War Emperor

Chapter 1609: Thunder Man

Lin Han made the will of the heavens manifest, showing that his thunder catastrophe is very extraordinary.

"Who are you?" Lin Han was also a little surprised, narrowing his eyes.

This is not a man. He has a snake body in his lower body, which is thousands of miles long, hidden in the black robbery cloud. Because of the purple gas on the body, it is connected with the robbery cloud, so he can't see clearly.

The purple snake body, covered with purple scales, looks firm and condensed, with a cold and secluded luster. The large body is also filled with an explosive sense of force. It seems that a slight movement can turn things around. Crack the world.

The purple man also held a Thor's hammer in his hand, shining with purple electric light, and his thick purple hair was scattered, like the ancient Thunder God came to the world, and can control the thousands of thunder and lightning in the universe, which is extremely frightening.

"I am a law enforcer of the law of heaven, junior, you dare to be disrespectful to the sky, so bold." The man has a pair of purple eyes, like two small suns, exuding a terrifying purple brilliance, coldly shouted.

It was crackling. When he was speaking, purple thunder and lightning spewed out from his mouth, which looked terrifying.

The heavenly aura on his body is too strong.

Everyone nodded, the law enforcers of the heavens, in charge of the thunder robbery of the robbers.

This is recognized in the world as one of the most unprovoked creatures.

Now that he has appeared, many people feel a little dreamy.

After all, this is just a creature that appears in the legend.

Lin Han couldn't help but sneered. At the beginning, there was also a law enforcer from the law of heaven, who was Lang Jun.

Every time, Lang Jun was beaten by him like a mourning dog and returned to the fairy world.

He naturally didn't catch a cold with the law enforcer of Heaven's Path.

At the moment, he could not help but jokingly said: "I don't know what kind of power do you, the law enforcer of the heavens, come from? Is it still Fairy Mountain?"

"Presumptuous, I am the evolution of the origin of the heavenly path, not a creature in the world, you dare to humiliate the deity and seek death." The purple man yelled coldly, the rumbling volcano collapsed, the earth collapsed, the lake exploded, the mountains trembled, and the scene was shocking.

He seems to be the evolution of the original Qi of the will of the universe and heaven, and he has the smell of being one with the sky and manipulating the power of the universe.

Lin Han's eyes narrowed, a little solemnly, it seems that he underestimated the other party, this is far from what Lang Jun's so-called law enforcement can compare.

Lang Jun is just a person, and the power he can exert is extremely limited.

The purple man is a part of the sky, even if it is only the tip of the iceberg, in this universe, it is definitely synonymous with a powerful ruler.

After all, the heavenly ways of the universe are very vast and orthodox, many times stronger than the immortal ways of the mortal world.

"So, I underestimated you. If you have any tricks, just show it." Lin Han's expression is cold, but he is not afraid of it. In the mortal world, he has even slaughtered the law of heaven. He is naturally a law enforcer of the law of heaven. There will be no respect.

"I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, today I will represent the universe and heaven, and destroy you." The purple man's eyes exuded a terrible murderous, no longer said, immediately shouted, the purple copper hammer in his hand slammed towards Lin Han Hit it with one blow.


On the purple copper hammer, there are ancient symbols. The lights on the symbols are shining, intertwined with purple thunder patterns. If this kind of thunder pattern is destructive, it is more powerful than ordinary thunder and lightning. Destroy the strong man who has entered the immortal for many years.

On the purple copper hammer, there are dense and large patches of thunder pattern, which is more powerful.

A character like Lin Han who just broke into the Immortal Venerable is not enough to look at.

"I'm afraid this blow will be invincible even if an ordinary character on the sixth floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm encounters it." Tu Long Xianjun was also there, and he couldn't help being solemn at this moment.

Although Thunder Tribulation is much stronger than Tribulation Crossers themselves, in general, there will be a degree, not more than too much. Otherwise, it would not be called Du Jie, but suicide.

Lin Han had just broken into the Immortal Venerable, and the attack launched by the Law Enforcement of Heavenly Dao could reach the sixth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm.

Ordinary robbers, it is impossible for them to be opponents, they will be killed directly.

The attack of the Law Enforcer of the Heavenly Path was a bit too far.

Lonely Shang made a sneer in his spare time. If Lin Han couldn't survive the thunder robbery, and died here, it would naturally suit him.

So he looked forward to seeing how Lin Han died next.

"Huh!" However, Lin Han sneered, fearless, even Tian Mubai could defeat him before breaking into the Immortal Realm. Now, it is okay for him to deal with the power of the sixth floor of the Immortal Realm. try.

"God suit, now." At the moment, he shouted, and the mad god's battle armor covered his body, and his slender body was set up to be tall and straight. The scarlet cloak on the back was open, like a sky fire, burning blazingly. , The scorching heat, the sky in the distance is set off a fiery red, the scenery is magnificent.

The young girls in the sword mansion all showed the little stars of worship in their eyes.

Lin Han now is just like a man coming out of a picture scroll, handsome and extraordinary, full of domineering and intimidating charm.

No nonsense, Lin Han directly displayed the Lost Sword, turning it into a cold and superb sword, completely incomparable without the slightest flaws, split out with one sword, and displayed the second sword of the eight swords of the universe!

This sword is called "Soul Hurt".

As the name implies, the soul of the world can be hurt.

If it is played against an ordinary cultivator, the soul can be smashed and killed instantly, and the power is amazing.

In addition to hurting the soul, its attack power is also extremely powerful, and the blazing sword light swept away, destroying everything like a tsunami.

The large thunder pattern of the purple man was instantly annihilated, turning into purple energy fragments, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, the domineering sword light cast his power unabated, a sword struck the purple man's chest, and with a puff, a cloud of purple blood was splashed out, making the purple man glow from his body. , All dimmed.

"What?" Countless people were surprised.

Lin Han wounded the purple man with one blow.

This is the law enforcer of the law of heaven. In the minds of all living beings, it is a transcendent and uninjured existence.

Now it was deflated in Lin Han's hands, really dreamy.

The sneer on Lonely Shang's face also solidified, looking at Lin Han's Lost Sword, there was a shock in his eyes.

The second sword among the eight swords of the universe!

This power is really amazing.

He is a powerful sword repairman, clearly understanding that even though Shi Cai's sword does not seem to have a particularly powerful flavor, in fact it contains a supremely powerful and can kill ten thousand souls.

General swordsmanship is far from this level.

Is this the Eight Swords of the Universe that was famous a million years ago? It was extraordinary.

Now he wants to grab it into his hands and learn about it.

This will greatly improve his combat power.

Du Fangfang's charming eyes also showed a touch of solemnity.

Even she sensed a threat.

After Lin Han broke through the Immortal Venerable, the increase in his combat power cannot be underestimated.

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