War Emperor

Chapter 1677: Suppress

Lin Han's technique is so unique that she not only possesses the magical pupil technique, but also has an unparalleled physique, which she finds incredible.

To reach her level, there are many exercises to see, and I have never heard of any exercise that can be so powerful.

If you make a grade on the exercises, Lin Han's book must be beyond the imagination of the world.

"This is not what you can know." Lin Han smiled coldly. What he was practicing was the Ultimate Demon Sutra. Once he said it, it was enough to make the entire fairy world tremble. I don't know how many powerful people in the world will be hot.

Naturally will not tell others easily.

This is his big secret.

"Kill!" Then, after Lin Han broke free of Jiuyou Great Cave, the black light in his eyes became even colder, and with a cold cry, he directly punched Fairy Fenghua.

This punch was completely different from Lin Han's previous shots.

The majestic fist power, like a prehistoric ancient war **** attacking, there is a kind of tolerance that can destroy the universe.

Fairy Fenghua couldn't help but his face changed, and there was a hint of fear in his heart.

Even his own Nine Nether Caverns could not kill Lin Han, making her realize that it was not good.

At the moment, she almost used her full strength, and a layer of profound light appeared on her feet, avoiding the danger of this attack.

The fist rubbed her body and shattered her clothes, revealing the snow-white crystal skin, which was extremely confusing.

"I see when you can hide." Lin cold smiled, giving the other party no chance to breathe, boom boom boom... Next, he directly displayed the Nine Elephants Time and Space, and nine ancient magnificent fairy pictures appeared, like bearers. With nine majestic universes, oppressing Fenghua Fairy.

The mighty power emanating from above made the world tremble.

"No, Lin Han, don't kill me." Fairy Fenghua finally showed a panic on her beautiful face, and said sharply.

Lin Han's Nine Elephants' time and space are too powerful, she feels like nine supreme big figures, locked her with her breath, and her delicate body can't even move, which makes her feel desperate.

If the nine immortal pictures are really suppressed, she will undoubtedly die.

At the moment of life and death, she can only beg for mercy.

However, Lin Han's expression was extremely cold, and he never meant to keep his hands.

Fairy Fenghua knew that Lin Han had always been decisive, and ordinary begging for mercy was of no use to him.

Right now, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said: "Lin Han, as long as you don't kill me, I can promise any request of you, and even later, as your... slave!"

After that, she unexpectedly shook her delicate body, shattering the thin layer of clothes she was wearing, and then a perfect jade body appeared in Lin Han's sight.

The skin of the jade body is as white as ivory, it is supple and tender, and the lordosis is warped without any blemishes.

Although Lin Han had seen Fairy Fenghua taking a bath before, after all, he had only seen it dimly, completely different from this moment.

Lin Han couldn't help feeling a blood spurt now.

I have to say that the jade body of Fairy Fenghua is too shocking to people's eyes.

Moreover, she said from her proud and holy mouth that she wanted to be a man's... slave.

This is simply an endless temptation for men.

Even a person with an iron mind, I'm afraid they will not be able to hold it.

Rao was Lin Han, and there was a flame burning in his body.

But he quickly regained his senses. As a fairy of Fenghua, how could he be willing to be a slave to a person? Even if he doesn't kill the other party and get her body now, Fairy Fenghua will always hate himself in his heart.

Such a genius, like a poisonous snake in the dark, will bite himself sometime.

Lin Han has no such habit.

Therefore, his expression remained firm.

Fairy Fenghua couldn't help being annoyed. He said so. Lin Han, a dead wood, can still remain indifferent. Is it true that he is not so attractive?

However, at this critical moment of life and death, she didn't think too much. At the moment, she bit her tongue fiercely, and a stream of blood entered her body.

It can be seen that a layer of brilliant green light is emitting from her whole body.

Then, her body unexpectedly disappeared in place and flew out of this world.

Lin Han's time and space of Nine Elephants, even failed to stop her.

"Huh?" Lin Han was startled, Fairy Fenghua, and these other means of escape.

His Nine Elephants Time and Space, once displayed, almost no one can escape.

"Lin Han, you have caused me to lose half of the original strength of a hundred years of cultivation and Nine Nether Body this time. Let's walk and see, my Fenghua Fairy, if one day I don't give this hatred back ten times, I swear not to be human."

After Fairy Fenghua flew away from this mountain, only a voice full of resentment remained.

This means of escape is very costly.

Without decades of cultivation, it is almost impossible for her to recover, which makes her extremely unwilling.

Lin Han, this bastard, hurt her too badly.

When Lin Han saw this, he only shook his head helplessly. He didn't chase after Fairy Fenghua. Now there is no threat to him. Unless there is a special opportunity, he will be drawn further and further away in the future.

Then, he glanced at the entrance of Haoran's authentic North Mansion and grinned involuntarily.

This is a great treasure of Haoran's authenticity, and there is still a fiery curiosity in his heart.

Then he strode in.

"This is the place where Haoran's authentic treasure is hidden?" Lin Han asked unexpectedly when he entered it.

I saw that behind the waterfall, there was a huge palace, magnificent and magnificent, covering an area of ​​more than one thousand meters. In the palace, there were countless shelves.

On some shelves, there are a dazzling array of swords and swords, one by one exuding a light that makes the skin chill.

On some shelves, there are many elixirs, most of which have been lost, and the effect is shocking.

Some shelves are filled with secret techniques of fairy skills, and they are also of very high grade. They can be taken out at random, and they are enough to cause a huge sensation outside, and countless masters are fighting for their heads.

Lin Han could not help but want to laugh out loud when he saw this scene. The gain this time was indeed too great.

So many treasures, the value is amazing, it is unimaginable.

Even though Lin Han walked along the way and had extraordinary experience, he couldn't help being wrapped in a strong sense of happiness at this moment.

No less than a normal person, he saw a golden mountain and placed it in front of him.

"Later generations, who would dare to trespass into the Beifu Hall?" At this moment, a majestic voice spread, and then, in Lin Han's somewhat stunned eyes, I could only see a piece in the palace. Inside the pillar, a golden man wearing a golden armor came out!

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