War Emperor

Chapter 1782: Lin Shuaiqi

A touch of shame suddenly appeared in Jin Susu's eyes, and this guy dared to take advantage of him.

Then she gritted her silver teeth and said: "Next, you will naturally know."

After finishing speaking, with a pop, while Lin Han was not paying attention, he suddenly crushed a piece of purple jade pendant in his hand.

"Spatial jade pendant?" Lin Han raised his brows. This is the spatial jade pendant that can summon someone.

Could Jin Susu summon a helper?

"I see, she wants to summon people from the core ethnic group." Everyone around them exclaimed as if thinking of something.

Jin Susu is beautiful in appearance, not only in the Waimai family, but also the goddess of many young people.

Among the core ethnic group, some outstanding geniuses are not rare.

At this moment, she obviously wanted to summon the people of the core race, and only the genius there could suppress Lin Han.

Lin Han narrowed his eyes, and there was a solemn glance across his eyes. If that was the case, it would really not be good news for him.

After all, the genius of the core ethnic group is a figure of another level.

There should be a big gap between him and him now.

If Jin Susu really summoned the genius of the core race, he would really be in trouble.

"Susu, who is bullying you." At this moment, there was a bang in the sky, and the space exploded, and then a man wearing a brocade robe walked out of it.

He looks very handsome, with a golden crown on his head, and a pair of star-like eyes are shining brightly, which seems to contain a vast space and time.

Within his upright posture, there is also a wave of waves like a sea, which makes people can't help kneeling and worshiping him.

This kind of aura is not a genius of Waimai at all, it can be compared.

"He is... Lin Shuaiqi."

Everyone was shocked and changed their colors, looking in awe.

Lin Shuaiqi is a very famous genius among the core ethnic group.

Much more powerful than ordinary geniuses.

No one thought that Jin Susu would call him out.

This has a real impact.

"Lin Shuaiqi?" Lin Han also narrowed his eyes. According to his estimation, the other person's aura might have already left the second aura and reached another level.

This made him feel astonished. Is this the talented powerhouse of the core race? Sure enough.

"Brother Shuaiqi, it was him. He hit me and snatched my space necklace. You want to be fair to me." A soft color appeared on Jin Susu's face and smiled.

Even if she has a strong personality, in front of Lin Shuaiqi, she also has the color of a little woman.

This shows the charm of Lin Shuaiqi.

Many people are speechless and have long heard that the relationship between Jin Susu and Lin Shuaiqi is a bit unusual.

Now it seems that it is so.

With Lin Shuaiqi's identity, people from outside contacts couldn't please him.

Being able to come forward for Jin Susu has already shown everything.

Hearing this, Lin Shuaiqi couldn't help but feel a cold look in his eyes.

Jin Susu is indeed the woman he identified. They have been getting along during this period of time and are about to succeed.

At this moment, someone dared to beat his woman, really bold.

"Boy, do you dare to fight Jin Susu and don't want to live anymore?" At the moment, he looked at Lin Han with a pair of eyes, and he shouted with a terrible murderous in his eyes.

On him, a majestic aura pressed down, causing Lin Han to feel as if he was pressed against a mountain in his heart, with an urge to kneel down.

This momentum is really too strong, far beyond the ordinary two-qi realm, he has only one yuan realm, completely unable to resist it.

However, he still gritted his teeth, stood there with his waist straight, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I was in the Outer Vessel Competition, and openly defeated her. Why not? Is it because she is your woman? , Can others not do anything to him?"

He is fearless, and he has never been a soft-hearted person along the way.

Lin Shuaiqi frowned, somewhat speechless.

In the external pulse comparison, everyone took a fair shot, and Jin Susu was defeated, and he really couldn't control it.

Otherwise it is equivalent to breaking the rules.

Then his face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Even so, you won't take away Jin Susu's spatial necklace and hand it over!"

He stretched out his hand, his tone unquestionable.

The space necklace is exactly the token of love he gave to Jin Susu.

In any case, he has to come back.

"No." However, Lin Han sneered, not at all polite.

This is his trophy, why give it to others?

He won only Jin Susu a space necklace.

If Jin Susu wins, maybe his life is gone.

When things get into his hands, they will never be able to return them.

"You dare to disobey me?" Lin Shuaiqi's eyes suddenly exuded a raging anger.

In his opinion, if he only asked Lin Han to hand over the Space Necklace, it was considered a step backward.

This humble outsider dare to be so tough.

This made him a little unbearable.

Isn't he Lin Shuaiqi speaking so useless? How does his face look good after being watched by so many people?

Many people also took a cold breath. This is the genius of the core race, far from the genius of the outer veins they came into contact with.

With Lin Shuaiqi's skills, they could crush what they thought of as a "genius" with a single finger.

Lin Han dared to contradict, too bold.


When Lin Shuaiqi was speaking, there were still a ray of divine thunder blooming in the sky, as if God was showing his might, and the wind and clouds were changing color, majestic and terrifying.

If you are an ordinary person, you will be frightened, and you don't even have the courage to resist.

"Stop talking nonsense, stop scaring me here, I am not scared to this day." Lin Leng Leng smiled.

The coldness in Lin Shuaiqi's eyes is already strong to the extreme. He gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Well, in that case, I will let you know how good I am!"

After speaking, he put out a big hand and immediately covered it from the sky. The terrifying breath caused the entire vast stone forest to collapse and disintegrate in an instant. The earth tore a series of hideous cracks, and many mountain peaks collapsed instantly. .

Just a lingering prestige made this world a little unbearable.

It's hard to imagine how powerful this palm is.

Lin Han was also hunting in a robe, and his hair was flying, as if facing the stormy sea alone.

The magnificent breath made the skin on his body look like a needle stick, which was extremely uncomfortable.

A hint of unyielding anger also appeared in his eyes. With a roar, he displayed the Celestial Suit, his momentum rose to the peak, and then took out the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, struggling to slash a sword.

With this sword, he condensed all his strengths in it, and he had the attitude of meeting the gods and killing the gods and the Buddha.

"The light of fluorescent light also shines?" Lin Shuaiqi's mouth turned out to be a ridiculous arc, and he didn't care at all. His strength has reached a level that people here can't imagine.

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