War Emperor

Chapter 1749: defeat

This made him a little shocked. It was only a few days since he hadn't seen him. How could Lin Han have changed so much.

He could still detect that Lingxuan and Xiaolan were the same, it was really hell.

"Are you looking for death? You will naturally know below." Lin Han smiled coldly, with a move with his palm, rumbling, in the eyes of everyone who was astonished, a mountain that was as high as ten thousand feet next to him was directly moved up by him and flew to In the sky, cover the sun.

Lin Han is now like an immortal god, full of an overbearing taste.

"how can that be?"

Some members of the big evil hall were shocked, and they could move a mountain of ten thousand meters away with a single beckon. How much mana was needed to do it.

Lin Han's move was full of visual impact.

Zheng Xiong's heart twitched, even if he wanted to do this step, it was not that simple.


Lin Han held the mountain in his hand, didn't talk nonsense, and slammed directly towards Zheng Xiong's position.

The intrepid momentum allowed space, and the constant boiling, like a lake to explode.

The many masters in the Great Evil Hall turned pale in fright, and hurriedly fled.

This hand is really terrifying.

How can this be hit? This big mountain is overwhelmed and everyone is going to die.

"Hmph, break it for me!" A look of anger appeared in Zheng Xiong's eyes, and Lin Han attacked in such a way, it was clear that he did not put himself in his eyes.

At the moment, a black sword appeared in his hand, and it hit the mountain and slashed it down.

The terrible sword energy is like a big river that can cut the world apart.

There is also a special gas in the knife gas, it is milky white, as if it is planted with the beauty of the universe, and has an unspeakable destructive power.

This is the unity of energy.

Characters in the unitary realm, signature means.

Zheng Xiong just stepped into the one-dimensional realm, the one-dimensional Qi is still very weak, but the power is also very extraordinary.


With the sound of a terrible explosion, Lin Han's mountain exploded in an instant, and pieces of rubble fell down.

However, Zheng Xiong also endured a certain amount of strong counter-shock force, and Zhen's chest was painful. He stepped back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't dare to believe this result. He was a strong person in the Uniform Realm. Even if he didn't have a stable realm, he was far from being a person of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm and could contend.

Lin Han shook him, which was beyond his expectation.

Lin Han was also shocked and backed up a few steps, feeling a bit of blood in his chest.

After all, Zheng Xiong's realm is quite strong, and he can't take advantage of too much under hard work.

"Boy, although I don't know why your strength has improved so much, but you have annoyed me. Today, the king of heaven, I can't save you."

There was a touch of anger in Zheng Xiong's eyes, and he was truly angered.

He gritted his teeth and sipped, the extremely powerful divine power in his body, all instilled into the black big knife in his hand, and immediately made the light from the big knife become more and more dense, like a magic knife that absorbs the resentment of all souls. An atmosphere of horror swept away.

Then, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, his hands were violently smashing the big sword, and he slashed down, saying: "The magic sword technique, kill!"


The voice fell, and a fierce roar resounded between heaven and earth.

With Zheng Xiong's knife, it was as if a **** and demon had really come out.

The boundless black energy, like a huge ocean bursting a bank, whizzed towards Lin Han, reaching a height of ten thousand meters high. Lin Han was in front of him, as small as an ant. The most important thing is that those black lights churned in the air, forming a devil. Head portrait, open his mouth, want to swallow Lin Han.

The picture makes the scalp numb.

Lingxuan couldn't help being awe-inspiring, Zheng Xiong was really amazing.

In front of him, ordinary characters in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm had no power to fight back.

This blow was really amazing.

"I want to beat me, it's still a long way away." However, Lin Han smiled freely, with a touch of pride in his eyes. After his strength greatly increased, he had the tolerance to not put everything in his eyes.

"God suit, out!"

Then, his face sank, and he gave a cold sigh, the mad **** battle armor and the great thousand blood inflammation cloak appeared on him instantly, setting off him like a war **** reincarnation.

Then the brilliance flashed in his hand, and the blood fell on the Emperor Sword, and a majestic murderous aura appeared on the sharp blade of the sword, causing the world to fall into a cold.

"Eight Swords of the Universe, Sixth Sword, Extinction!"

In the end, Lin Han spit out an extremely cold word, like an ancient **** singing in Zen, the blood of the Emperor's Sword in his hand increased sharply.

A sword slashed down, the vast red sword aura, also like a magnificent angry dragon, whizzed and impacted.

At this moment, the world was filled with powerful attacks from the two.

The masters of the big evil hall shivered.

The aura is too strong for the oppressor to breathe.


Finally, in their horrified gaze, two completely different sword lights finally collided fiercely.

The void was submerged by black and red light, almost nothing could be seen, like two stars exploding here.

Layers of vigorous energy ripples crazily surging around.

Along the way, ancient trees became ashes, earth and rocks rolled, lakes exploded, and mountains collapsed.

Like a huge natural disaster, the entire mountains and forests are in a mess.

Many wild beasts rushed around frantically, triggering a wave of beasts, which shows how violent the two fight this time.


After a while, Zheng Xiong held the black broadsword, slashing downwards, and finally couldn't help it. He spouted a mouthful of blood, his body flew out like a leather ball, and slammed into the back not far behind. On a cliff, smash the cliff into a huge human-shaped pit.

He clutched his chest, almost uncomfortably speechless.

"The hall master is defeated?"

The masters of the big evil hall were all horrified.

The hall master is a strong man who has entered the Uniform Realm. Why would he lose to Lin Han? It is like seeing an adult be defeated by a child, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, my heart is bitter.

In that case, they want to get the idea of ​​Lin Han's baby, and they are going to fail.

Even the hall master is not an opponent, they are even worse.

"Zheng Xiong, what do you have to say?" Lin Han held the Blood Falling Emperor Sword on Zheng Xiong's neck and sneered.

This time, the internal injury he suffered was not light, but he had a celestial demon body, plus, he had swallowed two botanical treasures, which is nothing to him, almost thinking about it. Turn, the longevity qi volatilized, all the injuries in the body were recovered, his face became ruddy, and his eyes were refined.

Zheng Xiong gritted his teeth fiercely and looked at Lin Han, with a deep unwillingness in his eyes. If he had known that Lin Han had grown so fast, a few days ago, he should be desperate and attack directly. Obliterate Lin Han.

Let Lin Han escape, now that he is stronger than himself, it really made him regret it.

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