War Emperor

Chapter 1593: King of Pterodactyl

"I have a way to get you fire crystals, at least one hundred, if you can get it, you can break into the fairyland." Princess Miao Miao seemed to know Lin Han's thoughts, and said with a sly smile.

At the same time, she was also a little surprised that Lin Han was only able to defeat her in the Immortal King Realm. It was really a pervert.

After all, she has always been fighting, and she is also a rare opponent at the same level.

Moreover, her realm had already broken through Xianzun, reaching the fifth level of Xianzun, but she lost to Lin Han.

It's hard to imagine how powerful it would be if Lin Han broke into the fairyland.

"Oh, what's the way to talk about it?" Lin Han raised his brows, knowing that this little girl was a bit cunning, not so easy to tell the truth.

However, he had just arrived here and knew nothing about it. Hearing that it would be helpful for him to understand Xianshan Daze.

"Hehe, in the north of this small world, there is the largest volcano. Among the volcanoes, there is a king of pterosaurs. He is in charge of this land. As long as the king of pterosaurs can be killed, You can get a large number of fire crystals, because in the volcano where it lives, there is a fire crystal mine." Princess Miao Miao said with a smile.

"Fire Crystal Mine?" Lin Han couldn't help speeding up his heart.

There must be a large number of fire crystals born from the fire crystal mine.

If a piece of fire crystal can be found, the benefits will be self-evident.

Then, he sneered: "You are not lying to me, you want me to kill the king of pterodactyl, let me put it on."

Ordinary pterosaurs are already very powerful, not to mention the king of pterosaurs.

With his current strength, it is estimated that he can't handle it.

"On this point, I really didn't lie to you, I can swear." Princess Miao Miao said very seriously on her delicate face.

Lin Han followed her sight, and he could indeed see that at the end of the horizon, there was a huge volcano, standing on the ground like the king of the mountain and the nobleman of the Yuezhong. Even if the distance was far away, he could feel it. A majestic and magnificent taste.

Moreover, when he unfolded the Eye of Soul Eater, he could also see that there was a huge figure of a fire dragon inside, resembling a pterosaur, and the aura exuding was much more powerful than a normal pterosaur.

It seems that there is indeed a king of pterosaurs.

"Then what?" Lin Han asked.

"With your strength, it is naturally not enough to deal with the king of pterosaurs. However, recently there is a good time, because the tenth-ranked "Tian Mubai" of Excalibur disciple is gone. If you want to deal with the king of pterosaurs, it will be 80%. It's a situation where both lose and lose. If you rush over, there may be hope." Princess Miao Miao smiled, with a touch of temptation in her tone.

"Are you grieving with Tian Mubai?" Lin Han smiled lightly.

"Of course, this princess hates this guy the most." Princess Miao Miao snorted, her expression annoyed.

In Xianshan Daze, the weak and the strong are also full of competition. Among the disciples of Tianmu White Excalibur, they are ranked in the top ten, and they are more powerful than her. Once they robbed her of fifty fire crystals, this hatred she has naturally been Keep it in mind.

Recently, she learned that Tian Mubai wanted to deal with the King of Pterodactyl and wanted to destroy it, but she admitted that she had failed and was caught by Tian Mubai. She had no good fruits.

Now that she saw Lin Han, she felt hope.

Lin Han has the space-time step, the speed is too fast.

Destroying Tian Mubai's plan is absolutely no problem.

The corner of Lin Han's mouth twitched, this little girl wanted him to be a gun for her.

But the news that Princess Miao Miao provided to him is indeed very tempting. He still has 80 fire crystals short of him. If he finds it on his own and wants to get it together, I don't know how long it will take.

After knocking on Tian Mubai's sticks, he would indeed save a lot of effort.

If his thoughts were known to others, he would definitely be surprised. Who is Tian Mubai? The Excalibur disciple ranks tenth. He is extremely powerful. For ordinary disciples, he is like a heavenly character. If you dare to rip off, you simply think that you have lived too long.

But Lin Han was not afraid, he could run if he couldn't fight, he could walk through time and space, and ordinary people could not catch him at all.

"Well, then I will believe you once, but just to be on the safe side, I will seal your 70% strength." Lin Han smiled, then pointed a finger on a big hole on Princess Miaomiao's slender waist.

This is exactly an acupuncture point that seals strength. After tapping it, it can temporarily seal a person's strength.

Lin Han's strength did not make him old, he still left Princess Miao Miao with a certain amount of power to allow her to fly, escape and other basic means.

"You..." Princess Miaomiao didn't expect that Lin Han would come here again. She couldn't help but feel a little angry. She originally thought, taking advantage of not paying attention to harm Lin Han, she got those fire crystals by herself. Now she naturally The idea was soaked up, I couldn't help but stomped, secretly thinking that this guy is not very old, why is he so sophisticated in his temperament.

She naturally didn't know that Lin Han had gone through too many hardships along the way, and he was very cautious, otherwise he would not have gone to this day.

Miao Miao is too tender for these careful thoughts to entrap him.

"Let's go." At the moment, Lin Han smiled, ignoring Miaomiao's resistance, like a cargo, clamped her delicate little body on the arm, jumped, and turned her body into a whirlwind. It was to leave this place and flew towards the huge volcano at the end of heaven and earth.

"Ah, you bastard, rascal, you take advantage of this princess." Princess Miaomiao's pretty face was full of shame and anger, and she kicked her arms and legs.

However, these resistances were of no use at all. The strength was sealed for the most part, and the powder punch hit Lin Han, just like hitting the strongest piece of gold and iron. It made Lin Han feel like she couldn't bear the slightest, and instead gave her a pair of fans. The punch was so painful that she couldn't help but curse in her heart, iron man, monster...

Finally, after flying for a quarter of an hour, Lin Han came to this volcano. Looking at it from a close distance, I was more able to perceive the majestic and majestic volcano. It was like a huge scarlet giant standing under the sky with a crater. The continuous scarlet lava flows down from above, billowing blazing smoke.

If there is no interruption, you can still hear it, and there are still fierce roars spreading in the mountains, like some terrifying creatures dormant, which makes people have a chilling taste.

Lin Han paid careful attention and couldn't help but slap his tongue secretly. The strength of the king of pterosaurs was indeed abnormal. The natural oppression of the light made the hairs of his whole body slightly agitated. If he deals with it now If it is, it is indeed looking for death.

"Let's find a place where there is no one to hide now. It won't be long before Tian Mubai will definitely take action." Princess Miao Miao lowered her voice and said to Lin Han.

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