War Emperor

Chapter 1663: Dragon Fish Soul

Lin Han is dead, he will be a great achievement.

However, facing this attack, Lin Han's expression was extremely indifferent. He just displayed the Lost Sword, instantly unleashing the fourth sword of the Eight Swords of the Universe, and collapsed!

This sword was used before Nezha.

The power that is being exerted now is not weak at all.

The domineering sword light, like a thousand-meter-long beam of light, tore the void and illuminate dozens of miles around it.

The blade of Ten Thousand Bone Protector was shattered in an instant.

The mighty strength, even the shocking Ten Thousand Bone Protector, took a few steps backwards, the blood in his chest was tumbling, and one carelessly spouted a mouthful of blood.


The people in the other demon realms were surprised, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Ten Thousand Bone Protection Law, lost to Lin Han?

This is too absurd.

"You..." Ten Thousand Bone Protector, clutching his chest, looking at Lin Han, it was also shocked.

How could this guy be so powerful?

He is on the second floor of the Wind and Fire Realm, and Lin Han has clearly not broken into this realm.

He felt like a baby had moved him down as an adult, impractical.


However, Lin Han didn't give him a chance to be shocked at all, and instantly displayed the time and space steps, almost after a short time, he came to the front, a knife, and slashed from the head.

"Do not……"

The Ten Thousand Bone Guardian uttered a heart-piercing yell, Lin Han's speed was too fast, he only saw a vague shadow, and the fierce palm knife had already been cut down. In his eyes, it was no less than death. He smelled a strong smell of death on the palm knife.

At the moment, he exerted his full strength and wanted to avoid it.

But unfortunately, no matter how fast he is, how can it be possible that he will be faster than the time and space of the shuttle?

This is an immortal ancestor-level figure, pioneering footwork, famous in ancient and modern times.

Even if Lin Han only mastered the fur, it would be unattainable for people who were not too far from his realm.


In the end, accompanied by the Ten Thousand Bone Protector, with a terrible cry, Lin Han's palm knife finally fell down.

The head of Ten Thousand Bone Protector was instantly split into two halves, spreading to the span, and the whole body was blown out.

Blood and internal organs spilled all over the place.

The wind blew, the expressions of the people in the demon realm were frozen, and their faces were dumbfounded and shocked.

Originally, they thought that meeting Lin Han was a good prey.

Now they know that they are their prey, this guy is a god, they are not opponents at all.

At this moment, their backs were swishing in the background, smelling of great danger.


Almost coincidentally, they all fled around like scared rabbits.

It is a pity that Lin Han will not really let them succeed. The people of the Demon Realm and the Great Thousand Realm have always hated them, especially their Canggu Sword Mansion. Since they have seen it, they naturally want to kill them all.

For these people, there is no need for kindness.

"Let's go on the road." Lin Lianlen smiled indifferently, waved his palm, and suddenly a large flame of energy transformation poured out, like a rushing river, enveloping all the people in the demon realm.

Then, the people in the demon realm uttered a stern wailing, and their bodies burned, and within a moment, all of them were burned to ashes and died on the spot.

Lin Han dealt with it, these people in the Demon Realm were like pulling out some weeds on the roadside, simply and casually.

Luo Yan couldn't help but smile and nod to Lin Han. Lin Han's current combat power was obviously stronger than when he fought against Nezha.

After all, a stressful battle has a good effect on stimulating human potential.

"If you take this pill, you will most likely be able to break through to the wind and fire state." Then, she took the inner pill and gave it to Lin Han with a smile.

The inner alchemy was red, about the size of a washbasin, shining with crimson light.

Reflected on the pretty face of Luo Yan Qingguo Qingcheng, the skin is even more delicate and delicate.

Lin Han nodded, a little excited and expectant in his heart.

Wind and Fire Realm, he has wanted to step into it for a long time. After stepping into it, it means that he has entered the threshold of the Immortal Emperor and possesses a trace of imperial prestige.

This is not a concept at all with the fairyland.

The energy in this inner alchemy is indeed very majestic.

It is indeed not difficult to help him enter the realm of wind and fire.

Immediately, they left and found an uninhabited mountain area. Lin Han hid in a cave, sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb the inner alchemy energy.

When Xin Shen discovered the inner alchemy, Lin Han instantly felt like he had come to a new world.

This is a grey space, and the world is full of surging energy.

The number has reached an astronomical number.

If the practitioner absorbs it, the benefits are endless.

But in this space, Lin Han saw a big fish, tens of thousands of miles, like wandering in a sea of ​​energy, revealing a ferocious dorsal fin, like a mountain, magnificent and ferocious.

Through the water, you can see that the big fish looks like a dragon!

It has dragon whiskers, complements dragon scales on its body, and even tails. It has evolved a dragon tail, and its shape looks magnificent and atmospheric.

"This is the soul of the dragon fish?" Lin Han asked in surprise.

Obviously, within the inner alchemy, the soul of the dragon fish is carried.

Only now could he feel that Arowana's strength before his death was indeed terrifying, and this tragic aura, mighty and open, gave him a tingling scalp.

"Junior He Fang, the inner alchemy who trespassed in this seat, retreated quickly."

At this time, the dragon fish actually made an ancient, desolate, and grand sound.

Then, with a boom, the water surface broke open.

Arowana raised his head, his eyes were like two golden suns, suspended in the void, bright and shining, golden light burning, and extremely compelling.

The vast dragon power above is also very amazing, people can't help but want to shiver.

Lin Han couldn't help swallowing, his scalp numb for a while, the soul in this dragon fish's inner alchemy has such a bearing?

He has no doubt that if the other party blows, he may be blown out.

Not on one level at all.

He is like an ant, facing a vast star.

"Hong, what should I do now?" Lin Han smiled bitterly and couldn't help asking Hong for help.

If this dragon fish soul is not solved, it seems that he wants to absorb the surging energy of the inner alchemy, which is purely idiotic.

But this dragon fish soul is too strong, not what he can handle now.

"This is an ancient strong man, indeed very extraordinary." Hong sighed, then turned into a ray of white light and flew out of Lin Han's dantian.

After spinning the white disc for a while, the appearance of an old man condensed in front of Lin Han, with white hair and white beard, a rickety figure, only wearing plain clothes, like an ordinary old man.

But in a pair of vicissitudes of life, there is a smell of the passing years.

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