War Emperor

Chapter 1744: Nine Headed Evil Jiao

This kind of momentum is enough for ordinary creatures to be paralyzed on the spot, and there is no standing capital in front of it.

"The strength of these nine evil floods is stronger than I imagined." Lin Han couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

I'm afraid that he has already left the three realms of Emperor Immortal and entered another level.

And the blood of this fierce beast is so powerful that even a real dragon is not its opponent.

"Little human, you dare to disturb me, you are so brave." Nine-headed evil dragon entrenched in the sky, crowded with the sky, nine huge heads, like nine ancient sacred mountains, staring coldly at Lin Han , Said coldly.

"Yes, I want to borrow your Tongtianguo, how about it?" Lin Han said with a smile.

"If your brain is broken, you can't do it. What are you, this seat guarding Tongtianguo, how can you lend it to you for so many years?" The nine-headed evil dragon looked contemptuously, as if he was looking at a fool.

"Not only that, today you and this little girl's life, let's stay." Finally, there was a greedy killing light in its eyes, a loud roar, and a head stretched out, biting towards Lin Han and Lingxuan. past.

Its head is too big and its mouth is open, no less than a door of **** opened.

Lingxuan couldn't help but feel a touch of despair in his heart.

This is not something people of their realm can contend.

The great aura was overwhelmed, giving her a sign of being unable to move.

Lin Han looked as usual, without fear at all, just smiled lightly: "Want to kill us, how could it be so simple."

"Yin and Yang Locking Dragon Formation, show me."

At the moment, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and with a bang, the vast ground instantly began to tremble.

Then, the formation he arranged appeared, between the heaven and the earth, the yin and yang qi, continuously condensed, and turned into two extremely thick chains, instantly locking the nine heads of the nine-headed evil flood, making it immobile.

The nine-headed evil dragon at the moment was screwed there like a twist.

"Great formation? Damn, you kid, you are still a formation mage?" Nine-headed evil dragon was surprised.

Array Mage is an extremely powerful profession. Some Array Mage, with the intention of preparing, are just alone and can resist hundreds of millions of troops.

This is not something you can compete with.

However, the formation mage that can affect him is not too many even in the entire fairy world.

Everyone has lived for at least tens of thousands of years.

Lin Han was so young, only in his twenties, that he was able to arrange a formation of Yin Yang Suolong Dragon formation, which really shocked him.

"Yes, now obediently let me take the Tongtianguo, I can spare your life, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite." Lin Han smiled lightly.

With the Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation, he can deal with the nine-headed evil flood with too much ease.

This is the power of the array mage.

"Hmph, even if you have a formation and want to deal with this seat, it's not that simple." The eyes of the nine-headed evil flood were burning with raging anger. As the overlord of the mountains and forests, he was threatened by a human teenager, making it unacceptable. .

Right now, it roared wildly, with a monstrous light emitting from its body, its strength increased greatly, and it wanted to break free from the shackles of the Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation.

Then, even if the iron chains condensed from the yin and yang, there are some signs of breaking.

The nine-headed evil flood is like a peerless beast about to break free from its shackles.

Lin Han was surprised, the other party was really good, no wonder he could kill the dragon.

However, he was not afraid. The brilliance in his hand flashed, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword appeared, and the sword was facing, and a head of the Nine Headed Evil Flood smashed and killed.

The speed is too fast, and Lin Han's current swordsmanship has reached a level that ordinary people cannot match.


One of the heads of the nine-headed evil flood was instantly cut and flew out by him, and the blood flowed down from the sky like a waterfall.

The nine-headed evil flood screamed sternly.

"Nine-headed evil flood, do you have to resist? Otherwise, I will chop off all of your nine heads and refine them into essence pill." Lin Leng Leng shouted.

The original power of the nine-headed evil flood is all in the nine heads. As long as the nine heads of it are cut off, it is not a concern.

Now a head has fallen.

Its breath was faint, and it was no longer able to break free from the Yin and Yang lock dragon formation.

"You... bastard, you cut off one of the heads of this seat, ahhhh..." The nine-headed evil dragon uttered an incomparably angry roar. Each of its heads has been cultivated for at least tens of thousands of years before it can be formed. .

Lin Han is equivalent to cutting off his tens of thousands of years of cultivation, how is it not angry.

The anger in its eyes now burned the void into yellow water, and it could not wait to eat Lin Han raw.

"Hurry up and make a choice, I don't have time to delay with you." Lin Lenglin shouted, the blood falling emperor sword in his hand, exuding crimson blood.

A look of fright flashed in the eyes of the nine-headed evil flood. This emperor sword was too sharp, otherwise Lin Han would want to cut off its head.

It perceives a great threat.

Now that it is bound by the formation, Lin Han is holding such a peerless weapon, it is really likely to die.

In the end, it hesitated, and only smiled bitterly: "Okay, kid, if you win, take this Tongtian fruit, this seat has been guarding this fruit for at least 30,000 years. I can't think of finally becoming a human kid. People are not as good as heaven."

After speaking, the breath on his body converged.

It knew that it would not be able to break free at all, otherwise Lin Han would take the knife and drop it, and its nine heads would be chopped off continuously, which would cause greater losses to it.

"Thank you." Lin Han just smiled, flew into the pool and took down the Tongtianguo.

Then, he and Ling Xuan flew away, leaving only a voice saying: "Yin and Yang lock the dragon formation, after two hours, it will automatically unlock, then you will be free."


Lin Han and Ling Xuan were undoubtedly very happy to get the Tongtian Fruit smoothly.

Flying in the mountains and forests, the smiles on their faces are unobstructed.

"Let's find a place now to refine them." Ling Xuan said.

Secretly, it’s better to come out with Lin Han. In just a few days, she ate Long Yuan Guo, and now she has eaten Tong Tian Guo. In the sword house, she has cultivated for hundreds of years, and it will not be so big. improvement.

"En." Lin Han smiled and nodded, he couldn't wait, he wanted to hurry up and break into the Heaven-through Realm.

"Huh? No, how could such purple smoke appear in the mountains and forests, no, this smoke is drugged..."

Suddenly, Lin Han's expression changed, and he noticed that a large purple smog filled the mountains and forests.

As if thinking of something, just about to prepare for defense, a feeling of dizziness hit his mind immediately.

He hardly had any ability to resist, so he weakened and fell down.

The same is true for Lingxuan.

Before they went into a coma, they had only one thought, who released this purple smoke?

If it was a fierce beast, they would be finished.

"Haha, miss, you are still good, so you can clean them up so easily."

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