War Emperor

Chapter 1787: Strength increase

This is exactly the nine sun pill.

A magical pill made by the core group of the Nine Immortals.

Only some people with extraordinary status in the race can get it.

Lin Han grabbed a lot, which is really enviable.

If they see it, they will be surprised.

This pill contains majestic energy, even a general genius of the Second Qi realm, it takes a period of refining to digest it.

Lin Han now seems to be eating beans, eating one after another, and the cow chews Du Dan. Isn't he afraid to die?

No matter how advanced the cultivation technique is, one can eat ten Nine Sun Pills at once, it is already a staggering number.

Lin Han has eaten dozens of them, and the number is still increasing.

This is an act of suicide in anyone's eyes.

The huge energy is enough to blow up anyone to death.

However, Lin Han possessed the Absolute Demon Sutra, and now his Dantian has also evolved a prehistoric sword-forging furnace, which absorbs refining capabilities far beyond ordinary people, so this is nothing to him.

I saw that, even if he didn't last for about half an hour, he ate all one hundred nine sun pills in his stomach.

At this time, the energy radiated from his body surface had reached an astonishing level.

Even if Lin Han had an extraordinary physical body, his body swelled slightly, like a water ball about to be blown up.

"Refine it for me." However, Lin Han's complexion was calm, but it was slightly flushed, and he snorted in a deep voice, then took a deep breath, and the Absolute Heaven Demon Sutra in his body began to rotate quickly.

In his dantian, the ancient prehistoric sword-forging furnace appeared, and the huge energy that had all started to refining crazily.

With the refining, Lin Han's breath also began to rise.

Nine levels of the One Yuan Realm...

The nine-layer peak of the One Yuan Realm...

The nine levels of the One Yuan Realm are completed...

If he didn't last for a short ten seconds, he reached the point of Consummation in the One Element Realm, and he was only one step away from the Second Qi Realm.


In the end, a voice came along if an invisible barrier was broken.

Lin Han's breath was even more violent, and he had entered the second state.

Now his body surface, black and white two auras rose up, like two small dragons, one black and one white, entwining his body surface, setting off him with a strange sense of martial arts.

This is the yin and yang bipolar qi, a more advanced force than the single vitality.

After possessing it, it has the power of good fortune.

Now Lin Han's strength has obviously increased a lot.

However, Lin Han's aura didn't stop after reaching the Second Qi Realm, it was still climbing until it reached the second level of the Second Qi Realm, and then stopped.

Two levels of two airs!

He jumped three small levels in one breath.

If you are known by others, you don't know what it will be like.

Now he is full of vigor and superb light, like a luminous cocoon, full of supreme power.

Feeling the strength in his body, Lin Han couldn't help but smile with excitement, his face was a little bit of joy, this feeling of being powerful was really comfortable.

"With my current strength, if I face Jin Susu again, she can be solved within five moves." Lin Han touched his chin and said to himself with a smile.

This time his strength increased, his combat power increased by at least six or seven times.

He has a passion that can defeat everything.

"Next, let's see what kind of changes this Shen Yun grass can bring to my pupil technique." Then, Lin Han suppressed the excitement in his heart, and the brilliance of his hand flashed, and a strange plant appeared.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. It was a plant that looked like a grass but had three petals, and it was filled with a milky invisible force.

This power, as if it can affect a person's spirit, feels dizzy after watching for a long time.

This is Shen Yun grass, the magical thing that can increase pupil technique.

Even Lin Han had only heard of this plant in the rumors. The first time I saw it, there was a warmth in my heart.

There was almost no hesitation, Lin Han's expression was slightly solemn, his palms folded together in front of his chest, forming an energy light group, with a refining ability in the light group, refining the Shen Yun grass into a green ball liquid.

Then, Lin Han opened his mouth and swallowed the green liquid in one gulp.

In an instant, Lin Han felt that after the liquid entered his body, it turned into a strange energy, pouring into his pupils, making his eyes feel a burning sensation.

At this time, from the outside, Lin Han's pupils started to glow with green light, and there was even a small green flame burning blazingly, revealing a strange and peculiar smell.

"Why is it so painful?" Lin Han couldn't help taking a breath, his expression slightly pained.

Under the burning of this green flame, his eyes felt so painful, there was a tendency to be burned to ashes.

This caused some big beads of sweat on his forehead.

"The improvement of pupil technique will indeed be accompanied by a certain amount of pain, just stick to it." Hong's voice sounded and said with a faint smile.

In the world, any benefit will pay a certain price.

Shen Yun Cao is already a treasure that many people can meet but cannot ask for. If there is no side effect, it is impossible.

In the past, he had heard of cases where someone was ruined by the intense burning sensation while taking Shen Yun grass.

However, such cases are extremely rare, and Lin Han should not be so unlucky.

Pain is indispensable.

Lin Han couldn't think that there was still this festival, so he gritted his teeth secretly. Fortunately, he has gone through a lot of hardships along the way, and his resistance to pain is far superior to that of normal people. Therefore, this kind of heartache is enough to make people faint. Under his pain, he was still tense, with a firmness in his eyes, and he carried it down.

I don't know how long it took, when Lin Han's consciousness was a little sluggish, the pain diminished and slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a warm and comfortable feeling struck from within the pupils, as if a wisp of spring breeze was blowing across the dry earth, giving Lin Han a sense of comfort.

"My pupil technique has increased..." Lin Han's spirit recovered a little under this blow, straightened his body, looked at the space in the room, and said in surprise.

I saw that under the eyes of his Soul Eater, the space in the room instantly changed. There were traces of avenues all over the place, and even the origin patterns of space and time were slowly drifting, glowing strangely. Fluctuations.

This is the secret of the true birth of heaven and earth.

The previous Lin Han's Eye of Soul Eater, but he couldn't do this step either.

This made Lin Han's heart a touch of joy.

At this moment, his perception of heaven and earth will undoubtedly be more precise, reaching the essence.

It also has unparalleled benefits to cultivation.

Let him understand the truth of the Great Dao more.

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