War Emperor

Chapter 1608: Disrespect

Lin Han even dared to be disrespectful to the Dao of Heaven. In his opinion, it was naturally an expression of death.

"Boom!" On the sky, the huge thundercloud was tumbling more fiercely, and the will of the stars of the universe descended faintly. It seemed that there was a supreme existence standing there, waiting for Lin Han to worship.

If Lin Han dares not to kneel, he will be destroyed, and the threat is very strong.

"Thief God, you want me to kneel, dream, go away, this kind of coercion won't work for me." Lin Han sneered with a disgusted expression on his face.

He didn't have a good impression of Heaven's Dao. When he was in all directions, he was tried and killed by Heaven's Dao.

Moreover, he is also a kind of disrespect to the heaven above the immortal realm by killing the heavenly way of five continents and four seas.

Therefore, he knew that even if he showed an affinity with Tiandao, even if he surrendered, Tiandao would not show mercy to his men.

Naturally, he can only fight to the end.

Many people had their scalp numb and were dumbfounded.

No one thought that Lin Han would be so... there is a kind!

This is the way of heaven. In the big world of stars, who dares to disrespect all the sentient beings.

Lin Han not only didn't kneel to him, but he scolded him to let him go?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it is estimated that many people would never have imagined such a scene in their dreams.

This is ridiculous.

Not far away, Du Fangfang also flew. Since the Sword Mansion decided to let people above the Heavenly Sword disciple enter Xianshan Daze, she has been very low-key this month, for fear of being seen the secret of her spy in the Demon Realm.

Now that Lin Han was finally found, seeing Lin Han abuse Heavenly Dao so much, she also felt dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Is this guy crazy?

Not to mention that she swallowed the essence of Tian Mubai, Zhao Gang and other five Excalibur disciples, and her strength greatly increased. Even if she was some giant in the Demon Realm, she would definitely not dare to be so disrespectful to Heaven.

After all, the other party represents the will of the universe, and since ancient times, no one dared to follow it.


On the sky, the huge thunderclouds, as if they could also hear the meaning of Lin Han’s words, could not help but roar, as if a behemoth was getting angry. Then, thick thunder and lightning, instantly poured down like a pouring rain. It's densely packed, and it's hard to count how many ways there are. At a glance, you can hardly see the end.

The vast majesty of the sky, frantically filled the surrounding area, causing many mountains, rivers, mountains, plains, and lakes to shake, tremble, collapse, and destroy one after another in the fairy mountains and great mountains!

This is a veritable power to destroy the world.

Many disciples shivered, paralyzed on the ground, their faces pale in fright.

In their eyes, this is the power to destroy the world. Ordinary cultivators cannot contend at all. It is too small.

With a single blow, you can kill the Immortal King, even the characters of the Immortal Venerable, so many gathered together, it is a lore.

"Good come." However, Lin Han couldn't help laughing long, not afraid at all. After reaching Immortal Venerable Realm, his strength also changed drastically. Now he is full of arrogance and pride. He is looking for a chance to verify it. For himself, such a powerful Thunder Tribulation did not make him feel the slightest timidity in his heart, on the contrary, it also caused boundless war in his heart.


Right now, he yelled, swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, shook his fist, and punched directly, encumbering his fist with the mighty power that resembled the sea, and immeasurable golden light bloomed, flooding the world.

Those thunder and lightning collided with many golden lights, and suddenly made a loud sound of metal collision.

It seemed that this was almost not transformed by energy, but the substance. The golden light emitted by Lin Han was scorching and strong, like a golden mountain.


A lot of people sucked in cold air. No way, the Heavenly Tribulation exuded such a powerful thunder and lightning, which could not cause any harm to Lin Han. Lin Han was also punched and knocked out all those lightning and lightning.

Many people have straight eyes and can't believe their eyes. It seems that Lin Han's combat power is very terrifying.

When talking to the ninth floor of the Fairy King Realm, it was not a concept at all.

Lonely Shang also narrowed his eyes, somewhat surprised.

Indeed, after Lin Han broke into the Immortal Venerable Realm, the mana in his body was surging too much.

If Lin Han was just an ant in his eyes before, without any threat, now this ant is undoubtedly in a kind of ant, which made him feel a little frightened, growing rapidly.

He found that Lin Han was really an alien, and every time he saw him, his strength would increase by leaps and bounds.

At this speed, if you continue to strengthen it, wouldn't it take long before you can threaten yourself?

Thinking of this, the killing intent passing by in his deep eyes couldn't help getting stronger.

In the Canggu Sword Mansion, he alone is a veritable big brother, with a bright aura and a body, no one can compare.

He is more arrogant and will never allow others to catch up step by step under his nose.

Not to mention being a teenager!

This will have a huge blow to his fame, and at the same time he will become the background of others!

Therefore, his fists couldn't help being clenched.

"It's not the time for me to take action. Within the big market, Lin Han will undoubtedly die." He muttered to himself.

After all, he is the big brother of Canggu Sword Mansion, and his reputation is outside. In the Sword Mansion, there is no reason to fight with Lin Han, and he will be considered to bully the small by the big.

However, in Daxu, it is different. It is cruel and unconstrained.

No one would say anything to kill Lin Han.

Therefore, in his mind, Lin Han's death date has already been calculated.

"Haha, is this the power of heaven? It's nothing more than that." Lin Leng Leng laughed, put his fists away, and said lightly.

Even though he said so, he couldn't help but praise him. Tianwei was really extraordinary. After this collision, his fists were all aching, and his bones smelled sour.

With his current physical strength and divine power, he rarely felt this way during a battle.

The robbery cloud in the sky suddenly calmed down, no longer boiling, like a sign of the coming of wind and rain.

Immediately afterwards, Jie Yun ripped apart, and there was a purple figure walking down from it, riding an ancient chariot under him.

The chariot is engraved with the mottled marks of the years.

The purple figure is tall and straight, with a deep gaze, revealing the air of looking at the world.

"Someone in the robbery cloud?"

Countless people are surprised, no, who is this person.

"I heard that in the ancient times, when humanoid creatures appeared, it represented the will of heaven. Only extremely powerful and abnormal evildoers would appear. This should be the will of heaven."

Some elders of Canggu Sword Mansion murmured to themselves.

It is extremely rare to attract the will of heaven, even in history.

And all are the people of the same era.

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