War Emperor

Chapter 1657: Xuantian Power

All around was shocked.

As a half-step Gray Flood Dragon, was he seriously injured by Lin Han's blow?

Lin Han's current combat power is too fierce.

Even if the eighth floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm and the Half-Step Wind and Fire Realm, there is still a huge gap.

"No...why." Gray Jiao also roared fiercely, his tone full of unwillingness.

This is too unacceptable for him.

In his opinion, it would be no problem to crush Lin Han by himself.

In front of so many people, as a strong man in Tianhai Dragon Palace, he was not as shameful as a human boy.

"There is no reason, get out, or die." Lin Leng Leng laughed, his eyes blooming coldly.

Breaking into the eighth floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm, his combat power has increased too much, even if the powerhouse of the half-step Fenghuo Realm is not his opponent at all.

Moreover, the mysterious seal in his hand is also a treasure, and it is impressive.

Cooperating with his celestial demon body, when displayed, it can almost sweep everything and look at everything.

The anger that burned in Gray Flood's eyes was even more fierce. Unreasonably, Lin Han dared to yell at himself that if he didn't find this place back, he wouldn't have to stay in the Great Thousand Realm.

The face of Tianhai Dragon Palace will also be lost by him.

"Asshole, die for me." Right now, he roared furiously, opened his huge blood bowl, and bite again at Lin Han. This time the aura that erupted from his body was even more fierce, as if the void could explode, endless Essence overflows.

At the same time, the wind and fire pattern on its head also bloomed with immortal brilliance, moving down Lin Han's suppression.

This time, it clearly released its potential and exerted its twelve success forces.

On the huge plain, there was a scarlet wind blowing up, and the sight of ghosts crying and howling was found, which was astonishing.

"Huh!" Lin Lianlin smiled, completely unmoved, the other young lady looked at the power of the Xuantian Baoyin, this treasure is not weaker than the artifacts on the list of artifacts.


At the moment, the majestic sea-like divine power bloomed in his body and injected it into the Xuantian Treasure Seal. In an instant, the mysterious light emitted by the Xuantian Treasure Seal became more intense, like the resurrection of an ancient treasure, with a mighty power that would make all Dao surrender.

On the surface of the Xuantianbao seal, there is also a strange rune that evaporates, revealing an incomparable and mysterious smell.

Each character is golden and full of metallic texture.

Just like that, there was a huge sound of Zen singing in the void.

"This is the power of Xuantian?" The leaders of some big powers around couldn't help but exclaimed.

The power of Xuantian is a very high-level power. Once a realm master-level powerhouse has realized that it has infinite combat power and is almost invincible in the realm master realm. With just one step, you can enter the fairy ancestor that countless people have longed for in ancient times territory.

It is a pity that when he was crossing the tribulation of the immortal ancestor, he was too old and his bloodline was declining, and he did not succeed, which became a pity.

Being able to have such a high achievement is inseparable from the power of Xuantian.

It can be seen that the power of Xuantian is powerful.

According to legend, if the Xuantian Seal is displayed to a certain extent, the power of Xuantian can be exerted.

However, this treasure has changed owners several times, but no one has ever been able to do it.

At this moment, Lin Han is displaying the power of Profound Sky, if it is not surprising?

The master of the Shenbao Palace was a little dumbfounded.

Inspires the power of Xuantian, the power is more powerful than Baoyin's body, I don't know how many levels.

Lin Han had really made a lot of money to buy such a treasure when he spent those exquisite immortal stones.

A deep regret rose in his heart.

I had known that he would not sell it, Lin Han really picked up a bargain.

The gray dragon's pupils also shrank suddenly, and the horrified eyeballs were almost sinking into his head.

Powers of the realm master level want to master.

Even if Lin Han only played a tiny bit, he was also extremely powerful.

He also felt a huge danger. He didn't expect Lin Han to have this trick, it was too bad.

In fact, Lin Han thinks that this step is because of-The Ultimate Magic Scripture!

This is the supreme collection of the trembling ancient Absolute Demon Temple. It is broad and profound, and extremely mysterious. The characters in the fairy ancestor realm want to see it.

Under the Exercising Demon Sutra, the energy that Lin Han displayed was essentially different from that of ordinary monks.

It is also reasonable that the mysterious seal can stimulate the power of the profound sky hidden in the deepest place.

"Kill!" Thinking of this, the pride in Lin Han's eyes became more exuberant, and he couldn't help but want to roar up to the sky.

It will be easier to solve the gray flood.


Finally, the Xuantian Baoyin, wrapped in the strong Xuantian power, calmed down and left.

The huge body of the gray worm immediately resembled a big gray mountain, hit by a heavy object, cracking clear cracks, and then cracking all over the body.

Endless blood flowed down, dyeing the void red.

The gray dragon wailed in incomparable pain, and his body was constantly curling up.

Before long, its huge body exploded with a bang, and bones, flesh and blood, like the next meteor shower, fell down.

In the void, there is only the Profound Sky Seal, standing there blooming with dreamlike brilliance.


The strong of Tianhai Dragon Palace was killed by one blow!

The surrounding atmosphere was somewhat frozen.

What is tough and domineering, Lin Han gave the best interpretation.

The Xuantian Treasure Seal makes countless people awed to the utmost, as if it carried an ancient universe.

Once the town is down, everything in the world will be destroyed.

Wu Changkong, Fenghua Fairy, Shepherd Boy, and Jian Jiu couldn't help but look bright in their eyes.

The threat Lin Han gave them was indeed great.

They couldn't help but feel a strong sense of fighting spirit in their hearts. If Lin Han could be defeated, it would definitely play a significant role in their tempering.

After reaching a certain level of strength, fighting is the best shortcut to increase strength.

The more intense the battle, the longer the time for penance.

This is the reason why so many famous geniuses continue to challenge others.

Lin Han's strength makes them a little itchy. If they are defeated, they are confident that their strength will reach a higher level and reach a higher level.

In a sense, many geniuses in the immortal world are like raising Gu. If they want to continue to be strong, they must defeat their opponents to gradually become top powerhouses.

Some famous masters in the immortal world, there are many that follow this path.

For example, Qian Yuan, once rumored to be a madman in combat, had the proud record of being defeated overnight and 78 geniuses of the same level.

Today, in order to have such a high status in the Great Thousand Realm, even the strong in the Immortal Emperor Realm must fear him.

"Is there anyone who wants to take action with me, let's come together now." Lin Han looked cold and stood in the air, shouting to the surroundings.

Killing the gray flood, he has no different color, like killing a reptile on the side of the road.

He knows that there are many people in the sea of ​​people who hate him.

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