War Emperor

Chapter 1596: Join forces

Lin Han was startled. In this situation, Tian Mubai could still be so calm, but he had an unusual smell.

"Boy, do you have any trump cards, show them all, in front of this king, they are all earthen chicken dogs." The king of pterosaurs also noticed the abnormality, but was not afraid, and sneered.

He felt that even if Tian Mubai used some more methods, it would just be a stubborn resistance.

"Although the formation method can't kill you, but our own strength may not be able to crush you. Now let you see and see my true state." Tian Mubai sneered, and then his tall body was shocked, immediately like it was Like a huge mountain rising from the ground, it rose into the sky in an instant, making the sky tremble and the earth trembling.

"The Fifth Floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm." Lin Han couldn't help but be surprised.

The true realm of Tian Mubai was the peak of the fifth level of Xianzun realm.

This realm is much better than Princess Miao Miao.

After all, Princess Miao Miao, only relied on the Chuanzi Jue to be very fast, and her realm was far worse than Tian Mubai.

Even if the king of pterodactyl absorbs a lot of magma power, so that his strength soars, his current realm is at the sixth level of Xianzun realm.

Tian Mubai relied on himself and a group of Divine Sword disciples to deal with the King of Pterosaurs, it was no longer a problem.

The king of pterosaurs couldn't help narrowing his eyes, passing a touch of surprise, realizing that it was difficult to deal with.

However, its fierceness has increased greatly now, and it is fearless, and said angrily: "Even if you have the fifth-layer peak of the Immortal Realm, come on, today this king will kill all of you."


It roared, and rushed again, the endless hot magma gushing out, causing huge black smoke to emerge from the void.

The world is scarlet, and the scene is spectacular.

The flames refined in its body have far surpassed the ordinary flames known by the cultivators.

The people in the Immortal King Realm are very easy to kill with a random strand, so many gathered together, even if a vast ocean of water, it is difficult to extinguish.

"Do it, play with it." Tian Mubai said coldly. That's the end of the matter, only the real hands can see the truth.

Several other Excalibur disciples all nodded, knowing that a tough battle was coming.

At the moment, a brilliant light burst out of the void.

Tian Mubai had a total of nine people, all showing their mighty aura, fighting wildly with the king of pterosaurs.

Everyone sacrificed their magic weapon.

In Tian Mubai's hand is a crimson sword that is tempered from the essence of magma, flowing with a dreamlike crimson brilliance. With a slight movement, it will split the void, and the air will evaporate, making it extremely sharp.

What Du Fangfang displayed was a snow-white jade Ruyi with the scent of the power of water permeating it. With random movements, large waves of water erupt, like a vast ocean, contained in it, and set off layer after layer of big waves in the void, fierce. Roar, powerful.

With so many waves, even a mountain range is enough to break.

Most of the magic weapons of the other disciples of the Excalibur were magic swords, and some of them were holding special magic weapons such as umbrellas, purple tripods, golden bowls, and green halberds. Fu Mo, frightened one side of the earth.

From the fire to the sky, the wind gusts.

A catastrophe is happening here.

Even if the king of pterosaurs was fierce, the sparks from the chopped body splashed all over his body for a while, the sturdy scales broke open, and a patch of scarlet blood flowed out and dyed the sky.

Lin Han couldn't help being silent for a while, the battle situation was really tragic.

If nothing else, the Excalibur disciple might die a few.

After all, the king of pterosaurs is too fierce, even if everyone's attacks cause it to suffer serious injuries, but it is not too fatal. After a long time, something must happen here.


Sure enough, as soon as Lin Han's thoughts fell, the King of Pterosaurs roared, and was completely aroused to anger, with a pair of **** eyes that glowed with scarlet blood.

It shook its thick paws and waved hard.

Although a disciple of the Excalibur had already reacted in the shortest time, eighteen qi qi was formed in front of him, but the giant claws attacked, and all the qi qi was turned into powder, and then the sharp nails would get that. The disciple of the Excalibur had five large holes in his body. The front and back were translucent, and even the blood and internal organs could be seen clearly. The fleshy body was very miserable.

"Liu Mo!" Tian Mubai couldn't help but his expression changed, and he let out a scream.

The other Excalibur disciples also felt a pain. Liu Mo was the least talkative person in their team, but he was righteous. As long as he was found for anything, he would definitely help.

So many of them owe Liu Mo's favor, and they have forged a deep friendship with Liu Mo.

Now that he died in front of them, it made their hearts feel like a knife.

"Beast, even if I die, I won't make you feel better." Liu Mo's face was full of blood, and his face was a bit distorted by the huge pain, but his eyes still burst out when he looked at the huge pterodactyl king's body. There is a stern light.

Although he is not good at words, his temper is very hard.

The king of pterodactyl, let him hurt like this, he will not easily be softened.


At the moment, he clenched a green divine umbrella in his hand. There was a sharp spike on the umbrella pole, like a war spear, flowing with the cold light of the people, and it was inserted into the abdomen of the king of pterosaurs.

In its abdomen, among the many scarlet scales, there is a white scale armor, which is covered like jade. If you don't look closely, you can't find it at all.

Liu Mo's thorn happened to be on the white scales.


The white scales, far less solid than the red scales, were like paper paste, and broke open instantly. Then the blood on the abdomen of the king of pterosaurs, like a flood from the gate, tilted down uncontrollably and crazily, turning Liu Mo's body , The whole body is wet.

"This is the weakness of the King of Pterosaurs?" Princess Miao Miao exclaimed.

The king of pterosaurs is huge and full of blood. Now many magma powers are added to his body, and he is unstoppable. Although everyone's attacks leave a lot of scars on his body, it is impossible to cause fatal injuries.

Now Liu Mo was clearly attacking its weakness, and the aura on his body instantly wilted a lot, and at the same time he uttered a high-pitched and stern scream, like a cat being stepped on its tail.

Lin Han nodded, it seemed to be the case, Liu Mo did a lot of help to Tian Mubai and the others.

Otherwise, the casualties will be even greater.

Tian Mubai, Du Fangfang and others also thought of this, and a touch of joy appeared in their eyes.


The king of pterosaurs was furious, and a humble human dared to hurt it, which was beyond redemption.

At the moment, its huge claws clenched again, and Liu Mo's body immediately squeezed like a mountain of five fingers. It slammed like a water-filled balloon, exploding all at once, **** internal organs, splashing everywhere , Even the primordial spirit was wiped out cleanly.

Liu Mo died completely this time, he was removed from the world, and his death method was extremely tragic.

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