War Emperor

Chapter 1661: Might of the Swordforge


The atmosphere between heaven and earth was tense.

Countless people are staring at Nezha, their skin is chilling, everyone knows that Nezha will perform a terrifying attack next.

They all smell a sense of oppression that the rain is coming.

Lin Han is the same, with a solemn expression, long black hair, blowing in the wind.

"Lin Han, look forward to it, my third blow." Nezha shouted, the divine power in his body spurred to open, poured into the scorching sun fire spear, the sun fire spear suddenly erupted like hundreds of volcanoes The eruption of divine light showed a large circle behind Nezha, spreading out, covering the world.

Inside the great circle, the fire is full of intensity, like a world full of Ganges sand, endless time and space.

Nezha seems to control an infinite world.

Then, he raised the blazing sun spear high, and shot Lin Han again to suppress it. This attack was extremely powerful, far from the previous two attacks. Nezha clearly displayed the truth. The ability.

The light is surging, the sun is surging, and the energy is boiling.

Nezha is like a flame **** who wants to destroy the world.

Just looking at it, everyone felt an irresistible taste.

The wisps of flames are enough to obliterate ordinary characters in the Immortal Venerable Realm. With so many flames, even if they are the masters of some powers, they can't help their skin get cold and their hearts are hairy.

Lin Han also felt a tremendous amount of pressure and had difficulty breathing, feeling as if a mountain was crushed in his heart.

He clenched some of the lost swords in his hands, knowing that with his current skills, no matter what, he could not withstand such a blow.

This is almost beyond the limit that a person of his realm can contend.

Nezha's realm is much higher than him.

However, he was not discouraged.

At the moment, he shouted loudly and displayed the prehistoric sword-forging furnace. The aura of the vast and wild exploded, and the strongest gods like the chaos of the universe appeared, causing the heavens and the earth to resound with strange roars, the endless auspicious light, illuminating hundreds of thousands of miles. , Let the endless world turbulent.

"This is...the great sword forging furnace!"

Everyone exclaimed in an uproar.

At the moment, the furnace for casting swords is about ten meters long. The walls of the furnace are engraved with some ancient patterns and patterns, and the surface is filled with chaotic and wild light, like a peerless treasure that emerges from the time and space of the years. The furnace body can collapse for a long time.

It just appeared, everyone felt a pilgrimage and couldn't help but want to kneel down to him.

Because on the surface of the furnace body of Honghuang sword casting, there are still some unintelligible patterns flashing.

It is like recording the appearance of some prehistoric land, there are endless ancient savage beasts running on the earth, and some unknown powerhouses are swallowing essence and whistling the universe between heaven and earth.

The style there is very different from the known world.

Everyone has some imagination, like this thing contains a piece of unknown history, want to find out.

Nezha also narrowed his eyes, and it was the first time he saw Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace.

He felt that the furnace body was vast and infinite, as if it contained hundreds of millions of spaces, there were endless living beings, and the laws of the great avenues, as if there was a majestic universe inside.

The coercion of the universe is too extraordinary.

Even he felt like an ant, looking up at the dazzling galaxy, the gap was hundreds of millions of times.

The Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace is really extraordinary, no wonder that people at the Sanqing level have to pay attention to hot and powerful items.

There are rumors that it can allow monks to reach a realm that has never been reached before.

It now appears that it is not impossible.


A loud noise spread, like it could shatter the world of heavens.

Nezha's majestic shot slammed into the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, spurring out an extremely dazzling cluster of sparks, even more dazzling than the sun on the sky, making the entire area of ​​the market tens of millions of miles away. , Are all bright, bright and bright.

In the starry sky, there are various visions of fairy light flying.

Nezha’s one-shot power, although it can shock the gods and weep the gods, and kill all creatures, it is still far from the Honghuang Sword Furnace, so this blow did not cause any substantial damage to the Honghuang Sword Furnace. Injury, the latter just gave a slight shock, and the majestic and wild aura on the surface of the body dissolves the intangible.

However, the counter-shock force in it was acting on Lin Han, and the injuries Lin Han suffered were enormous.

After all, Lin Han's realm was too low, and he couldn't resist an attack of this level at all.

At the moment, a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body bent down like being hit by an invisible sledgehammer, then fell backwards and withdrew.

With this blow, he hurt too much. He smashed the ground into a deep pit, which was hundreds of meters long and collapsed more than ten meters. That is to say, he has a celestial demon body, plus a mad god's armor on the surface. Normal people, just this backlash is enough to die.

However, fortunately, Lin Han still persisted. The absolute magic scriptures in his body were running, and immeasurable black light filled his body. His injuries had healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Without holding it for more than ten seconds, Lin Han stood up swayingly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered at Nezha: "I'm sorry, I will take the three tricks."

There was silence all around.

Everyone was full of deep admiration for Lin Han.

You know that Lin Han only has the eighth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, but Nezha is at least a strong person above the fifth level of the Wind and Fire Realm.

Nezha's powerful blow could be resisted by Lin Han.

Lin Han's strength is evident.

At the same time, everyone also expressed deep envy for Lin Han's physical recovery ability.

With such a serious injury, normal people’s body may be destroyed directly. Even if they are slowly nourished with a miracle medicine, they can’t recover without a few years of effort, but Lin Han can do it in just ten seconds. This is really true. A pervert.

Nezha couldn't help but clenched some fists and didn't speak. He didn't expect that Lin Han would be able to persevere. This was also a big shame for him.

Therefore, he looked at Lin Han's gaze, and the killing light flashed coldly.

But Nezha, he is also a genius of the Eighteenth Realm, how could he turn back in front of so many people?

So, in the end, he let go of his fist and smiled faintly: "It's great, you deserve to be selected by the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, it seems I still underestimated you, let's take a look, in the big market, I Take care of you again."

He has a playful look, even if Lin Han can take his blow, what about it?

He has time to clean up Lin Han.

Lin Han didn't speak, but he couldn't help but pay attention. Nezha's move also angered him. When he is in the big ruins, he will definitely look for Nezha when his strength improves. This account.

Nezha has been officially listed as an enemy by him.

Sparks flickered between the two of them looking at each other.

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