War Emperor

Chapter 1611: Artifact


When the thought fell, she directly acted, the colorful lightsaber in her hand cut out the brilliant light waves, and the sword faced Lin Han's Tianling Gai, slashing and killing it fiercely.

The sword light is full of feet, like a magnificent waterfall.

The intrepid vigor caused a wave of incomparably powerful winds to rise within the fairy mountain and Daze.

"This is the Colorful Excalibur?"

Palace Lord Lu Cangzheng, raised his brow, a little surprised.

In the huge starry sky, there have been countless magical swords throughout the ages.

Someone gathered the information together and compiled a list of artifacts!

It records the one hundred most powerful artifacts in the universe.

The Seven-Colored Excalibur is one of the 100th artifacts.

Although it's only the end, you must know that this is the top 100 artifacts in the universe, and each one is extremely powerful and powerful.

A random appearance is enough to set off a **** storm in the universe, and I don't know how many strong people are fighting for the head.

Du Fangfang has a colorful sword, which is really surprising.

"This female disciple is a little bit hidden." Palace Chief Wen Fang frowned and muttered to himself.

He had long noticed that Du Fangfang was charming, **** and seductive, and his style was among his disciples, not decent.

But after all, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so he didn't bother.

Now Du Fangfang is showing a divine tool nonchalantly, which is somewhat intriguing.

"Colorful Divine Sword?" Lin Han was also slightly moved. After being in the universe for so long, he has also learned a lot about things in the universe.

The items on the list of one hundred artifacts are indeed all of shocking origins, making countless ancient powers dream of.

Legend has it that this colorful divine sword was once a powerful master of the realm of all directions. By chance, he found a piece of colorful meteorite that is precious in the universe.

It took three thousand two hundred years.

On the day of the sword becoming a sword, the starry sky resonates, the galaxy surrounds, and there are scenes of endless rays of light shining into the universe.

Since the death of that strong man, this sword has been lost, at least in the universe, it hasn't appeared for five thousand years.

The colorful divine sword was on Du Fangfang, so he didn't expect it.

This sword is worthy of being the treasure of the famous universe. Under that vast sword aura, he felt an incomparable wave of will overwhelm him, as if a supremely powerful man shot, just the momentum, let him The hairs on his skin all stood up, and he felt uncomfortable, like a needle stick.

If this sword is not taken seriously, it may even be possible for him to be split in half instantly.

This made a touch of solemnity appear in his eyes.

"Lin Han, it's your honor to die under my colorful sword." After Du Fangfang started the colorful sword, his self-confidence was also greatly increased. At this moment, his hair was swayed and his writing was full of coldness, and he laughed.

This colorful divine sword was obtained by seduce a famous kid when she was practicing in the Great Thousand Realm.

That famous child has a blood relationship with the realm master who forged this sword.

She checked a lot of information before she locked the famous kid.

In the end, she killed him, drained the blood, and took the sword into existence.

In the past few years, since she didn't dare to be too high-profile in the Cang Ancient Sword Mansion, she had never used it.

Lin Han's current strength has attracted her attention, and for the sake of safety, this is the only way.

Now she really has an aura of disdain for everything in the world.

"Huh!" However, Lin Han sneered. The Colorful Excalibur is certainly strong, but he is not vegetarian either.

At the moment, his five fingers were on the nine-day star river piano, and they began to play, and suddenly one after another wonderful movements, rippling out from the strings, perhaps knowing the powerful blow, he played this time, the sound is all Becomes hurried.

The sound of the piano became full of killing intent.


In the end, countless piano waves gathered in the void and turned into a thousand-foot-long transparent lightsaber. One sword faced Du Fangfang's colorful sword and smashed it.

The terrifying divine light immediately swept across the entire fairy mountain and Daze like the ocean exploded, and even the edge of the world was cracked with clear cracks, as if to collapse, it was astonishing.

Countless people of course, their teeth sucked.

No, it was actually blocked. The power of Lin Han's piano sound is too terrifying.

Lonely Shang couldn't help being slightly solemn, as Lin Han's strength grew, his power of the Nine Heavens Xinghe Qin was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

Under the cold sound of the piano, even he felt a sense of surprise.

As Lin Han becomes more proficient in Jiutian Xinghe Qin in the future, his attainments in Qin Dao will definitely be amazing.

"Bastard!" Du Fangfang couldn't help gritting her teeth fiercely, her beautiful eyes showing a hostile look.

Under the collision of this sword, she felt a faint pain in her arm, and her bones were torn.

You must know that what she is using is a colorful divine sword, which is overwhelming the universe, why can't it suppress Lin Han?

What's more, Lin Han still only plays the piano.

Does this guy have such great piano skills?

"I don't believe it, the colorful lore sword, the array of ten thousand swords, show, strangle me." In the end, she shouted angrily in her body, and burst out with colorful rays of light, like an eternal **** stone.

She flew above the sky, slashing horizontally and vertically, slicing eight swords at Lin Han one after another.

These eight swords did not turn into fierce attacks, but formed a sword formation, suspended in the sky. It was very large, and it was thousands of miles away. In it, there were fierce sword lights flashing, like a storm that was about to sweep down. Boundless and spectacular.

"The Array of Ten Thousand Swords? My God?"

Many Excalibur disciples couldn't help their faces turning pale, completely panicked.

The Array of Ten Thousand Swords is the sword array contained in the Colorful Divine Sword. It is incredibly powerful. According to legend, once the realm master had practiced this sword, many enemies came to his door and wanted to **** it.

He directly used the innate sword formation contained in this sword, killing eight peak immortal emperors in one fell swoop, causing a sensation in the universe.

To know how to reach the immortal emperor, which one is not the strong man with the posture of heaven?

It is very difficult for a normal person to be beheaded.

The realm master relied on this sword formation to slay eight peak immortal emperors in one fell swoop, showing its horror.

Many people now feel an eye-opener.

Even with Du Fangfang's current strength, it is impossible to exert the power of that realm master.

In the fairyland, it is also very powerful.

Everyone now feels a little weak in their legs.

"The formation of ten thousand swords?" Lin Han also raised his brows.

Thousands of killer swords suspended in the sky, with murderous intent to shock the sky, he felt like a sea of ​​murderous intent to cover him.

At this moment, he also felt a great danger coming.

However, he was not too afraid.

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