the light of the power of time and space under his feet was flickering. In addition to walking through time and space, what footwork could it be?

"What do you mean." Lin Han smiled, and picked Princess Miaomiao's delicate and white chin with his fingers. The arrogant girl came up to rob him, and now he didn't mind, so she was sincere.

"Hey, take your dirty hands away, don't touch this princess, you rascal, but you know the identity of this princess. Sister Luoyan has a very good relationship with me. If you dare to think about me, Sister Luoyan I know that I will never let you go." Princess Miao Miao screamed.

The blood qi in her body rioted by Lin Han's palm, she has temporarily lost her combat effectiveness, unable to resist, and very unwilling.

Seeing Lin Han's wretched look, she thought that Lin Han would do something wrong with her.

Lin Han smiled, but he didn't even think about what he would do to her. He just frightened and frightened him. He seemed to be aware of something at the moment and couldn't help but sigh.

I saw that in the slender waist of Princess Miaomiao, there was a space storage bag with exquisite workmanship and embroidered patterns. In the storage bag, there are waves of fire crystals, and there must be a lot of fire crystals.

He couldn't help but smiled excitedly. He came to Xianshan Daze to break into the fairyland, and the fire crystal could make him break through faster.

Now encountering the truth that nature has not let go.

Then, he reached out to unlock Princess Miaomiao's space storage bag.

"Ah, you pervert, don't, this princess would rather die than be defiled by you, oh, Senior Sister Luoyan, one day you will avenge me." Princess Miaomiao thought that Lin Han was going to solve her own problem. The clothes made Qiao's face paler with fright, and the resistance became more intense.

While talking, he was still crying, as if he had already thought that he must be doomed.

Lin Han couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, rewarded her with a violent thud, quickly untied her space storage bag, and said: "You think of me as someone, I just want to take your storage bag."

Princess Miao Miao realized that she had misunderstood Lin Han, and her pretty face was flushed and tender, like a big apple.

Then she said again: "Return the space storage bag to this princess."

Inside, there were the fire crystals that she had collected here for a long time, so they were snatched by Lin Han, which made her very angry.

Lin Han ignored her. After opening the space storage bag, he found that there were a lot of fiery red spars, and he couldn't help laughing. There were twenty fire crystals. You know that not every pterosaur will give birth to fire crystals. It is random. Even if he wants to collect 20 fire crystals, it will take a lot of time. Now they get them instantly, which naturally gives him some Happy.

"You bastard, rascal, dare to **** my fire crystal." Princess Miaomiao's tears are about to flow out, a pair of graceful jade legs, constantly kicking on the ground, like a little girl acting like a baby.

Then she seemed to think of something, a pair of Shui Lingling's big eyes rolled, and said: "Do you need a lot of fire crystals?"

"Of course." Lin Han nodded.

According to his estimation, he wants at least one hundred fire crystals to complete from the Immortal King Realm and break into the Immortal Venerable Realm in one fell swoop.

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