War Emperor

Chapter 1788: Exit, tight atmosphere

Next, Lin Han also took out the three Liuyun magic weapons.

The three magic weapons are a knife, a sword, and a shield.

The knife was made of a special material and glowed with blue light. The blade was extremely sharp. As soon as Hajime took it out, Lin Han felt that the temperature of the air in the room had dropped a lot, giving it a feeling of freezing cold.

This caused a glimmer of light in Lin Han's eyes, and he muttered to himself in surprise, "What a strong murderous..."

The murderous intent that appeared on the blade was strong enough to suffocate the average person. The name of the knife was "Lanque", and on the handle of the knife, there were two small characters "Liuyun". The font was neat and stable, and it looked stable.

"Liuyun is indeed a good swordsmith, and his master should be the old "nameless" man." Hong smiled.

"Do you know Liuyun?" Lin Han said in a slight shock.

As far as he knows, Liuyun is in the eighteenth realm of the fairy world, and they are all very famous swordsmiths. Even many top powerhouses are forging swords, and they can't ask him.

Although his current sword casting water product is not bad, but in terms of fame, he is far away from the opponent.

"Well, when Liuyun was a sword-making boy, I met him, and he was shown by Wuming's side at that time. He already showed amazing sword-making talent. I asserted at that time that his future achievements should not be Wuming. After so many years, I must have achieved an amazing achievement." Hong said with a smile, with a touch of remembrance in his tone. When he was in the fairy world, he was also a figure who made countless masters flatter him. , In terms of sword-making, even if you are unknown, you must ask him.

It's a pity that the time has passed, and most of the old people I once knew have returned to the dust.

Lin Han was stunned. Master Liuyun's reputation in the immortal world is already casting swords and water products, almost no one can compare. How abnormal and ancient his master's so-called "nameless" should be, it is a bit unimaginable.

Even if it is unknown, it is inferior to Hong Kong compared to the sword and water product.

From this, we can also see how amazing Hong's sword casting water products are.

No wonder Hong has always been so detached in the past, and didn't put everything in his eyes.

"But this is only Liuyun's ordinary work after all. For other masters, it may be very precious, but for you, it is somewhat insufficient. You can put it in the prehistoric sword forging furnace and practice it again. The rank has improved a lot, and your power will be much greater when you use it." Hong laughed. In fact, these three weapons, even those of the three-talented realm, are enough to use, but he, who has perfectionism, would naturally not let Lin Han use some "blemish" weapons.

This is him, who is qualified to say that Master Liuyun's works are flawed, and if he is replaced by someone else, he will definitely be worshipped as a sacred object.

Lin Han looked at these three weapons and nodded slightly. These three weapons were of high grade, and they were all good choices for replacement without using the Blood Fall Emperor Sword.

If it is strengthening, it will also be of great use to him.

At the moment, he looked slightly solemn, and put all three weapons into the prehistoric sword-forging furnace.

With his current sword casting water product, it has also reached a very high level.

Therefore, it only took about three days before he re-trained all these weapons.

The current three weapons gave him an even more powerful feeling. When it was released, the glow filled the room, filled the room, and even the fairy light bloomed. The weather was amazing, even in the second air state, it was enough to sweep away.

This made him feel happier in his heart.

With them, their combat power will undoubtedly increase a lot.

After that, Lin Han stretched out and looked at the bright sunshine outside the door, feeling extremely comfortable.

This time he was in retreat and spent seven days in full.

Strength is a real surge.

He felt as if he had inexhaustible power.

"Lin Han, you have come out." At this moment, Zhao Cunshan walked over and smiled.

Looking at Lin Han's whole body, as if reborn, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, a look of wonder appeared in his pupils.

He could naturally feel that Lin Han had changed a lot in the past seven days.

The body already smells of yin and yang.

This is a symbol of stepping into the second state.

It is really extraordinary to be able to do this in just a few days.

Judging from Lin Han's breath, it doesn't seem to be a simple yin and yang state.

This made him sigh even more.

This is really an anomaly, and the improvement in strength is too fast.

Lin Han smiled and nodded, then glanced at the City Lord's Mansion. Because of the high terrain here, most of the scene in the City Lord's Mansion can be seen. He frowned slightly and said, "What's going on in the City Lord's Mansion now? It seems to be on guard?"

Looking around, there are indeed many guards in the city lord's mansion, and the number of guards has increased a lot.

This made Lin Han feel vaguely that something unusual was about to happen.

"Oh, I received the news that my second brother Zhao Youbin still shouldn't give up. Maybe during this period of time, he has made a big move against our City Lord's Mansion." Zhao Cunshan smiled bitterly, looking a little helpless.

The second brother's obsession is too deep, especially if Lin Han killed Zhao Tian, ​​it is reasonable to make him go crazy.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the Waimai family to really fight to the death.

"Does the Nine Immortals do not care?" Lin Han raised his brows and asked in surprise.

If this is the case, Zhao Youbin would be crazy.

"I have already sent someone to notify, but I know if I can make it in time." Zhao Cunshan looked out of the city with some worry in his eyes.

He also put his eyeliner in Zhao's house, so he could receive the news.

But at the beginning, he didn't care at all, thinking that Zhao Youbin was the most angry talk.

But with Zhao Youbin secretly deploying troops in the past few days, he began to realize that something was wrong.

This is likely to be true.

Until today, I started to talk.

If Zhao Youbin attacked now, he would send out the spies to inform the Nine Immortals whether he could leave the city or not.

Lin Han groaned, just about to speak, suddenly raised his head suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and said, "They are here."

"Haha, my eldest brother, how are you doing?" Lin Han just fell down, and there was a cheerful laughter from the sky.

Then, over the city lord's mansion, the situation began to change, as if something terrifying was about to appear, the sky of the entire city lord's mansion became a dark purple.

Then a void gate opened directly, and a group of people rushed out from it.

All of them were wearing black iron armor, holding Wuqing's fighting spirit, and each of them was surrounded by a strong evil spirit, and their eyes were cold and firm, as if they had experienced iron-blooded battles that ordinary people could not imagine.

They suddenly appeared, causing the temperature in the City Lord's Mansion to drop a lot, like a cold winter in the twelfth lunar month, freezing to the bones.

"This is... the iron guards of the Zhao family?" Looking at these guards, Zhao Cunshan's pupils shrank slightly and muttered to himself.

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