War Emperor

Chapter 1658: Prodigy shot

Some people even want to cast the sword furnace in the wild.

Now he must be shocked to avoid troubles.

The sky is silent!

All the geniuses sensed that Lin Han felt a little threatening and did not dare to mess around.

Unless there is a certain conflict of interest, they don't want to be an enemy of Lin Han on the bones of entering the market.

Lin Han nodded, knowing that he had achieved his goal.

Just when he just turned around and was about to enter the gate of Daxu, suddenly, with a boom, a terrifying firelight, like a round of sun, came over Lin Han.

The blazing temperature turned the air into yellow water.

The rocks on the ground are melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The intrepid coercion made many geniuses fly out.

Countless people were shocked, who made the shot so tyrannical, compared with the gray flood, but I don't know how many times stronger.

Lin Han's expression also changed drastically, and he noticed the huge danger, turned around and took out the Crazy God's armor, put it on his body, and slapped it to resist.

In general, he rarely displays the mad god's armor for defense.

Now it is used, and the attack is strong.

His palm strength also formed a huge black wall in the void, which was a thousand feet tall, very thick, and smelled of solidity and immortality.

It was a pity that it was useless. With a bang, the huge wall exploded, and then an extremely blazing flame hit his chest.

He felt like he was hit by a majestic force in an instant, and a rib was broken. With the majestic force, he couldn't help but step back a few steps, and a mouthful of red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

You must know that he has the mad **** armor, coupled with the demon body, and the defensive ability, which has reached the level that ordinary people can't imagine. This blow still caused him such serious injuries, which shows the hegemony of the shooter.

If ordinary monks, even if they reach the Wind and Fire Realm, they would all die.

"Where?" Lin Han raised his gaze, his expression cold, and shouted.

The one who shot it was Nezha, who was in the circle of universe, stepped on the hot wheel, and held the scorching sun spear. Standing there, like an immortal god, the divine light illuminates all directions.

On the spear of the blazing sun, there was still blazing flame light wafting through, giving off a smell of danger.

There was also a cry of exclamation all around.

Among the eighteenth realms of the fairy world, the powerhouses of the three clear realms have always made people extremely jealous.

Nezha is a child prodigy of the Three Qingjing Realm, and he got the true biography of Taiyi. At this moment, he shot it and made people awe.

"Nezha, I have no grievances or grudges against you, why did you do it to me?" Lin Han said with a cold expression.

From Hong's mouth, he had heard of Nezha's deeds, and he had a little respect for this child prodigy.

Enemy with him made him feel a little chill.

However, he did not have any fear, and there was still a raging fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

Even if the opponent is Sanqingjing, what about the prodigy of all directions.

He may not be afraid of it.

"I have no grievances with you..." Nezha's voice was a little immature, and his face was a little fair, very delicate, with a sense of cunning, but his whole body exuded an unparalleled domineering temperament, said: "But you But there is a prehistoric sword-forging furnace. This furnace was first unearthed from my Sanqing realm and was held by Sanqing. It has been transferred several times and changed many owners. Strictly speaking, this is my Sanqing realm. Hand it over. , I am not against you."

The tone was firm, with an unquestionable color.

Many people are relieved that the original Honghuang sword casting furnace was first unearthed in Sanqingjing.

This furnace is too old for the world to trace its origin.

"Is it unearthed from Sanqingjing, should it be yours? How can there be such rules in the world?" Lin Lianlen laughed.

Since Nezha is hostile to him, he will not be polite.

"Being courageous, depending on the face of the Heavenly God Realm Master, Beihuang Piaofeng, I only make three moves. If you can take it, I will not trouble you for the time being. If you can’t take it, Honghuang Jianzhu will return. I own it." Nezha said coldly.

In the entire Immortal Realm, almost everyone knew that Lin Han was the descendant of Piaofeng of the Northern Emperor.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng was the master of the dignified Heavenly God Realm. He was famous in all directions. Even if he was Sanqing, he would be polite.

He can't do too much.

Many people nodded silently, Nezha had been famous for many years, and he was a child prodigy, and his cultivation level was so rapid that his realm was far beyond Lin Han's.

As a "predecessor," he only makes three moves, and he also shows demeanor.

"Three tricks?" Lin Leng Leng laughed, and the other party looked down upon himself so much? But Nezha's realm is indeed very deep, he can't see through it, and the three moves are indeed more appropriate.

"Okay, let's do it." At the moment, Lin Han sacrificed the lost sword. The mottled ancient sword suddenly became a complete war sword about three feet long. The simple pattern was shining, and the blade shone darkly. The light and the endless sound of swords faintly rang out in the void, as if this were the "Emperor of the Sword", once it was used, the surrounding world fell into an invisible sword domain.

"Lost Sword?" Nezha's eyes condensed, and a touch of surprise appeared in his heart.

This sword is very famous in the immortal realm. At the beginning, the sword realm has been passed on for a long time and is famous in the universe.

Over the past million years, this sword has reappeared, and it is indeed incredible to recognize Lin Han as the master.

He couldn't help sighing, it seemed that Lin Han was also a child of luck.

There will be great achievements in the future.

"Let me see where you have taken the Sword of Lost." Then, he smiled coldly, the blazing sun spear in his hand danced, and the flames spread in the sky instantly, like a volcano erupting.

Then, he gripped some blazing sun spears and pierced Lin Han with one shot. A large expanse of fire flooded Lin Han like an endless sea of ​​fire.

The entire sky is flaming red against the backdrop, and the scene is spectacular.

Shi Cai just used the scorching sun's tip spear to send out a ball of fire, which shocked Lin Han.

Now that there are so many flames in play, the power is even more powerful than before.

Just looking at it, many people took a breath of horror on their faces.

If an ordinary strong person, I am afraid it will be burnt to fly ash instantly.

Lin Han was also surprised. Nezha is indeed powerful. The realm must have already entered the wind and fire realm. It is very likely that he has already gone very far in this realm. The ordinary genius is like a baby in front of him, not worth mentioning.

He felt a great momentum pressing on at random, making his whole body squeeze, and breathing was difficult. If he couldn't resist it, no matter how amazing his defenses were, there was a danger of falling.

"The eight swords of the universe, the fourth sword-Bengkong!"

Then, Lin Han gritted his teeth fiercely and urged the majestic power in his body to cross into the sword of loss, instantly letting the sword of gain and loss emit the divine light that illuminates the eternal years.

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