War Emperor

Chapter 1785: Unwilling

Lin Han received so many rewards, even the patriarchs of some outer-veined families were boiling in their hearts.

Looking at Lin Han's gaze, his breathing became heavier, as if he couldn't wait to rush up and put all those treasures in his bag.

"Thank you..." A touch of joy also appeared on Lin Han's face. Knowing that these rewards were extraordinary, he bowed his hand to the Lupa Deacon and accepted the package.

Heavy and generous.

"Well, this year's Outer Vessel Competition is over, but don't let up. Next is the Fairy Vessel Competition. Those who are eligible to participate should still work hard. Only get some results in the Fairy Vessel Competition. , Will truly be valued by the core ethnic group of the Nine Immortals, change their destiny, and be nurtured." Deacon Lupao looked around the audience and said loudly.

Many young people couldn't help but clenched some palms, a flush of red appeared on their faces.

This remark evoked the truest desire in their hearts.

As a member of the Jiuxian Clan, all will be able to enter the core group of the Jiuxian Clan, which is the ultimate goal.

Whether it is for the family or for the individual, it is a supreme honor.

Lin Han let out a sigh of relief and looked at the sky, a firmness appeared in the clear eyes.

If honor is not honor, he doesn't care, all he cares is to save his mother.

At the time of Guli Palace, his mother was the closest person to him.

In his impression, his mother is virtuous, gentle, and can give everything for herself.

In this life, if he doesn't save his mother, he won't be stunned even if he died.



In this way, the Outer Vein Dabi came to an end, and many people were unsettled.

Like a hurricane, the news spread throughout the Nine Wonders Land in less than half a day.

Many people made a sensation. This time the champion of the Outer Line Competition of the Nine Immortals would be picked off by a young man from the Great Thousand Realm.

Moreover, this person is still Lin Han.

This made everyone a little bit surprised, how could this guy be so extraordinary.

Recently, the news about him in the eighteenth realm of the immortal world has been really continuous, and every one of them has shocked people.

It seems that since he entered the immortal world, the immortal world had been somewhat peaceful, because he was destined to constantly raise waves.

Everyone wanted to see what he could achieve in the Xianmai Grand Competition.

After all, the immortal veins of the Nine Immortals are too much higher than the rules. When the time comes, the Nine Immortals will send out invitations for all major forces to watch.

There are even some superpowers from outside.

"Asshole, let this damned guy take the first place." In a room, Jin Susu was sitting there drinking tea. Thinking of this, she was a little angry and couldn't help but screamed. Throwing a teacup, her angry pretty face became extremely gloomy.

She is the most outstanding genius in the outer line.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Han was crushed and robbed all the limelight, making her unable to swallow this breath.

There are still some Jin family members around, and they can't help but be quiet.

This eldest lady is not only amazingly talented, but also has a hot temper.

If she is angry and provokes her, she will be destroyed at every turn.

They even dare not get out of the atmosphere.

"Hey, Susu is also helpless. If it weren't for Mr. Mu, this kid would be a dead body now, but don't worry, I will solve him personally when he participates in the Fairy Maid Competition." Aside, Lin Shuai Qi was there too, couldn't help sighing lightly, and said with a wry smile.

Today's matter, he is also a little gloomy.

Among the dignified nine immortals, the most famous genius actually ate a small turtle in the hands of Lin Han, and failed to clean up this kid, which is also a big shame for him.

"But there is still a while away from the Fairy Maid, how can I stand it." Jin Susu firmly clenched some of his delicate white hands, biting his silver teeth.

Thinking of Lin Han's current state of infinite beauty, she felt a pain in her heart.

The most important thing is that Lin Han is too unique. Anyone who knows his deeds understands that his strength will increase leaps and bounds every time.

Although the current Lin Han is a bug in Lin Shuaiqi's eyes, no one can guarantee that when the Immortal Vessels Really arrives, Lin Han will make breakthrough progress.

If Lin Han really got any good rankings, it would make her even more unwilling.

Hearing this, Lin Shuaiqi fell silent. He had sent someone to search for Lin Han's affairs, and he had read them all once, and it was indeed like a freak.

In the eyes of outsiders, a realm that is very difficult to cultivate, but with him, it is like eating and drinking water, constantly jumping.

He was a little suspicious, whether this kid's body structure was different from that of ordinary people.

What's more, Lin Han won the Outer Vessel Grand Tournament this time and also received an extremely rich reward.

Digest those rewards perfectly, and the strength will rise to the next level.

By then, whether he can still clean up Lin Han as easily as he does now, he is also a little bit frustrated.

"Miss Qizhen, Patriarch of the Zhao family, Zhao Youbin, please see me." At this moment, a guard walked in, kneeling there, and reported to him.

"Zhao Youbin, what are you doing here?" Jin Susu frowned, his tone a little confused.

The outer lineage families of the Nine Immortals are entrenched in different areas. Normally, the well water does not interfere with the river water. Zhao Youbin suddenly came to herself, she felt a little strange.

"Maybe it is related to Lin Han." Lin Shuaiqi smiled as if thinking of something.

Jin Susu nodded, thinking it was very possible, after all, Zhao Youbin's hatred of Lin Han was deeper in this external vein comparison.

Among the opponent's family, Zhao Tian, ​​the most outstanding genius, died in the hands of Lin Han.

Such a loss was enough to make Zhao Youbin awake at night.

What's more, the other party is also the leader of the family anyhow, she is just a younger generation, and there is no reason to miss it.

"Let him in." At the moment, she said to the guard.

The guard reverently said "yes" and then retreated.

Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in.

The figure is slightly short, with a big belly, wearing a gorgeous robe, with a long-standing tolerance.

He walked up and smiled at Jin Susulang, "Niece Susu, are you okay?"

It was Zhao Youbin, a pair of eyes, a bit of sullen look.

Then when he saw Lin Shuaiqi there, his expression changed, and he hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Master Lin Shuaiqi!"

Lin Shuaiqi is a well-known genius of the core ethnic group, and his status is much higher than that of the patriarchs of their outer lineage families, so he should also be respected.

"No need to be polite." Lin Shuaiqi just said lightly.

Jin Susu smiled slightly and said, "Patriarch Zhao Youbin, why are you looking for me?"

She still sat there, and didn't get up. The Jin family was the strongest family among the outsiders.

Zhao Youbin is only a branch of the City Lord's Mansion, and the overall strength is far from them.

Therefore, in front of Zhao Youbin, she did not have the respectful feeling of a younger generation, but instead had a faint posture of a superior.

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