War Emperor

Chapter 1786: Join hands

Zhao Youbin obviously understands the slight difference in identity, so he did not show the arrogant attitude of the older generation. He pondered for a moment, and his smile was slightly gloomy and said: "Today's Outer Vessel Competition, Lin Han's stinky kid won the championship. , Presumably Miss Jin will feel uneasy."

"Huh..." Jin Susu snorted coldly, without words, anyone could hear the dissatisfaction in his tone.

Zhao Youbin smiled and said, "I have a plan to make Lin Han die without a place to bury him."

Jin Susu narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you want?"

Zhao Youbin smiled mysteriously, took out an old plate from his arms, put it on the table, and grinned: "Miss Jin knows, what is this?"

Jin Susu frowned slightly, and saw that this old plate was about one foot in radius, covered with patina, and had a sense of age. In addition, the whole body was engraved with many complicated runes, like mysterious formations. All over it, she hesitated for a moment, her tone a little uncertain: "Could it be that this is the formation..."

The formation map is not only limited to a single map, but can also be engraved on many objects, such as magic weapons, weapons, and special paper.

Once you have an array, the power of the item will not be simple.

"Yes, I don't want to conceal it. This is an array called "Fengtian Great Array". It was my Zhao family who had difficulty finding it in a ruin. Once it is displayed, it can be used to seal the sky. From the outside, it seems that there will be no changes in the things in the formation. It can be said to be the best item to kill people and hide people's eyes." Zhao Youbin smiled and nodded, a touch of sorrow passed across his eyes.

Jin Susu seemed to understand his purpose, his expression was slightly startled, and he lost his voice: "Do you want to deal with the City Lord's Mansion?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Shuaiqi on the side couldn't help frowning.

Although the various branches of the Jiuxian tribe are full of competition, they are only small frictions. The core group not only does not interfere, but is also happy to let them grow up in competition.

But if there is a large-scale **** battle, such as a fight between the family and the family, the core ethnic group of the Nine Immortals will not sit idly by.

After all, this is their peripheral power. They are like the "emperor" in charge of all families. If any family is destroyed, it will also weaken their peripheral power.

Therefore, over the past few years, the foreign family of the Nine Immortals has always been very honest, and even if there is a big hatred, they dare not fight.

Now Zhao Youbin took out such a big formation, and then cooperated with his expression, everyone knew that he was going to come true.

This is a taboo of the core ethnic group of the Nine Immortals.

"Yes..." Zhao Youbin's expression changed, he simply gritted his teeth and got out, pushing his heart to his stomach, and said in a deep voice, "Presumably Miss Jin also knows that this kid Lin Han is a walking "treasure house", the secret treasure on his body. Adding it quickly is enough to alarm the entire fairy world, appearing in front of us right now, should we just let him go? What's more, today in the outer pulse comparison, he and you and I have forged a huge hatred, instead of forbearing , It’s better not to do two endlessly, and take the City Lord’s Mansion in one pot. With this formation, even the core group of the Nine Immortals will not be able to find out. At that time, we will arrange some people as "puppets" to control the City Lord Mansion. That's it."

The more Zhao Youbin said, the colder his eyes were, Lin Han killed his son Zhao Tian's enemies, and he hated him too much.

He will not only kill Lin Han, but also destroy all the City Lord's Mansion to be happy.

But he knew that the strength of his Zhao family was not enough, and he had to rely on Jin Susu to succeed in the plan.

The Jin family is one of the more powerful families in the outer line. As long as Jin Susu agrees to mobilize a part of his strength, plus the elite of his Zhao family, it will definitely not be a problem to destroy the City Lord's Mansion.

That's why he came to Jin Susu.

In this way, his long-cherished wish for many years has been achieved.

"It's a bit risky to do this..." Jin Susu didn't reply right away, but he slapped on the table with a slender hand, with a hesitant expression.

If things were known to the core group of the Jiuxian clan, even the Jin family would face huge condemnation.

She didn't want to become a sinner in the family because of her own anger.

"High risk leads to high rewards. I can assure Miss, kill Lin Han, all the treasures on him will belong to you, Miss Jin, how about you?" Zhao Youbin, who is so sophisticated, understands what Jin Susu means, and smiles immediately. .

Only then did Jin Susu burst into a cheerful smile, and seemed to be waiting for Zhao Youbin's words.

Then she glanced at Lin Shuaiqi with a wonderful eye, and after seeing Lin Shuaiqi’s handsome face, she nodded solemnly to her. Then she completely relieved her heart and smiled at Zhao Youbin: “Since Patriarch Zhao, Susu is so worthy, and we have a common enemy, so I, Jin Susu, will accompany you to be a big vote today. I hope that the two of us can really win the battle and return successfully..."

Thinking that she really killed Lin Han and got the baby on Lin Han's body, there was a sense of hotness in her heart.

Everyone knows that Lin Han possesses the prehistoric sword furnace, the blood falling emperor sword, the **** suit, the void **** and devil figure, the ancient **** cauldron, the nine-day star river piano, the ancient banner... and so on.

Which one is the treasure that is enough to make a sensation in the immortal world, so that countless masters and powerhouses are fighting to beat the blood.

If obtained, her potential will inevitably rise to an unparalleled level.

Even if it is the Xianmai Competition, it will be able to get a good ranking.

After obtaining superior training among the Nine Immortals, she will become a prestigious and powerful person in the Nine Wonders Realm, and even the entire 18 Wonders Realm, just around the corner.

This is no less than a bright road, placed in front of her, it is naturally worth her to fight.

This gave her a look of expectation.

"Okay, then I wish us everything." Zhao Youbin was relieved when he saw Jin Susu really agreed, then his face was slightly sullen, and he gritted his teeth coldly.

He has gotten many treasures from Lin Han at an age, and it will bring him great changes.

He just wanted to frustrate Lin Han fiercely and tortured to death.

Otherwise, even if one day he is dead, he will be ashamed when he sees Tian Tian in hell.

As the voice of the two fell, the room was filled with a strong sense of killing.

No one knows that Jiuxian City will "change the sky" in a few days.



Sandalwood curls in a clean and tidy room.

Lin Han was sitting cross-legged and cultivating, breathing in and out, very rhythmic, and there was a lot of light all over his body pouring into him.

It can be seen that in the palm of his hand, there are golden pills the size of a thumb, constantly stuffed into his mouth by him.

Those medicinal medicines bloomed with golden light, like some kind of panacea in the world, filled with a refreshing fragrance. Under this fragrance, the air in the entire room seemed to be sublimated, like a heaven and a blessing, with amazing aura.

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