War Emperor

Chapter 1612: Whetstone

After all, he is very confident in his own piano art now.


Right now, he continued to play the piano, his whole body glowing, and he kept rippling cold sword lights on the strings, blasting towards the sky.

The sword aura in the sword formation also fell down one after another, colliding fiercely with the sword aura that Lin Han had transformed from the sound of the piano.

For a time, the sound of metal colliding against each other was loud and loud.

Many people were dazzled for a while, and this battle scene was too exciting.

Some people can even be inspired by those sword-light trails, and they have a sense of enlightenment, and they can solve their doubts on the road of cultivation.

The fighting specifications of the two are very high, and ordinary Excalibur disciples can only look up.

Princess Miaomiao also lost her senses at this moment.

Now Lin Han is in the sword formation, constantly playing the piano to fight, really dazzling.

It was like a perfect man, handsome, handsome and charming.

She was trapped by Lin Han for a few days, and she was suffocated, but now she has disappeared.

Like her now, she is at the age when her love begins, and she has certain illusions about men in her heart.

She found that Lin Han actually satisfies all her illusions about the perfect opposite sex.

Calm, calm, handsome and charming.

She feels that her heart is a little gone...

"Hehe, it's really fierce. It is estimated that no one will be an opponent of Lin Han and Du Fangfang in the entire Canggu Sword Mansion except us."

At this time, on a high mountain top, several men and women with extraordinary appearances were also watching.

They have a faint glow of sunlight on their bodies, surrounded by aura, which sets off their extraordinary weather, with the smell of being high above the world.

It would be very shocking if someone recognized them.

Because these four or five people are the top ten figures of the Excalibur disciple.

Reaching this step is a genius among geniuses, and every road to rise is a legend.

Most of them are in retreat, rarely appearing, and now appearing together is enough to make many people excited.

Among them was a man with a blue crown and hair, smiling.

He was tall and straight, slightly thinner, dressed in plain clothes, and his robe fluttered with a sense of elegance.

This person was Murong Jin, ranked eighth among the Excalibur disciples, much better than Tian Mubai.

"Yeah, this guy, it has only been a year or so since he came to the Sword Mansion, he has climbed to this point, and he really created the record of our Sword Mansion, the rise of millions of years ago." A woman in colorful clothes also gently Sighed.

She is Ye Cai'er, ranked ninth among the disciples of Excalibur.

Within her delicate body, there are profound and incomparable fluctuations sweeping away, and if you move at will, it can break the universe.

The other three Excalibur disciples ranked fifth, sixth, and seventh, and they were equally top-notch and good-natured.

At this moment, they also nodded.

Canggu Sword Mansion has been in existence for millions of years, witnessing the vicissitudes of life and countless circumstances.

In the long river of years, the geniuses born in the Sword Mansion are just like the sands of the Ganges River.

In Jianfu, there is even a "Wizard Record" that specifically records their deeds.

There has never been one who can climb from the lowest-level disciple to the Excalibur disciple in one fell swoop, and even reach an astonishing level comparable to the top ten.

Speaking out, it's like fabulous.

They can have today's achievements, their own talents, and they can also make ordinary genius despair.

But now that they saw Lin Han, they couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

If they are considered evildoers and wizards, Lin Han is simply a monster boy who hasn't existed in a million years.

Even if you look at the entire universe, it is absolutely rare.

More importantly, Lin Han was just a young man who had just ascended into the fairy world before this, and had no background.

This can rise, it is incredible.

In their eyes, the talent of loneliness was already abnormal enough.

Now I know what it means, there are people outside of people, and there are heaven outside of heaven.

"I don't know if he and Lonely Sorrow, who will become the big brother of Canggu Sword Mansion in the future." A woman in blue smiled.

She is the seventh ranked Liu Coco!

A pretty face can be broken by blowing a bomb, and the skin is like snow, which is quite beautiful and charming, and the pretty face is incomparable.

When she spoke, her tone was a little expectant.

The loneliness is also a legend, the will of kendo is shocking, and it is famous.

In countless stars, among all the geniuses, few can compare.

In their eyes, it is also an insurmountable mountain.

Originally, among the disciples of the Canggu Sword Palace generation, it was impossible for anyone to shake the position of Lonely Shang.

Even the second-ranked Dongfang Shufeng will not work.

Now they see hope.

Lin Han is like a rising sun, unstoppable.

Lonely and invincible for so many years, they are looking forward to a scene where Lin Han, a new star, will reach a certain height one day and confront him.

It is definitely a historic moment.

The fifth and sixth geniuses are also looking forward to it.



In the field, the astonishing battle continued.

Lin Han played the nine-day star river piano, which evolved into a sword aura, constantly confronting the terrifying killings in the sword formation.

The light of various colors continued to fly around, brilliantly brilliant.

They played against each other, with at least a thousand moves, and the battle has become fierce.

During this process, the anger in Du Fangfang's eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Because she felt that Lin Han was like a big mountain in the stormy waves, towering and firm, no matter how fierce the sword light in her sword formation was, she could never break Lin Han's defense.

The sound of the piano is like pervasive, which can perfectly resolve her attacks.

And with the fierce battle, Lin Han seemed to be more and more proficient in piano art.

She became the opponent's whetstone.

The attack now played out is even sharper.

Occasionally, there are still a few sword lights rushing out of the big formation, causing her harm and making her furious.

"I can't go on like this, otherwise I'm just fulfilling him." Du Fangfang's heart was filled with awe.

I don't want Lin Han to become stronger and stronger because of her.

Lin Han must be wiped out as soon as possible, otherwise it will gradually get out of her control.

"Ten thousand swords are one, kill me!" At the moment, she yelled out and displayed all her magical powers, raising the colorful divine sword in her hand over her head and pointing it straight at nine days.

The huge sword formation instantly turned into light waves like vaporization, all absorbed by the colorful sword.

Then, the light radiated from the colorful divine sword was unprecedentedly vigorous, at a glance, like a huge seven-color sun, illuminating the world.

Everyone noticed that there was a strong smell of mountain rain, and everyone knew that Du Fangfang's most terrifying blow was coming.


In the end, Du Fangfang's majestic sword finally fell under the shocking eyes of the crowd.

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