War Emperor

Chapter 1656: revenge

It is thousands of miles in size, majestic, majestic and majestic, casting a large shadow on the ground.

A fierce blood gas erupted from its body, causing a violent gale to rise on the earth.

"Falling dragon?" Lin Han was startled, he didn't seem to have any grudges with the other party, he couldn't help but said, "Why are you killing me?"

"Boy, you really have no eyes. I come from Tianhai Dragon Palace. You killed my nine sons of the Dragon King. Did you forget?" The gray dragon said in a cold tone.

Lin Han just remembered that before and after he was promoted to a disciple of the Heavenly Sword, he had indeed killed a three-headed evil scorpion in the middle of the great zephyr, saying it was the nine sons of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

After so long, the people in Tianhai Dragon Palace knew about it.

Many people are surprised.

Lin Han is too bold, what kind of power is Tianhai?

In the Great Thousand Realm, they are all a great overlord, and Shangguan Protoss and Divine Fortune Sect must be a little jealous.

The Heavenly Sea Dragon King is a super powerhouse with a reputation of eighteen realms, whizzing around the world.

Lin Han actually killed his nine sons.

It's really a big trouble.

Qian Yuan also shook his head, wondering why Lin Han is like a troublemaker, who dares to offend anyone.

Heavenly Sea Dragon King, even if he saw it, he would be polite.

People from Tianhai Dragon Palace came to Lin Han to settle accounts, and he couldn't say anything.

"So that's the case, that evil scorpion, by nature, is cunning, and there is more than a guilty death. If you kill it, you will kill it, so what?" Lin Han smiled indifferently.

He has killed a lot of enemies, and he never regretted his identity as an enemy.

Do not say that the other party is the nine sons of Tianhai Dragon King.

Even the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, he would not care.

He only knew that the three-headed evil scorpion had also deliberately calculated him at the beginning, and he had never been soft on the enemy.

"Okay, death is imminent, and I still don't know how to repent. Today I will draw your soul, cut your body, make you better than death, and taste all the torture in the world." The eyes of the huge gray flood flashed with terrifying blood, Tianhai Dragon Palace , Well-known everywhere, any member who is injured by others, Dragon Palace will not let go.

What's more, the nine sons of the Dragon King.

After Lin Han was killed, such an attitude made him even more angry.

"The fire that extinguishes the world, kill!"

At the moment, he roared, his huge mouth opened, like opening a door to hell, endless black flames, like a waterfall, fell from nine heavens, drowning Lin Han.

On the surface of his body, there was an extremely strong aura.

"This is... Half-Emperor Realm!"

Many people are surprised.

The gray dragon has reached the half-emperor realm, and there is a wisp of emperor's prestige on the surface of the body. Although this majesty is not as pure as the real immortal emperor, it is also qualitatively different from the fairyland.

"what is that?"

Lin Han also frowned slightly. The most important thing was that there was a wind and fire pattern behind Hui Jiao, covering half of the sky, looking very magnificent.

In the wind and fire pattern, he sensed a force of pressure.

"This is the sign of the Wind and Fire Realm, and the power of Wind and Fire is condensed in the body." Hong explained.

Lin Han was at a loss, saying that he didn't understand.

Hong Dao: "The Immortal Emperor is a relatively broad realm. It is not a single state imagined by the world. It has three realms, namely Fenghuo, Taixu, and Tongtian. Different realms will give birth to different magical powers. The Wind and Fire Realm is the first realm of the Immortal Emperor, and it has barely entered."

Lin Han slapped his tongue, it turned out that there were so many ways in the realm of Emperor Immortal.

Originally, he thought that he was not far away from the first-class powerhouse in the Great Thousand Realm, but now it seems that there is still a big gap.

It would take countless years for these three realms to pass.

No wonder the master of the realm is so noble.

The Immortal Emperor Realm is already so sad, how abnormal should the Realm Master Realm be?

Where is the better fairyland?

Lin Han felt dizzy for a while, and it was a long way.

"Lin Han, fight with me, you are still far away. With my wind and fire pattern, you can be killed by a single blow." Hui Jiao smiled cruelly.

Half a step into the wind and fire, it has the capital to overlook the fairyland.

How strong can a young man in Lin Han district be?

Fairy Fenghua, Wu Changkong, Shepherd Boy and others also thought that Lin Han was in trouble.

The strength of Grey Flood Dragon is no longer below the first-rate genius of the Five Sword Mansion.

As far as they knew, there was still a certain gap between Lin Han and this realm.

"Half a step in the Wind and Fire Realm, what about it? Break it for me!" However, there was a touch of pride in Lin Han's eyes. He has now reached the eighth level of the Immortal Realm, and his strength has greatly increased. Even if he had no opponents, he was also confident that he could contend with a half-step Fenghuo realm powerhouse.


Right now, he yelled, displayed the Profound Sky Seal, and suppressed it toward the sky.

The Xuantian Baoyin exudes immense mysterious light, and it grows bigger in the wind, like a magnificent mountain, hundreds of thousands of feet high, magnificent.

The momentum that broke out above was also extremely domineering.

Just suppressing the past like this, there is a smell of gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

"The eighth floor of the Immortal Realm?" Gray Jiao suddenly shrank his pupils, and lost his voice in a little astonishment.

When he shot, he had already inquired about Lin Han's deeds. A few days ago, it was clear that only the fifth floor of the Xianzun realm was only available. How did he reach the eighth floor of the Xianzun realm now?

It feels like hell, with slightly convex eyes.

You know, it doesn't take a long time for anyone in the Immortal Venerable Realm to raise a small realm.

However, it only took Lin Han a few days to cross three small realms, which made him a little bit unbelievable.

Wu Changkong, Fenghua Fairy, Shepherd Boy and others all had the same expressions, thinking that Lin Han might have such a big improvement in strength because of Longlincao and a blessing in disguise.

Can not help but envy.

Every time I see it, my strength will improve significantly.

Lonely Shang could not help clenching some fists, a little unwilling.

He asked the triangular-eyed man to assassinate Lin Han, but he failed to assassinate Lin Han.

Let him have a feeling of lifting a rock and hitting his own foot.

The Xuantian Treasure Seal is also a treasure. Its power is not below the top eighty of the artifact list, so it was displayed by Lin Han. Even though the gray dragon has half the strength of the wind and fire realm, he wants to kill Lin Han, obviously It's not that simple anymore.


Sure enough, the huge Profound Sky Seal and the endless black firelight collided together, sparking a brilliant glow.

The void exploded like a vast ocean, and the sky and the earth were bright as day.

Then, Xuantian Baoyin was worthy of being a treasure, and many black fires were wiped out.

Even the big picture of Fenghuo behind the gray flood was cracked by the shock.

The gray scorpion itself also let out a stern roar, and noticed a majestic force coming, causing the scales on its body to be shaken off by a large number of scars.

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