War Emperor

Chapter 1595: The mighty king of pterosaurs

The aura of the king of pterosaurs is too strong, just looking at it makes people feel, there is a very small smell, if the ants are looking up at the dragon, they can only tremble.

In this fairy mountain, she can be regarded as an old fried dough stick. She has encountered many powerful creatures, but she has never had the courage to find trouble with the king of pterodactyl. This is the first time she has seen the other party’s body, and her heart is shocked. Frightened, the other party's wings fluttered randomly, and the blazing flames were enough to make one party's land become a disaster.

Lin Han couldn't help but slapped his tongue. He had only used the Eye of Soul Eater to watch before, and he could not intuitively perceive the power of the King of Pterodactyl. Now he finally understood.

The opponent can become the king of pterodactyl and overlook this land, sure enough, he has a certain ability.

Even if Du Fangfang and other geniuses were sweating coldly on their foreheads at this moment, they would not have the courage to stand here if Tian Mubai was not standing by his side.

"Damn human beings, so brave, dare to disturb the king's habitat, don't you want to live?" The king of pterosaurs covered the sky and the sun, and in his fierce mouth, there were two fangs growing out like Two huge broadswords were white, savagely toward the sky, and a sharp voice came from their mouths.

The sound was thunderous, and every word fell, it shook the magnificent volcano rumblingly, the rocks rolled down, and even some huge boulders were turned into powder.

Tian Mubai looked calm, smiled and stood up: "The king of pterosaurs, I have no intention of offending, but I just want the fire crystal mine in this volcano. If you give it to me, I will say nothing. Say, turn around and leave right away, and you will never be disturbed at all."

"Boy, you treat this king as a reptile and you can't be a beast. You can give you the treasure at will. Are you qualified?" The king of pterosaurs sneered, two rounds of blood moon eyes, looking at Tian Mubai, as if looking at a dust.

Compared with its huge size, Tian Mubai seemed too small.

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't know how powerful Earth Dragon is. After you taste it, you will naturally understand." Tian Mubai just smiled faintly, and then began to seal with his hands on his chest, shining brightly. The beam of light, with his hands, was pointed into the formation by him.


In an instant, the huge formation awakens like a sleeping behemoth, and the blue and yellow light radiating from it becomes more intense and flaming.

Moreover, the endless earth and rocks, as if being dragged, formed a huge stone dragon in the air, the size of four to five thousand meters, and it revealed a strong atmosphere.

This is very strange, if the power of the rocks in the formation is controlled by Tian Mubai, it can be transformed in one thought.

"Earth dragon lives and kills the formation?" The king of pterosaurs snorted coldly. Lingzhi had opened it a long time ago, and knew the power of this great formation. Now Lengsen said: "This king wants to see, this great formation, What's the name? If I break this big formation, I will kill all of you here, leaving no one behind."

After all, it is the king of pterosaurs, rules this land, and has very strong confidence in its own strength.

At the moment, its ferocious mouth suddenly opened wide, and then a group of extremely scarlet flames burst out from it, like a big fireball, penetrating the void and slamming toward the big formation.


The big array shook violently a few times.

However, the huge mountain and stone dragon, not to be outdone, twitched its tail vigorously, extinguishing the huge fireball, sparks splashed and spread to the surroundings, just like fireworks, gorgeous and beautiful.

"Huh?" The king of pterosaurs couldn't help being surprised, and finally added a touch of solemnity in his eyes. It almost displayed eight successes with this blow, and it was easily resolved by the Great Dragon Slaying Array, which made it feel a touch in his heart. It's not good, it seems that the dragon life and killing array is really powerful.

If it was a little confident before, then it feels a little troublesome now.

"King of pterosaurs, how about it? With such a large array of assistance, plus so many of us, it is not difficult to defeat you. Do you still have to fight with us now? We humans have an old saying that people who know the times are Junjie, it is better to mine the fire, I will not embarrass you." Tian Mubai smiled.

He was very confident about the power of the earth dragon life and death formation, otherwise he would not have paid a huge price to buy it.

"Hmph, you look down on this king too much. Normally this king is bound by this big formation. It is indeed not your opponent, but you have to know that this is the king's territory. This king can exert more than 12% of the combat power. If you want to break this big formation, you may not be able to." Leng Sen, the king of pterosaurs, smiled, and a touch of it was passed in his eyes. Although this would cause a certain amount of original damage to itself, in order to resolve this crisis, these heinous All human beings are killed, and it can only do so.

"Endless magma, bless my body." At the moment, it roared, and the aura emanating from its body became stronger. The whole body seemed to become a huge vortex. Inside the huge volcano, the endless magma suddenly seemed to become a fountain. , Rolled up frantically and poured into its body.

After a while, the crimson light radiating from its body became deeper, as if it had received ample energy supplement, and the blood qi radiated from its body became more violent, making the entire sky crimson, the storm is mighty, the lightning is thundering, and the scenery is beautiful. terror.

"Drive me!"


Its blood rushed into the sky, like an ancient supreme beast, which made the entire small world tremble, and then the huge earth dragon came and killed, and suddenly cracked, splitting a shocking crack, its energy overflowed, and the above The light also began to weaken.

"No, the earth dragon life and death formation is about to be shattered." Du Fangfang and others couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically, exclaiming.

The life and death of earth dragons is their greatest guarantee. If they are shattered, their team will be in danger. Now they all smell the scent of the rain, and they can’t help but feel a little hairy all over their body and breathe a little. difficult.

Lin Han was also a little surprised. The king of pterosaurs was so ferocious. It seemed that a good show was about to be staged. Tian Mubai and the others were in danger.


In the end, the huge earth dragon life and death formation finally disintegrated, and the king of pterosaurs, like an evil beast that broke free from the shackles, reappeared in the world, making the whole small world shudder.

Its huge wings fluttered in the sky, like two huge flaming clouds, surrounded by raging flames, black smoke billowing, extremely hot.

Scarlet eyes stared at Tian Mubai with a sneer: "Damn human beings, what else do you have to say now!"

After the big array was destroyed, it was undoubtedly the tiger out of the gate, fearless of everything.

Tian Mubai smiled slightly, clapped his hands, and said, "As expected of the king of pterosaurs, even my earth dragon life and death formation has been broken. It's really extraordinary."

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