War Emperor

Chapter 1607: Immortal Venerable, Thunder Tribulation

"Smelly Lin Han, Dead Lin Han, Rotten Lin Han, they still seal this princess, and will not release this princess." In front of the waterfall, Princess Miaomiao continued to abuse her.

Lin Han used the magical power of painting the ground to seal her up for a month. For this month, she has been held in a two-meter square golden mask, keeping her angry.

I have to say that Lin Han's Buddhism magical powers are truly overbearing. She can't break a mask, no matter how punches or kicks, she can't use many methods, only sulking here.

She seemed to know that a miracle was impossible, and she only had her cute cheeks bulging in discouragement. She glanced at the direction of the cave, and she saw that the inside of the cave was shining, purplish gushing, and her spirits rose.

It seems that Lin Han is in it, what good fortune he is in, it has a hairy smell.

"This guy, it seems really going to break through the Immortal Realm." Princess Miao Miao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Breaking through the Immortal Venerable, generally there is only a certain amount of light flashing at most, but Lin Han is within a thousand miles, all the auras are gathering here, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

She couldn't help being a little shocked!

The movement of this guy's breakthrough is too big.


In the end, a divine light rushed out of the cave, directly exploding the entire huge mountain, and a young man was suspended from it.

Sitting in the void, he has a delicate face, black hair scattered, and his whole body is blooming with colorful divine light, like a celestial being descended from the world, full of a transcendent, glamorous taste.

Like the master of this world, there is a sense of being able to turn things around.

Naturally it is Lin Han.

"What happened?"

There are many geniuses all around, flying in.

During this month, the senior officials of the Canggu Sword Mansion, in order to increase the strength of the disciples, relax the criteria for entering the fairy mountain and daze, so that all the geniuses above the Tianjian disciple will come in for tempering, fortunately within the big ruins. , It is easier to survive and win glory for Sword Mansion.

So now, the popularity among Xianshan Daze is very strong.

"It's Lin Han, he has broken through the Immortal Venerable, he is so powerful!" After seeing the sight here, many people were shocked with a look of shock.

Is Lin Han so perverted now?

Breaking through the Immortal Venerable will not cause the spiritual energy within a thousand miles to fly over.

Among these people, the King of War and Fairy Caiwu were also there, and they were shocked at this moment!

When Lin Han didn't break through the Immortal Venerable, he was already very strong among the Divine Sword disciples. Now that he broke into the Immortal Venerable, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

They couldn't help clenching some fists lightly, feeling a little unwilling in their hearts.


However, next, a scene that made them even more horrified appeared. At a certain moment, Lin Han suddenly opened his eyes, and instantly, like a heavenly sword out of its sheath, two incredibly large divine lights penetrated immediately. Void, lasing out, a dozen miles long, the scene is horrifying.

Then, on the Lin Han Tianling cover, there was a divine glow that soared for nine days, and the entire "sky dome" of Xianshan Daze began to change, the sun and the moon were dark. Then the dark clouds were rolling, and the world was plunged into darkness, and terrible thunder and lightning flashed in it, exuding a strong aura of destruction.

"My God, this is Thunder Tribulation!"

"Lin Han is about to overcome the catastrophe!"

Countless people were in an uproar, shocking like a big earthquake.

Princess Miaomiao was also surprised, knowing that when he breaks into the realm of the Immortal Venerable, the thunder calamity is generally not born. Once the thunder robbery is attracted, it is a symbol of the posture of the sky and can become a fairy ancestor-level figure in the future.

For example, the ancestor of Extreme Speed, the ancestor of Canggu Sword Mansion, the Emperor of War, etc., the characters of Aogu Lingjin.

Each is the protagonist of an era, almost invincible, leaving a strong mark in history.

Now that Lin Han broke into the realm of Xianzun, he was about to attract Thunder Tribulation, which was amazing.

God, does he have a chance to become an ancestor in the future?

Now even if she had a pair of Shui Lingling eyes, she couldn't help shivering.

At this time, with a bang, due to the appearance of the tribulation, the "sky" of Xianshan Daze had exploded, revealing the world of Canggu Sword Mansion outside.

Many senior officials in Canggu Sword Mansion were also shocked.

In the last ten thousand years, there was only one person who attracted Thunder Tribulation when he broke into the realm of Immortal Venerable, and he was - Beihuang Piaofeng!

At the beginning, he broke into the immortal realm strongly, rising like a strong man destined by the sky, creating one record after another, illuminating the starry sky.

As early as thousands of years ago, he had reached the peak in the heavenly **** realm, became a generation of realm master, and looked down upon the eighteenth realm of the fairy realm.

Now he is a veritable legend in the fairy world.

Thousands of years later, his heirs soared from the mortal world, and also attracted the thunder robbery, which is horrible.

In their line, will there be two worldly figures in just ten thousand years?

Palace lord Lu Cangzheng on the left and Palace lord Wen Fang on the right were all surprised.

"Thunder Tribulation?" Lin Han was also surprised, knowing that if Lei Jie can be brought to pass it when he breaks into the realm of Immortal Venerable, his body and soul will be baptized, and he will be much stronger than Immortal Venerable of the same level.

In history, people who survived thunder catastrophe were monsters in the same realm.

So he couldn't help being a little excited, it was a chance.

If he was known by others, his thoughts would surely be depressed to vomit blood.

After all, to many cultivators in the universe, Thunder Tribulation is synonymous with Tianwei, they are just ants, and if they can't survive, they will undoubtedly die.

Under the thunder robbery, less than one percent of the cases survived.

Most people will be frightened when they hear that they want to overcome the catastrophe.

Lin Han was a little excited, this is really a pervert.


In the sky, the huge thunder catastrophe seemed to be aware of Lin Han's thoughts, and the writhing was even more fierce. A huge majesty swept down and made Lin Han kneel!

Palace Lord You nodded and knelt down. This has become a common practice for the immortal crossovers.

This represents respect for the way of heaven.

Kneel down and worship, Tiandao will be more merciful when he makes a move.

Historically, many big figures will kneel down, representing the respect of heaven and embrace the universe.

In a sense, this is not fear, but a state of mind!

However, Lin Han frowned, and then sneered out, standing proudly in the air, with his waist straight, showing no sign of kneeling.

In his opinion, no one in the world is worthy of him kneeling except for his parents, the First Emperor and some limited relatives.

On the contrary, when Heavenly Dao rises up all the way, he will repeatedly destroy him, so he is naturally more unlikely to kneel down.


"Is this guy crazy, dare not to kneel to heaven?"

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but breathe in cold air, and said in amazement.

On the top of a large mountain, loneliness was also there, and at this moment, a mocking smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, Lin Han's behavior is also undoubtedly seeking death.

In the universe, all sentient beings, who would dare to be disrespectful to heaven?

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