War Emperor

Chapter 1748: Exit

At this time, the aura of Lin Han's whole body was like a volcano of energy condensed to the extreme.

The whole cave was rumbling and trembling, as if it could not bear his power and was about to explode.


Finally, the sound of a heavenly sword being unsheathed, Lin Han's closed eyes finally opened, a huge divine light burst out, flying the entire cave, turning over 100,000 catties of boulders. Flying, the scene is scary.

He was born like a **** and demon, changing the colors of the sky.

"Fifth floor of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm." Clenching his fist, feeling the majestic breath in his body, Lin Han couldn't help grinning, a burst of excitement.

This time, he has made great progress. He estimates that his overall strength has increased by at least ten times, which is not comparable to before. If Zheng Xiong appears again, he has absolute confidence and can compete.

"Hong, what realm is above the Tongtian realm? Is it the realm master?" Lin Han couldn't help but ask what he thought of.

Zheng Xiong's realm was obviously above the Tongtian realm, and he could detect that he should not be the realm master.

The realm master is the master of the one realm, and is synonymous with the world's unparalleled. Every realm master in history is a super power. Although Zheng Xiong is very powerful, he is far from this realm.

"The realm master? How can it be so simple." Hong sneered: "Above the heavenly realm, there are the realm master's five realms. Only when you reach perfection can you truly become a realm master. It must be in harmony with the heavens. The conditions are too harsh."

"The realm master's five realms?" Lin Han was surprised, the realm master's realm water was so deep.

"Well, these five realms refer to the one-level realm, the two-qi realm, the three-talent realm, the four-image realm, and the five-element realm. They represent the five profound powers in the universe. Only when they are completely mastered and integrated, It is possible to become a realm master. Each realm is divided into nine levels. Zheng Xiong’s realm has reached the one-level realm. However, he is obviously just entering, and even his aura is not stable, otherwise he will display the "one-level aura." For you, it will be a huge threat." Hong explained.

Lin Han slapped his tongue for a while. Originally, he thought that he had reached the Heavenly Transcendent Realm and was not far from the Realm Master Realm. Only now I knew that he was thinking too much.

The road is long and long.

There is still a lot of way to go.


At this moment, an energy explosion sounded, and within another cave in the valley, Lingxuan also left the gate. Taking advantage of this time, she also refined the Tongtian fruit.

Now her body surface is blooming with brilliant light, the whole figure is like a fairy descending to the earth, full of brilliance, full of indescribable sense of transcendence.

"Are you out of the customs?" Lin Han smiled and looked at Lingxuan's beautiful body and couldn't help but sigh. Lingxuan has also reached the Heavenly Transmitting Realm now.

After coming out this time, Lingxuan made great progress.

After thinking about it, he also knew that this was because of Tong Tian Guo, the effect was too bad.

Even he has already broken through one big realm and five small realms, and it is reasonable for Lingxuan to make such progress.

"En." Lingxuan smiled and nodded, it was also a burst of excitement, in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, how many geniuses could not enter the realm in their entire life, this time I came out with Lin Han, only a few days before she entered. , She also feels like a dream now.

Thanks to Lin Han, without him, he would never have made such a big improvement.

Now she couldn't help the urge to hold Lin Han and kiss his face.

Chi Chi!

Next, Xiao Lan was also out of the gate. This time he was seriously injured, and its bloodline power was also stimulated a lot. Now the whole body of blue flame is burning, and some runes are transpiring, which looks gorgeous and extraordinary.

Above that blue flame, Lin Han felt a throbbing smell, showing how overbearing the power of the flame was.

Seeing that Lin Han was watching herself, Xiao Lan happily flew over, arching her beak affectionately on Lin Han's face, expressing excitement.

This time, although they almost died tragically at the hands of Zheng Xiong, the gain was also great.

"Let's, what do we do next?" Lingxuan asked.

"Naturally, it's trouble with that old **** Zheng Xiong." Lin Lian Lian smiled, and his eyes burst out. He has always had grudges to be reported. This time he was almost killed by Zheng Xiong.

"En." Lingxuan nodded, expecting a while.



At this moment, eighty miles away, among a mountain range, Zheng Xiong was standing on a cliff, scanning the vast forest with gloomy eyes.

His eyes are like knives, as if to see through every inch of corners under the lush trees.

However, Tianqi Mountain is too big, and the vegetation is lush and verdant, so looking for it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and it is impossible to take care of every corner.

"Damn it, how could this kid run like this, I haven't found it yet." Under upset, Zheng Xiong couldn't help but smashed a huge boulder beside him and said angrily.

He has been searching for several days, and he has not even found a single piece of Lin Han's hair.

Make him extremely angry.

Lin Han had such things as heaven-defying things such as the ancient sword furnace, the ancient banner, and the time and space travel. Any one of them can make ordinary cultivators have the potential to become strong in the future.

When the three gathered together, the temptation to him was too full.

He couldn't wait to search Lin Han.

"Enlighten Hall Master." At this moment, someone came to report: "In a certain valley in the south direction, we found that there was a sign of a large amount of energy exploding. It is suspected that someone has left the customs. It is very likely that it will be Lin Han. , And that little girl."

Zheng Xiong became excited in an instant, and laughed loudly: "Lin Han, Lin Han, I finally found you. With your little tricks, no matter what, I can't escape my palm."

Right now, his eyes stood up, and his eyes were murderous: "Go, go find that kid."

"Yes!" The people in the big evil hall are also excited. Lin Han is a big fat sheep. He has long heard that his wealth is unimaginable. As long as he gets it, it is enough to make the entire fairy world boil.

Even if they get some soup dregs to drink, it's good.

"No need to look for it, we are already here." At this moment, a young laughter came over, and then the horizon not far away, the divine light boiled like a tsunami.

In the big evil hall, many people who rushed past flew over like weeds, crying in pain.

A young man, hand in hand with a young girl, flew in the light of the gods, like an immortal couple.

The young man in his twenties, with a beautiful face and a smile like a spring breeze, was Lin Han.

The smile now, more or less, has a cold and sharp color.

"Lin Han, you dare to come to the door yourself, so brave." Zheng Xiong's eyes were gloomy and he smiled.

There was a look of surprise at the bottom of his eyes.

You can tell at a glance that Lin Han's strength has changed a lot.

If it was like a weak sheep before, it has grown a lot now.

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