War Emperor

Chapter 1755: Bull Demon King

The team walked for about half an hour, and finally came to Dayuling, magnificent, surrounded by clouds and mist, standing like a monstrous beast, full of oppression.

Lin Han frowned, the evil spirit here was indeed amazing.

The dormant monster must be very powerful.

"Don't worry too much. I heard that the Great Sage Bull Demon often retreats. If we are lucky enough, maybe he is retreating, and he won't do anything to us." Lin Mo smiled.

There was a touch of heartfelt prayer in his tone.

If you really run into the Great Sage of the Bull Demon, it will be very difficult.

"En." Lin Han nodded.

When walking, every guard in the Lin family cheered up.

Lin Han was also scanning the surroundings. Not long after he seemed to have discovered something, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Lin Mo's prayers might fail. He noticed a very powerful aura, awakening in the depths of Dayuling, and rushed here.

It seems to be the so-called Great Sage of Bull Demon.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Han's thoughts fell, the entire Daeuling Mountain began to tremble, like a behemoth, walking towards here.

Next, a shocking scene appeared, and the sky dimmed instantly.

A huge head appeared on the sky, covering the sky and the sun, like a big star.

The sun, moon and stars all appeared very small in front of him.

"Great Sage Bull Demon, it's not good, hurry up and guard." Lin Mo's expression changed, and he said quickly.

The other guards drew out the weapons from their waists and waited for them.

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be a group of juniors in the Lin family. At the beginning, one of your Lin family's superior elders lied to me to explore a treasure, but it turned out to be a trap. My old cow took the lead and deceived me miserably. Today's account can finally get some interest back." Great Sage Bull Demon laughed.

He is like an ancient giant, with a human body, but with two horns on his head. It is very large, and his body is full of monsters, rendering the sky black.

Both eyes are like two stars.

With so much laughter, a strong wind blew up on the ground, blowing hundreds of thousands of catties of boulders, constantly flying.

Lin Mo was a bit solemn and smiled bitterly: "Senior Niu Demon, the elder in my family was not intentional. He didn't know it was a trap. He told us afterwards that he was very ashamed. Please seniors, don’t care. This is. We have a little bit of heart, please accept it."

Then, he waved, and a lot of guards beside him brought many boxes.

When the box was opened, there were some purple flesh and blood with a strange fragrance, which was very strange.

"Hey, it's the meat of the purple-scaled pig. You guys have enough preparations, knowing that the old cow likes this." The great sage of the cow demon licked his lips. The purple-scaled pig is a very rare beast, even with his mana. It's monstrous, it's not easy to find.

There are at least ten flesh and blood in the box, which can give him a full meal.

However, there was another coldness in his eyes, and he smiled: "But my old cow, I don't want to eat purple scale pork, I want to eat human flesh..."

Murderous in his eyes.

Many people feel like falling into an ice cellar, a moment of coldness.

"Senior Niu Demon, why are you aggressive? Our Lin family is sincere enough." Lin Mo smiled bitterly.

In order to find these purple scale pigs, their Lin family spent a lot of effort.

There are also many good players who have broken.

"Hmph, don't tell me these useless things. All of you are going to die today. If your family elder dares to cheat me, I will ask him to pay the price."

The great sage bull demon roared, raised his arm as thick as a mountain, and immediately suppressed it towards the team.

The majestic momentum caused many guards to fly out instantly.

Some low-powered people directly turned into blood mist, which is too strong, and ordinary masters can be crushed to death by pressure alone.

Lin Mo gritted his teeth fiercely, knowing that now, he can only fight.

"Kill!" At the moment, his whole body glowed with incomparable divine light, holding a divine sword in his hand, rushing towards the bull demon loudly and rushing to kill.

He deserves to be Young Master Lin, his strength is very high, and his hands are quite shocking.

However, the Great Sage Bull Demon is stronger, he is a figure of the same level as the Lin family elder, and he cannot be dealt with by the juniors.

Even if he was severely injured by the Taishang Elder Pit, he still had only one-tenth of his strength in his heyday, and he was still powerful.

About two hundred moves, Lin Mo lost to the spot, and began to retreat steadily, with injuries on his body.

"Brother..." Lin Yaoer was worried, tears streaming from her eyes.

Lin Han sighed lightly. If this continues, Lin Mo will undoubtedly lose, and may even die.

"You rubbish, sigh, it's all because of you, it's useless, otherwise, how could my brother end up like this." Lin Yaoer looked at him and said angrily.

Lin Han was startled, what does this have to do with him.

"I don't care, our Lin family has already taken you for some distance. You go up now and die for my brother. Maybe my brother can find a way to deal with the Great Sage Bull Demon."

Lin Yaoer pushed Lin Han and said.

Lingxuan said angrily: "Your brother's fate is fate. Isn't the fate of others a fate?"

Lin Yaoer said: "Of course, my brother's life is more expensive than yours. If something happens to my brother today, I will definitely kill this waste, and you, to be buried."

Ling Xuanqi's small face turned pale, and Lin Yaoer felt a little unreasonable.

"Ah!" At this moment, Lin Mo's scream came from the field. When the battle reached 300 rounds, he was finally defeated. He was beaten by the great sage of the bull demon and hit his chest with a palm and his body was broken. The line kite fell from the sky.

This blow was very heavy, smashing most of his bones and completely losing his fighting ability.

"Haha, is this the Lin family junior? I want to try it today, the taste of the flesh and blood of the Lin family junior." The Great Sage Bull demon laughed, opened his mouth, and swallowed it towards Lin Mo.

No less than a ghost gate, Lin Mo must be enveloped.

Lin Yaoer's heart was about to jump to her throat.

Lin Mo smiled bitterly and closed his eyes, knowing that he was doomed.

"Huh!" At this moment, Lin Han didn't stand by and watched. He showed his time and space steps and flew to the sky, leading Lin Mo aside, avoiding the big mouth of the Great Sage Bull Demon.

"What?" Lin Yaoer was stunned for a moment, unable to believe her eyes.

Brother was rescued by this waste?

The speed is too fast.

Lin Mo was also surprised.

At this critical moment, Lin Han was able to save him, how fast he needed.

Even if there are people in the Uniform Realm, there may not be any.

"Unexpectedly, there are still masters in the team, kid, what footwork are you using, how can you be so fast?" Great Sage Bull Demon asked Lin Han with burning eyes.

Even at his peak, this speed may not be possessed.

You must know that in his peak period, he was far more powerful than the strong in the monarch realm.

"This is a step through time and space, have you ever heard of it?" Lin Han said with a faint smile.

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