War Emperor

Chapter 1743: Devil Ridge

"Young Master Lin Han, what are your plans next?" Mu Qiqi also smiled.

There was an undisguised admiration in his eyes.

Heroes love beautiful people, and beautiful people love heroes.

Lin Han is a hero among his peers.

For a woman, the temptation is too great, if Lin Han can show a little goodwill towards her, she will definitely rush forward desperately.

She has been searching for so long, and Lin Han is the perfect object.

However, she could see that Lin Han was not a lecher, otherwise there would be a beauty like Ling Xuan around him, and he would not be so indifferent.

Lin Han smiled dumbly.

The current plan, naturally, go back quickly, use small flowers and grass, borrow the starry sky teleportation array, and shuttle to the Nine Wonders.

"Young Master Lin Han, I don’t know, your realm has reached the ninth level of the Supreme Void Realm, and you can enter the Heavenly Transcendent Realm in just one step. As far as I know, there is a secret place in this Tianqi Mountain. It’s a good place to help others and break into the world-passing realm. Young Master Lin Han, finally came to Tianqi Mountain. If you miss it, it would be a shame.” Mu Qiqi smiled.

"Really?" Lin Han's eyes lit up instantly.

He is indeed distressed now, how to break into the Heavenly Transcendent Realm is indeed very important to him.

"Naturally, but it is very dangerous there. There is a nine-headed evil dragon guarding him. If Young Master Lin Han wants to go, he should be more careful." Mu Qiqi said.

Lin Han's heart shuddered, what he had killed was only a three-headed evil flood.

The nine-headed evil floodplain is many times more powerful than the three-headed evil floodplain.

Even the Sky Sea Dragon King is far from an opponent.

Unexpectedly, there is such a beast in the place Mu Qiqi said.

"It's okay, just say it, no matter how dangerous it is, I will try it." Then, Lin Han said firmly.

The geniuses of the Nine Immortals are very powerful.

If he couldn't break into the heavenly realm, he wouldn't be able to save his mother even if he rushed over.

"Well, about three hundred miles away from here, there is a Devil Ridge. Among them, there is a black water pool where a treasure of heaven and earth grows, named "Tong Tian Guo", which contains the Qi of Heaven for thousands of years before it can be born. The treasure medicine that came out. Nine Evil Flood Dragons are its guardian beasts. In just these two days, the Tongtian fruit will fully mature. After obtaining it, Young Master Lin Han will break into the Tongtian realm, but it is just around the corner." Mu Qiqi Smiled.

"Thank you for letting me know, I went." Lin Han thanked him, and then took Ling Xuan to fly away.

"Miss, did you tell him that?" Song Yun frowned.

"Hey, the show has just begun, how could the man I'm fond of easily let it go." Mu Qiqi smiled.

Song Yun smiled and nodded. It was his blessing that Lin Han was so favored by Miss.

It seems that Lin Han is about to be picked up by the young lady.

Miss, it's not as simple as the surface.


"Lin Han, have you noticed something wrong with Mu Qiqi?" Lingxuan asked.

"Why is something wrong?" Lin Han puzzled.

Alchemist is originally a noble profession.

Not to mention a beauty.

"I can't tell you, anyway, as a woman, I feel that she is a bit uncomfortable." Lingxuan shook his head.

Lin Han laughed, saying that Lingxuan might have thought too much.

Even if Mu Qiqi has a secret, she just doesn't have any bad intentions against them.

Lingxuan felt reasonable, smiled and nodded, no longer thinking about it.

That's it, after flying for a quarter of an hour, I came to a mountain.

This mountain, seen from a high altitude, looked like a human-shaped demon lying on the ground, with black mist evaporating from it, somewhat unknown.

Inside the mountain, there is indeed a pool of water, black in color, like the eyes of a **** of death, which can swallow everything.

Lin Hanchu couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. It was a weird pool.

"That is Tongtianguo?" Then, Lin Han asked in surprise.

In the pool water, there is indeed a special plant.

The whole body is red, and it is three feet high, and there are very bright red fruits on it. From a long distance, you can smell a refreshing fragrance.

Lin Han's heart became hot in an instant. This is undoubtedly the Heavenly Tongue Fruit. After eating it, not only can he break through the Heavenly Heavenly Realm, but for Ling Xuan, his strength will also greatly increase.

This makes him very excited.

"Be careful, in the lake, there is a nine-headed evil flood, which is not so easy to deal with." Lingxuan reminded.

She was able to perceive that there was a very cruel aura dormant in the pool water. If she wanted to come to belong to the nine-headed evil scorpion, if it really rushed out, it would be very powerful.

"En." Lin Han nodded.

After looking around, he suddenly laughed, and then took out special materials from the space stone pendant and placed them among the surrounding mountains.

"What are you doing?" Ling Xuan asked in shock.

"I want to set up a formation to deal with the evil flood." Lin Han smiled.

He has now reached a point where ordinary people can't imagine the formation method. Since the evil flood is hung in the pool and can't come out, he can just shadow the opponent.

It couldn't be better to ambush the opponent with a formation.

Lingxuan was a little suspicious, could Lin Han deploy such a strong formation?

As far as she knows, it's difficult to make a difference in formation.

Some masters of formations are all older people.

How old is Lin Han?

The formation skills must be limited.

However, she quickly changed her perspective. When Lin Han arranged the formation, she could see that in the entire space, there was a strong smell of mountain rain, like a huge killer. The formation was already dormant, and the momentum alone made her hairy.

Such a formation, even if the people on the eighth or ninth level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm encounter them, they will have a green face.

She admires Lin Han even more.

Lin Han is so extraordinary, it turns out that he has such amazing attainments in the formation.

"Nine-headed evil flood, get out of it." After finishing this, Lin Han laughed and faced the dark pond waterway.

The formation he set up, called the Yin Yang Suolong Formation, mobilizes the yin and yang between the heavens and the earth, which is very mysterious.

That is to say, he learned the very essence of the formation from Hong, and he may not be able to arrange it when he replaced it with other formation masters.

As for those precious materials, he has obtained many treasures, and he completely owns them.


When speaking, Lin Han made a move with the palm of his hand, and he lifted a large mountain on the side, and then slammed it down into the dark pool fiercely.

The pool water immediately surged into the sky, causing big waves and shaking.


The nine-headed evil scorpion who was dormant under the pool water was provoked, and immediately let out a roar, rushing out of it.

Lingxuan shocked!

This nine-headed evil dragon is really huge. After flying into the air, it is tens of thousands of miles, with a pitch-black dragon body. It is vigorous and condensed. It seems that it can shatter the universe with a slight movement, and the sun, moon and stars shook crazily.

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