War Emperor

Chapter 1662: Within the big market

"Go!" In the end, Lin Han didn't say a word, turned around and took Luoyan and the others, and entered the gate of Daxu together.

Many people don't want to be here, and enter in the same way.


It only took a short ten minutes to surround the crowded surroundings, and more than 80% of the young people have already entered.

As for some old strong people, watch them outside.

After all, the most important thing about the Daxu trip is that young people enter the competition, which is also an experience for them.

Everyone is looking forward to it, wanting to see who is among them, to show off.

Inside the Daxu, the scenery is desolate, the air is long, and there are some remains of stars falling on the ground. The picture looks a little shocking.

In addition, there are a lot of huge animal bones left over from ancient times, half buried in the dust, white and translucent, and brutal.

Some animal bones, just a claw, are bigger than a mountain, and they are thousands of feet long. People are like ants in front of them.

The visual effect is amazing.

The land is lack of vegetation and lifeless.

Lin Han and others came to a remote place, the gate of the Great Ruins, and they could send people to a certain place randomly.

In front of them, there was a huge river bed, which had already dried up long ago. It was as wide as forty to fifty miles, without knowing how long it was, and reaching a depth of thousands of meters.

In the riverbed, there are thick cracks, like after countless years of drought.

I can imagine how magnificent this river was.

In the riverbed, there is also a huge ichthyosaur, which looks like a catfish, with dragon's whiskers and wings on its back. It is seven or eight hundred meters long, which is very large.

In the open mouth, the teeth hang down one by one, white and shiny.

This is shocking.

This ichthyosaur must have been a strange beast capable of making waves before he was alive, but now it is also dead.

"What has happened here, why is so lifeless..." Lingxuan couldn't help but said.

There is no living thing here.

Lin Han shook his head, probably because of the First World War.

"Hey, what is this?" At this moment, Princess Miao Miao asked in surprise.

Lin Han looked at the past and couldn't help but startled. At the huge ichthyosaur heavenly spirit cover, a dark red bead was emitting a gloomy light, because there was a layer of mud on it, which made it difficult to see.

After pulling away the mud, the gloomy bead in the mud was full of light, as if it contained a surging crimson energy, the blazing light made it transparent for thousands of meters around it.

"This is the monster inner alchemy?" Luo Yan said in surprise.

The monster beast is so powerful that it will condense its inner core within its body. This is the essence of the whole body of the monster beast. Before dying, some monsters would rather abolish their inner alchemy, rather than give it to others, in order to prevent their inner alchemy from falling to others. Therefore, humans want some The inner alchemy of powerful monsters is not easy.

At this moment, just encountering a monster inner alchemy is naturally a valuable gain.

Lin Han also smiled, the realm of the fish and dragon must not be low before his death, the energy in the inner alchemy is very magnificent.

If you continue to take it, even if it is him, there will be a lot of improvement in combat power.

"Haha, it's really lucky to meet a monster inner alchemy here." At this moment, a big laugh came, and then a group of people flew up not far away, all of them glowing with divine light. Great momentum.

The first person is strong and physically strong, holding a big axe, like a hob.

They surrounded Lin Han and others.

The big man looked arrogant and sneered: "Boy, get out, give this inner alchemy to Lao Tzu, and I won't make it difficult for you."

There was a sense of supremacy in his tone.

"Who are you, so courageous, who do you know I am?" Lin Lianliang smiled. He is also a celebrity now, so naturally he is not a cat or dog, he can scare him casually.

Even mentioning his name, many people should be terrified.

"Aren't you the Lin Han? What's so great, a stinky hairy boy." The big man holding a big axe sneered and said nonchalantly.

Lin Han couldn't help but was stunned. With his current name, few people dared to underestimate him. The big man knew his identity and could be so confident, but it was not easy.

In any case, his team has more than a thousand elite disciples in the Canggu Sword Mansion, and this strength alone cannot be contended by ordinary people.

"Forget it, tell you the truth, I am the Demon Realm, Ten Thousand Bone Guardian, have you heard of my name?" Leng Sen smiled as the big man holding a big axe with a ghost.

After finishing speaking, all of his group of people bloomed, with extremely surging demonic energy, and there was a black light bursting into the sky for thousands of miles, as if they had come to a demon kingdom, and various demon spirit flashing visions appeared in the void.

"It turns out to be a person in the demon realm." Lin cold smiled, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Their Canggu Sword Mansion had never dealt with people in the Demon Realm, Demon Realm, and Greed Realm. He even suppressed two Demon Realm protectors before, and now there are Demon Realm protectors who come to trouble him.

"What ten thousand bone protection method, I have never heard of it, go away, otherwise there is only one word-death!" Then, Lin Han shouted with cold eyes.

Ten Thousand Bone Protector, furious instantly.

Unreasonably, this kid dared to be so domineering after learning his origin.

His Ten Thousand Bone Protector, but in the Demon Realm, the first protector had already reached the level of the double heaven of Wind and Fire Realm.

There are only eighth-floor characters in the Immortal Venerable Realm in the Lin Han area, so I don't want to be happy.

"It seems that you don't know how great your master is. Next, I will make you regret it." Then he laughed angrily. As a character on the second floor of the Wind and Fire Realm, he naturally has the confidence to crush Lin Han.


At the moment, he raised a big axe with a ghost in his hand and slashed it against Lin Han's head with a knife. The terrible light of the knife cut the void in half, and the blazing black light, like a terrible flame, A huge mushroom cloud rose in the void.

The disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion couldn't help being horrified.

A monk who reaches the Wind and Fire Realm is terrible.

In this hit, it was mixed with wind and fire, and it was not a character in the fairyland at all, it was comparable.

The general trend of wind and fire, this is a special origin of the universe, once possessed, it has an overwhelming majesty for the lower.

Even ten people in the Immortal Venerable Realm could not resist the monks who possessed the momentum of wind and fire.

At this moment, they couldn't help but have the charm of wanting to surrender.

"Lin Han, has your kid seen how good I am? It's too late now. Killing you, Lord Demon Sovereign, will also give me a huge reward. If you meet me today, you will be unlucky." Wan Gu The guardian laughed loudly and burst into joy.

Everyone now knows that Lin Han is a big thousand realm, a hot genius with many treasures, and when he grows up, it is very likely that he can become a great powerhouse. It is not good news for people in other realms.

Especially the Demon Realm, Greed Realm, and Demon Realm that are enemies of the Great Thousand Realm.

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