War Emperor

Chapter 1678: test

Each one was wrapped in heavy armor, holding golden broadswords and fighting battles in his hands, revealing a murderous, incomparable, domineering taste.

To Lin Han's surprise, he never thought that there was such a mystery inside the pillar.

"Junior Lin Han, I've seen you all." Lin Han arched his hands and smiled at the eight golden men: "These are things that have no owner. Haoran's authentic sect has been destroyed for a long time. I can come here. People, why don't you give me all these treasures."

He could feel that there were remnants of souls in these eight golden human beings, and each of them was very old, and they must have been powerful figures in their lifetime.

"Huh, I'm the treasure of the authentic Northern Mansion, how could it be taken away so easily." Among the eight golden men, a taller old man sneered.

He is about two meters tall, and his face is old, like an old man in golden armor, with a taste that makes time and space tremble.

Entering into the master Jinren is an alternative method that allows their remnants to be preserved for a longer time.

He stood there casually, with an invincible aura overlooking Liuhe and Bahuang.

"However, if you can find here, you are indeed a destined person, but if you want to get these treasures, it depends on your ability." The old man Jin Jia said lightly.

"What ability?" Lin Han asked.

Obviously the other party wants to test himself.

"It's easy, you punch me with all your strength, as long as you can beat me back by half a step, you will be considered qualified." The old man Jin Jia said proudly.

"It's that simple?" Lin Han was a little surprised.

The old man was taken aback, and then he couldn't help but sneered, and said coldly: "Boy, you can't help but value yourself too much. You will naturally know that Jane is not easy to take action."

The other seven golden armored old men also used one type, looking at Lin Han with idiotic eyes.

In their eyes, Lin Han also underestimated them.

"The younger generation will show their ugliness." Lin Han nodded, and could perceive that the golden armor bodies of these old men were very extraordinary. They were filled with a strong smell, and it would not be easy to break them.

He did not underestimate, his expression was a little solemn, and then took a deep breath, the divine power in his body bulged out on his arm, making his entire arm become pitch black like ink, like a **** or devil arm, With an air of turbulence and destruction.

"This is the magic way?" The eight people were a little surprised. This dark energy is the source and the magic way, but it is much more authentic than the ordinary magic way, and it has been completely separated. The world understands the magic way. .

There is no sense of evil, only the terrifying majesty, so that their remnant soul can't help but feel a touch of throbbing in their hearts, as if they have seen some supernatural power in the world.

This makes them feel incredible.

In their realm, what kind of practice can make them feel this way?

Lin Han revealed a mysterious smell in their eyes at this moment.

The other party can rely on himself to find the gate of Haoran's authentic North House, it seems that he still has a certain brush.

"Old man, be careful." Lin Han looked at the black light in his hand and couldn't help but reminded the golden armored old man in the middle.

In order to avoid accidents, his punch almost condenses all the origins of the Ultimate Demon Sutra in his body.

The Jinjiao old man just sneered, did not speak, and stood out, as if to say, don't worry, come on.

Even if Lin Han's exercises were somewhat unique, he didn't believe it could really affect him.

In order to build these golden armors, they spent a lot of effort.

Even if a lot of the original power has been lost over the years, he didn't think that it would be Lin Han, a still young teenager who could shake it.

"Drink!" Lin Han didn't delay. He immediately shouted and waved his arm, and then he hit the old man with golden armor on the chest.

The violent power was instantly let go, and the entire hall was rumbling, as if it were about to explode.

Moreover, within Lin Han's body, there was a mysterious roar of the demon god, which seemed to seal a mysterious world with countless demon gods in it, blessing Lin Han's divine power.

All of the old people couldn't help changing their color, and there was a shock in their hearts. They didn't expect that they looked harmless to humans and animals, and some handsome youngsters rose up with such a momentum. This is like a young god, making them all admired.

The old man in the middle couldn't help but his mouth twitched fiercely, feeling a little regretful.

If he had known that Lin Han was so abnormal, he shouldn't have a big deal, and let Lin Han give himself a punch.

Even if this golden armor is extremely strong, he feels a little disturbed.

In order to maintain his masterful demeanor, he can only stand still on the spot, his face filled with oxen in his heart.


In the end, a loud metal sound spread, and the majestic fist hit the golden armor, like the stormy waves hitting the shore, the endless golden blood rushed past, and the whole hall was full of fierceness. Strong wind, if someone is here, they will be blown out like weeds.

The remaining seven golden armored old men couldn't help but step back a bit, surprised.

The old man in the middle made a puff, spouting a mouthful of golden blood, and then let out a scream like a pig, his body flew upside down and hit the ground a few times.

"Senior, are you okay." Lin Han was taken aback, and ran over to help him up.

"Bah, baah, I'm so sorry, don't touch Laozi." The old man scolded and said angrily.

Too embarrassed, as a senior expert, was knocked over by a junior kid.

He wanted to find a place to sew in.

The other elderly people also mourned the "boss" for a while, and thought to themselves, fortunately, they didn't entrust the big brother before, otherwise it would be themselves who would be ashamed now.

This kid can hardly be judged by common sense.

"Am I passing the test?" Lin Han smiled awkwardly, and didn't expect that the punch would embarrass the old man.

"Huh, I'm barely qualified." The old man drew his face and regained his composure again.

I have to say that he is indeed extraordinary, he can still recover so quickly after receiving such a majestic punch from Lin Han.

"However, if you have got our treasure, you must promise us one thing." The old man suddenly thought of something, his face solemn, and said solemnly.

"If you don't agree, and you want to rely on brute force to grab, I can tell you for sure, this is completely impossible."

After that, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and with a boom, the entire hall suddenly shuddered, and then a majestic array appeared, covering Lin Han.

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