War Emperor

Chapter 1784: reward

"Lin Han, you can come here with great courage. Speaking of me, I am also from your mother's line. However, your mother did make a big mistake, which makes people regret. I can give you a chance. If you can be in the top fifty, I will discuss with many elders and ask you to go to the town demon tower to meet your mother."

Mu Lao glanced at Lin Han, a complex color appeared in his muddy eyes, shook his head and sighed.

When Lin Xiaoyi was a saint, their line was extremely brilliant.

Now it is gradually declining.

"Xianmai is more than the top fifty?"

Hearing this, many people were surprised.

The core ethnic group of the Nine Immortals is extremely large, with geniuses gathered in it, and it is very difficult to enter the top fifty.

In the past, the most outstanding disciple in the outer line can reach the top 100, which is already a very good result.

The top fifty are too far away for normal people.

"Top 50?" Lin Han also raised his brows, and then the corners of his mouth split a radian, and said with a smile: "What if I become the first?"


There was another uproar around.

Many people doubted their own ears, no, Lin Han even dared to think of getting the first place.

It is almost impossible.

Like a bug, entering the world of giant dragons, and being able to stand firm is pretty good.

Want to suppress all the dragons, completely fantasy.

"First place?" Mr. Mu was startled, wondering where Lin Han had such a great spirit, and then he pondered for a moment, his tone solemnly, and said in a solemn voice: "If you can get the first place, it will be me. The outstanding genius among the immortals, the genius like the Nine Immortals in the past, has spared no effort to cultivate, and will agree to any request. If you can do it, the elders will cherish your talent and release your mother. "

Lin Han couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart.

This is what he wants.

It has been a long time since he saw his mother, and he missed it extremely.

In any case, for the mother's freedom, he must win first.

Then his fist clenched a little, and a firm look appeared on his face, saying: "Old Mu, I will try my best."

Old Mu took a deep look at Lin Han, only shook his head slightly and sighed slightly.

In his opinion, it is good that Lin Han really has this intention, but it is unrealistic to want to be the number one.

He simply didn't understand what the genius of the core group of the Nine Immortals meant.

However, he didn't attack Lin Han either. He just smiled on his face and said, "You get ready..."

Human beliefs are a very strange thing. Maybe Lin Han made unexpected results because of this belief.

He also had a fascination with Lin Han.

If Lin Han can really do it, then their line is not far away from being brilliant again.

"Lin Han, with you, I can crush you to death with one finger at that time." Lin Shuaiqi showed a pitiful look at Lin Han and sneered.

In his opinion, Lin Han was also talking about dreams.

There is a gap between him and him, and he said that winning the first place is too dreamy.

"By then, Lin Shuaiqi will surely die." However, Lin Han looked at Lin Shuaiqi with a cold expression in his eyes, his eyes a little gloomy.

This guy just pressed him with his aura, and his injuries were extremely serious.

The other party also successfully aroused his hatred.

"Haha, well, let's see if you will kill me or I will kill you when the time comes." Lin Shuaiqi couldn't help but let out a long laugh, completely not putting Lin Han's hatred in his eyes, there was no threat.

The dragon naturally ignores the bugs.

"Well, Dabi will continue." Mu Lao just waved his hand.

This big match is a contest of the Waimai family.

For the Nine Immortals, it also has a certain meaning, they don't want to delay.

Next, the game continued. Because Lin Han successfully defeated Jin Susu, he became the hottest person here.

The other geniuses are not his opponents at all. Once the Golden Wing Roc Secret Technique is used, a pair of golden wings almost sweeps everything.

In the end, he successfully stood on the high platform, defeated more than a dozen geniuses with a pair of golden wings, and became the undisputed champion of this game.

The whole bodies of Zhao Cunshan and Zhao Lao were slightly trembling with excitement.

Originally they just thought that Lin Han could deal with Zhao Tian.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han could win the championship. This was a huge honor for their City Lord's Mansion.

Zhao Mengjie looked at the young boy with golden light flowing on the high platform, with a touch of strange color in her beautiful eyes.

The charm of such an outstanding genius is indeed not small.

She couldn't help muttering in her heart: If this is my fiance...that would be great.

The most tragic thing is that Zhao Youbin was lying on the table, as if he had lost his spiritual support, and his face became pale and gray, as if the whole person was a hundred thousand years old.

At last he smiled sadly.

All this is fate, originally he thought that he could take this opportunity to become the lord of the city.

Among the Zhao Cunshan clan, a Lin Han suddenly came out, making his wish empty.

This made him feel a little unwilling, gritted his teeth fiercely, and his face was a bit hideous.

Then he seemed to think of something, and the viciousness in his eyes became more intense.

"Well, as the champion of the Outer Vein Grand Competition, Lin Han, here are one hundred "Nine Sun Pills", there are three pieces of Liuyinyun Dharma artifacts, and a "Shen Yun Grass", you accept it."

The deacon in Lupao smiled, spreading his haggard palm, a package appeared in his palm, and then handed it to Lin Han.

Nine Sun Pill, powerful magic weapon, Shen Yun grass?

Hearing the words spit out from his mouth, many people couldn't help being shocked, and there was intense heat in their eyes.

Jiuyang Pill is a precious pill that only the core group of the Nine Immortals can refine. It is made from 72 medicinal materials. According to legend, it contains "Nine Yang Qi". If you eat one, you can strengthen the bones , Strong Lean Qi.

For people in the outer lineage family, it takes a huge price to get one in the hands of the children of the core group.

He rewarded Lin Han with one hundred in one breath, it was really worthless.

As for the Liuyun artifact, it was practiced by "Liuyun", a famous swordsmith of the Nine Immortals.

His sword and water products have reached the point of admiration. On weekdays, any piece of work can cause a sensation in the Nine Wonders, and it will be robbed by countless masters.

Any junior who gets his magic weapon has the possibility of flying into the sky.

Now Lin Han got three pieces, which also made the population dry.

As for Shen Yun grass, it is a relatively rare medicine. After taking it, it can enhance pupil surgery, which is a bit of a taste for ordinary people, but for those who have pupil surgery, it is a treasure that can be met and cannot be sought.

After all, everyone knows that pupil enhancement is very difficult.

Even if there is no pupil technique, there is a certain chance of using Shen Yun Grass to activate pupil technique.

How can this not make people care?

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