War Emperor

Chapter 1783: Wood old


Finally, the terrifying sword light and the huge palm finally met fiercely in midair.

The power contained in the palm of his hand is too fierce, like a cosmic starry sky, even if Lin Han's sword aura is sharp, he cannot resist it.

In the end, Lin Han suddenly felt a force of overwhelming mountains and seas, and couldn't help his face turning pale, his body flew out, and slammed into a low mountain, and it collapsed instantly.

The huge pain made him gritted his teeth, his face a little distorted.

However, Lin Shuaiqi was not all right, the sword light of the Blood Falling Emperor Sword was so sharp that it still broke through his majestic palm strength, leaving a blood stain in his palm.

Just a very small one, for Lin Shuaiqi, it is also a shocking thing.

Seeing this scene, many people also took a cold breath, secretly thinking that Lin Han was abnormal.

A gloomy anger also appeared in Lin Shuaiqi's eyes. It was a huge shame to be injured by Lin Han.

"No one can save you today, I will smash you into mash."

After finishing speaking, he sullen his face and slapped another palm. This palm was more ferocious than before. The endless galaxy power in the universe fell from the sky, condensed in the palm.

At first glance, this palm seems to have shot out a vast starry sky, giving people a sense of vastness and infinity, and small as an ant.

Zhao Cunshan, Zhao Mengjie, Zhao Lao and others also changed color. Lin Shuai Qishi only took a random blow, which caused Lin Han to be seriously injured. Now that he shot with hatred, this palm is even more powerful.

Lin Han couldn't stop it anyway.

This made them feel a touch of chill, is Lin Han really going to die?

The most important thing is that Lin Shuaiqi's aura is too strong, even if they go up, it is of no use.

This made them feel nervous.

If anyone is the happiest, it is Zhao Youbin. Lin Han killed Zhao Tian, ​​originally he felt hard to find a chance for revenge.

At this moment, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Lin Han's death in Lin Shuaiqi's hands was what he wanted to see most.


Under the tense eyes, Lin Shuaiqi's big hand was getting closer and closer to Lin Han.

Lin Han is now like an ant that was shot to death by a sky.

At this moment, Lin Han couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely, a fierce glow appeared in his eyes.

Under Shi Cai's blow, he did suffer a very serious internal injury, and he felt that his internal organs seemed to have been displaced. Uncomfortable, he felt the pain of breathing.

Now this palm gave him a greater sense of haze, even if he tried all his hole cards, he might not be able to resist it. After all, when the realm gap reached a certain point, some foreign objects were no longer useful.

A touch of bitterness appeared in the corner of his mouth. Do you really want to explain here today?


However, at this moment, a cold voice came.

Then, the figure of an old man appeared abruptly in the sky, wearing a red robe, with a strong momentum all over his body, a palm shot, a boom, a vigorous force burst out, Lin Shuaiqi's palm strength It was resolved directly.

Among them, the powerful strength made Lin Shuaiqi unable to help but step back a few steps.

"This is... Mr. Mu?"

Many patriarchs of the outer line looked at the old man, and couldn't help but change their expressions, and then stood up together and saluted the old man.

This is the elder among the Nine Immortals, and his status is much better than the old man in the green robe.

The old man in the green robe was just a deacon.

The old man in the green robe also stood up and respectfully shouted "Mu Lao".

Lin Han was stunned, and an incomprehensible color could not help appearing in his eyes. He and Mu Lao did not meet each other, why did the other party rescue him?

For some reason, there was a strange intuition in his heart. It seemed that he had a certain blood relationship with the old man in red robe, and he felt a little cordial.

"Old Mu, what do you mean, why did an outsider attack me?"

Lin Shuaiqi also frowned, a little puzzled.

Under this collision, he also suffered a certain internal injury, his face was slightly pale.

No matter how strong he is, he cannot be the opponent of the elders in the clan.

"This is the Outer Vessel Grand Competition, you are a genius of the core ethnic group, what are you doing here, aren't you afraid of spreading out that others say that we are overpowering others?" Mu Lao's expression was somewhat majestic, and he shouted in a deep voice.

Lin Shuaiqi's face twitched, and he didn't speak.

"What's more, do you know who he is?" Mu Lao glanced at Lin Han, a complex color appeared in his eyes, and then coldly said to Lin Shuaiqi.

"Who is it?" Lin Shuaiqi frowned and looked at Lin Han carefully.

He was surprised to find that there was a familiar smell between Lin Han's eyebrows.

It seems a lot like a person, a person regarded as a sinner by the Nine Immortals.

"She is Lin Han, the son of Miss Saintess from the lower realm." Mu Lao sighed.



There was an uproar immediately around.

Many people's eyes are full of shock.

The saint is a woman in the Nine Immortals tribe, one person below ten thousand.

Every saint is embodied with the luck of the Nine Immortals, as if carrying a bright ring of gods, so that people in the 18th realm of the immortal world will admire extremely.

Every female of the Nine Immortals will regard it as an honor to be a saint.

But the saint has a heavy price, and she must not be emotional in her life and marry her son.

The saint of the Nine Immortals is Lin Xiaoyi.

It's a pity that decades ago, she fell in love with the emperor of the ancient Li Dynasty because she practiced a certain technique in the lower realm and turned into a mortal. She also became a queen and gave birth to a child.

After her triumph was consummated, she ascended to the immortal realm, and recovered her strength, the Nine Immortals were naturally furious.

In the end, she was imprisoned under the "Town Demon Tower", suffering from the thunder and earth fire.

This incident is not a secret to Nine Wonders, many people know it.

It's just that no one dared to talk.

So, is Lin Han the son of Lin Xiaoyi?

This scared many people.

"He is Lin Han? That wicked animal?" Lin Shuai heard this strangely, his eyes also exuded a terrible death.

Lin Xiaoyi's matter is a shame for the entire Nine Immortals.

Lin Han, this evil son, shouldn't have been born.

Now Lin Han dared to run to their Nine Immortals himself, he felt that this was provoking the majesty of the Nine Immortals.

"You are a wicked animal." Lin cold smiled, his eyes firm.

When he came here, he didn't intend to hide anything, he had to face everything as Lin Xiaoyi's son.

He couldn't help feeling a little excited when he heard about his mother.

I don't know how my mother is now.

In the town demon tower, he suffered every day, and it made him a little heartache to think about it.

Lin Shuai bit his teeth and wanted to get rid of this evildoer.

But knowing that Mu is always there, it is impossible to let himself go.

After all, a few months ago, the Nine Immortals had paid attention to Lin Han in the Great Thousand Realm.

There are even more senior members in the clan. Lin Han should be given a chance to participate in the Nine Immortal Clan's Immortal Match. If he can win, let him see Lin Xiaoyi.

Now it is obvious that Lin Han is here to accept the appointment.

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