War Emperor

Chapter 1679: Goodbye

"This is... the Eight Murder Array?" Lin Han couldn't help being taken aback, and saw that there were eight fierce murderers on top of this large array, some of them were chaos, some of them were Juxuan, Sui, Sui, etc... …

Each one is vivid and lifelike.

The Eight Murders Array is indeed a very powerful array.

If it really broke out, Lin Han would definitely not be an opponent, he would definitely die.

At the moment, Lin Han couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I will naturally agree. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"This is a piece of jade pendant. Don’t ask what effect it has. You take it into the hands of a statue of a woman in the Haoran authentic East Mansion. The statue of the woman is huge and magnificent. As long as you go to the East Mansion, you want to find It's not difficult for her." The middle old man waved his palm, and a green jade pendant appeared. His vicissitudes of life showed a touch of nostalgia. He sighed and handed it to Lin Handao.

Lin Han was startled, the conditions were so simple? He looked at the jade pendant in his hand and saw that it was warm and moist, like a special kind of jade polished, just holding it like this, there was a warm feeling.

The shape of the jade pendant is like an indescribable ancient beast, with a sense of age.

He didn’t know the meaning of the old man’s asking him to do this, but since the other party didn’t want to say it, he didn’t ask too much. At the moment, he took the jade pendant away and said to the eight old people: “Don’t worry, as long as I find Dong The place where the mansion is located will definitely place this jade pendant on the statue of the woman. If it is violated, I will definitely have to die, and the sky will thunder."

Ordinary cultivators will never swear by their own souls, and they are likely to be remembered by the heavens. There will be a mark in the dark, and if it is not realized, they will call the heavens.

Now, Lin Han obviously swears by his soul and will not violate it.

The eight old people had extremely gratified smiles on their faces. They felt that Lin Han was a person who valued promises. Since they had already said so, he would naturally help them to do their best.

"Well, in that case, take these things with you." The old man in the middle waved his hand.

Looking at the infinite treasures in the entire hall, a touch of complexity suddenly appeared in his heart.

This is one of the foundations that once made them awe-inspiring and authentic, standing in the fairy world, and awed by countless people.

It's a pity that everything was ruined in a war in ancient times.

Now I can only sigh.

Lin Han nodded, excited in his heart, and finally got these treasures. He was already in it, and he saw many items that were very useful to him now. When they were used out, his combat power would be strengthened again.

The harvest this time was indeed against the sky. If it were known to outside geniuses, I wonder what it would be like.

"Hey, Lin Han, Lin Han, the idea is good, but unfortunately, your desire to obtain these treasures will be lost."

At this moment, a woman's cold laughter sounded abruptly in the hall.

Then, the door of the main hall rumbling, a group of people walked in mightily.

Each of them was dressed in black, with a brutal and evil aura on his body, just walking like this, like a messenger in hell, shuddering.

The leader is a woman in black with an enchanting figure, a pretty face is white, charming and moving.

In the dark eyes, there was a sense of cunning and wisdom.

It seems that this woman is a very deep person in the city, and most people simply cannot calculate her.

"Greed girl, is it you?" Lin Han raised his brow and asked unexpectedly.

This woman is no one else, but the greedy princess who is greedy. They once had a relationship.

In the Huo Ancestral Tomb, he also undermined the opponent's plan.

The current greedy girl is obviously much stronger, giving him a sense of danger, more powerful than Fairy Fenghua.

This made him sigh in his heart, greedy people in the realm, really weird.

Why, I haven't seen him in a short period of time, the other party's growth is even faster than him.

"Lin Han, in the Tomb of the Fire Ancestor before, what you saw was just an incarnation of this princess. This is the princess's body. With the princess's body, you can kill you by raising your hand at will. Ten thousand times." Greedy girl sneered.

In the Huo Ancestor's Tomb, Lin Han badly treated her good deeds. She has not forgotten this account.

Lin Han nodded in relief, just looking at her.

There are eight old people, here, there is no need for him to solve the greedy girl.

At this time, the old man with golden armor in the middle, his face sank, and he coldly shouted: "Bold evildoer, dare to break into my vast and authentic place, the hidden treasure of the North House. If you can't find death, you can leave quickly, otherwise you won't blame our old bones. Let all of you evildoers die here."

Boom boom boom...

After speaking, all the eight old people's body surfaces released, extremely bright golden light, like eight rounds of sun blooming here, dazzling people can't open their eyes.

At the same time, the eight fierce formations were also urged to the extreme by them. The fierce coercion spread, causing the entire formation to tremble, as if to collapse.

"Haha..." However, the greedy woman couldn't help laughing, not afraid at all, and said as if holding on: "You eight are not dead, don't think that this will scare me, if it were your original body, At the peak state, I am naturally invincible."

"But the earliest source of this method of shaping the golden body is our greed. This princess can be said to know everything well, and she can break it down at will, let you return to dust and dirt..."

The greedy girl sneered, and took out a bronze medal from the white jade hand. With a move of heart, the secret method urged, the bronze medal exuded a mysterious light, shot on the gold armor of the eight old people, and was a little surprised in Lin Han. In his eyes, the golden armor on the eight old people immediately seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and they were melting and turning into golden water.

"This is a Sunder Armor card, you actually have this, **** it." The eight old people couldn't help changing their colors.

In order to preserve their wisdom for a long time, they indeed chose this method of shaping the golden body.

I thought it was seamless, and few people in the world knew how to crack it.

Only now did I understand that it turned out to be greedy.

This armor-breaking card is a secret item that specifically restrains their golden body. Once it is displayed, the golden body will automatically collapse.

The golden body is closely related to the eight evil formations they constructed. If the golden body is broken, the eight evil formations will also collapse.

This made them realize in their hearts that it was not good, this greedy princess really had two brushes, which just stifled their lifeline.

"Oh, how about it, Lin Han, now do you still think there is nothing they can do with this princess?" The greedy girl smiled at Lin Han, holding the armor-piercing card.

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