War Emperor

Chapter 1756: Defeated

"Walking through time and space?" Great Sage Bull Demon was shocked.

Traveling through time and space is known as the highest speed in the immortal world, created by the ancestor of speed, and has a reputation for ancient and modern times.

Even if he is a powerhouse of his level, he dreams of it.

After being lost for so many years, it was actually obtained by a younger boy.

He felt a smell of dreaming now.

"Hahahaha, good, great. If my old bull has the space-time step, I will be able to go further in the future, kid, thank you for sending me such precious footwork."

The Great Sage Bull Demon was excited and trembling.


Then, a great axe appeared out of thin air in his hand, and it slashed down towards Lin Han's head.

The majestic momentum, sealed off the surrounding space.

Walking through time and space, coming and going without a shadow, only by sealing the space can I better deal with Lin Han.

Lin Yaoer looked curious and wanted to see what Lin Han did.

Feeling underestimated Lin Han.

"Huh." Lin Lian Lian smiled, not afraid, the brilliance in his hand flashed immediately, and a giant cauldron emerged, with a majestic and ancient flavor, directly killing him.


A loud noise spread, and the Great Sage Bull Demon couldn't bear it, and was directly staggered two steps backwards by the magnificent strength above, causing the earth to tremble.

"Is this a ridiculous ancient divine cauldron?" The Great Sage Bull Demon was in a daze again.

The desolate ancient **** cauldron is the treasure of Canggu Sword Mansion.

The young man not only has the time and space steps, but also the ancient gods, which is incredible.

"Could it be that he is Lin Han, who is now in the Great Thousand Realm and has gained a reputation?"

Lin Mo seemed to think of something and lost his voice.

Lin Han is the descendant of Beihuang Piaofeng, the master of the Heavenly God Realm!

In the Great Ruins, he also beheaded the Sanqingjing Nezha, which caused a sensation.

He did not expect that the young man who followed his team was Lin Han.

Lin Yaoer was also dumbfounded, and finally knew that she was blindfolded.

It turns out that he is not a waste, he has a very amazing origin and reputation.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I will never keep my hands anymore." The great sage bull yelled, fully stimulating his potential. The giant axe in his hand glowed with surging light, and he held it with both hands and faced Lin Han again. , Launched a new round of fierce attacks.

This time, he has tried his best to mobilize his true strength.

Although this will make his injury worse, he can't manage so much.

He must defeat Lin Han.

Lin Han was fearless, holding an ancient divine cauldron, stepping on his feet through time and space, and using the other hand to display the Blood Falling Emperor Sword to fight against the Great Sage of Bull Demon.

Every time they collide, the light shines, like gods in a duel.

This universe is trembling violently.

However, in the course of the battle, Lin Han possessed a celestial demon body with great power, so even the Great Sage of the Bull Demon was not an opponent, and his chest gradually became uncomfortable.

Especially in the end, Lin Han displayed the Celestial Suit, and his breath suddenly rose.

Then, Lin Han strenuously shouted, the blood falling emperor sword in his hand emitted a dazzling red light, and it fell with a sword.


The giant axe in the hands of the Great Sage Bull was instantly cut in half.

The sharp sword aura also smashed his body into an extremely thick crack, four or five meters deep, and the blood and water fell from a high altitude like a waterfall.

The picture is very bloody.

The Great Sage Bull Demon roared in pain.

"Bull Demon Great Sage, you are not my opponent, you should retreat, otherwise, be careful that I cut you under the sword today." Lin Han smiled lightly, holding the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, behind his back the big thousand blood flame cloak mighty, like an invincible boy Mars.

The Great Sage Niu Demon's face was uncertain, and Lin Han's toughness was indeed beyond his expectations.

Now he can only exert one-tenth of his heyday's power, and then the confrontation continues, maybe he is really likely to capsize in the gutter.

In the end, he could only shout unwillingly: "Boy, if you have the ability, I will not let you go when my strength recovers."

After speaking, he only turned into a black light and flew away from here.

The surroundings fell into calm.

Many of the guards of the Lin family have a feeling of escape after catastrophe.

Lin Mo also took a few breaths and gave Lin Han a hand, sincerely said: "Thank you brother Lin Han for helping, otherwise today, all of our Lin family will be planted."

"Since I was asked to join the team, I am also a member of the team, so I should help." Lin Han smiled lightly.

Lin Mo seemed to think of something, turned his head to Lin Yaoer, and shouted: "Yao'er hastened to thank En Gong, and confessed to you for violating En Gong."

The tone was very angry.

Yao'er's humiliation of Lin Han was a waste, too much.

Lin Yaoer was originally complicated, but now she feels even more bitter.

Lin Han did save them, she could only say: "Young Master Lin Han, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said about you before, because I had no eyes."

As Miss Lin's family, she was used to being arrogant, and now she bowed her head so much that she felt very uncomfortable.

Lin Han smiled lightly and ignored him.

This ignoring attitude made Lin Yaoer's face even more red.

Lingxuan also snorted to her, making Lin Yaoer want to find a place to sew in.


The group continued on the road.

It’s not far from Jiuxian City here, and after only about two days of walking, they arrived at Jiuxian City.

This is an extremely magnificent city, standing on the halfway of a big mountain, with a total of tens of thousands of miles, magnificent.

This mountain is the first mountain of Jiuxian Star, and on the top of the mountain is the base of the Jiuxian Clan.

For the entire Nine Wonderland, it is a holy land.

Lin Han could not help but sigh when he saw this city.

This is the most magnificent city he has ever seen. It is too big. Every brick and every tile carries a sense of vicissitudes of history.

There is also a smell of oppression.

At the gate of the city, people come and go, gathering all kinds, three religions and nine streams, and thousands of people in the world.

For example, some people have heads of bulls and tigers, some have pythons on their necks, some wear animal skins, and some have wings on their backs... It's very lively.

"Nine Immortals City, the popularity is even stronger now." Lin Yaoer smiled.

She has been to Jiuxian City before, although it is also very prosperous, but there are not so many creatures.

"That's natural. It's the daughter of the city lord of Jiuxian City. There are too many forces coming here for the martial arts contest." Lin Mo smiled.

The city lord of Jiuxian City has something to do with the Jiuxian Clan. Whoever can marry his daughter is equivalent to climbing the Jiuxian Clan.

In the entire realm, there are countless big forces, dreams.

Therefore, it is a big event for her daughter to compete in martial arts.

"What is this?" At this moment, Lin Han asked with some doubts.

I saw that at the gate of the city, there was a stone monument with some names on it, and on the stone monument there was a list of martial arts recruits.

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