War Emperor

Chapter 1793: Join forces against the enemy

Jin Susu only had the fourth level of the second aura, and a man in the red robe at the peak of the second aura and the sixth level had already put a lot of pressure on Lin Han.

What's more, Jin Susu is still the second qi realm and sixth level?

She couldn't help but clenched some of her clothes, feeling that Lin Han should be invincible.

She pursed her ruddy lips, and wanted to make a move to help Lin Han and fight the enemy together.

But this thought arose several times, and was dispelled by her.

His strength is too low, he can't intervene in such a battle at all. If he really goes forward, he won't be able to help Lin Han at all, and he might even hold his back.

So, she finally gave a wry smile, not thinking too much.

Lin Han couldn't see through this guy. He defeated the enemy several times under impossible circumstances, and it might be the same this time.

In the end, she only took a deep breath and sacrificed a sword. Looking at the battle below, she made a cold voice with a pretty face, and then rushed in.

Although she can't help the most high-end battle, she can participate in the large-scale melee below.

With her strength, there is undoubtedly a rare opponent here, and killing the guards of the Jin family is also a kind of disguised help to the family.


"Second Qi Realm Sixth Floor?" Lin Han's eyes also flashed a look of surprise, but he quickly recovered his calmness, and said with a sneer: "Jin Susu, you are killing yourself. This secret method, although it can let you in a short time , Your strength increases, but it will cause irreparable damage to your foundation. Your future achievements will also be very limited, and there will still be a trace of destruction in your body, which will make you every time , The whole body will be miserable, like a thousand ants biting."

Lin Han has the Eye of Soul Eater, and it can be seen that Jin Susu's strength was not cultivated by himself.

It must be through some sort of secret method, which has no small drawbacks.

Jin Susu seemed to be hit by Lin Han, the cold air on her pretty face became stronger, and she gritted her silver teeth and said, "As long as I can kill you, this is nothing."

Lin Han shook his head, this woman has already gone astray.

Then his waist straightened a little, and a sneer appeared on his face, and said: "I'm sorry, I want to tell you, even if you are now, you can't kill me."


After finishing speaking, a powerful aura immediately burst out of him, like a mountain rising from the ground, full of a majestic taste.

The clouds in the sky were instantly broken into pieces.

"This is the second level of the Second Qi Realm?" Jin Susu's expression instantly stagnated, and he was somewhat surprised.

Originally, Lin Han had broken through the Second Qi Realm these days, which had already surprised her very much. Now she never thought that it was not the Second Qi Realm, but the second level of the Second Qi Realm, which was even more abnormal than she had imagined.

Behind her, the man in the red robe also changed his complexion. Although there seemed to be only two small realms between the Second Qi state and the second level of the Second Qi state, the difference was huge.

A character of the second level of the Second Air Realm, unceremoniously, even ten characters of the second air realm would be invincible.

What's more, Lin Han is still a character whose combat power will overwhelm every time he rises to a small level, so under Lin Han's momentum, he feels a lot of pressure.

If they thought it was absolutely effortless to win Lin Han before, then they have to weigh it now.

"Yes, Jin Susu, if I were you, immediately leave without saying a word, and take someone away, otherwise, today is likely to be your death date." Lin Leng Leng smiled indifferently, bursting out all his strength in an all-round manner, with arrogant pride .

This time, the strength has improved so much, so that he no longer pays attention to the characters of the sixth and seventh layers of the second aura.

Jin Susu's pretty face is indeed ugly.

You must know that she is also a genius. It took a hundred years to hit the barrier of the Second Qi Realm.

Lin Han only took a few days.

In front of Lin Han, her genius name seemed too ridiculous.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's move." Finally she took a deep breath and said coldly.

There is also her third uncle behind her.

This is a figure at the pinnacle of the sixth level of the Second Qi state.

The two teamed up to deal with Lin Han, she felt that she was still very powerful.

Lin Han shrugged. Since the other party didn't listen to persuasion, he had nothing to say.


At the moment, Lin Han's eyes became colder, and then he pinched a complex fingerprint, and in an instant, an endless golden light burst out of his body, like a huge sun, blooming with divine glory.

Then, on his spine, many golden lights squirmed and stretched out to form a pair of huge wings. This pair of wings is a thousand feet long, covering the sky and sun, like two golden clouds embedded there, full of a magnificent flavor.

With the blessing of his wings, Lin Han's momentum has skyrocketed, and the whole figure has become an ancient bird of prey.

Even within his body, there is a strong golden winged big penguin pressure, sweeping the world.

"Golden Wing Roc Secret Technique?" Jin Susu narrowed his eyes.

This is exactly the Golden Wing Roc’s secret technique that Lin Han obtained last time over the Outer Vein Grand Contrast. Now he is using this secret technique. Compared with the last time, he is undoubtedly much more powerful. In that vast coercion Below, she has an urge to surrender.

You must know that there is the true blood of the Golden Wing Roc in her body, even if others have a different kind of majesty, it will not have any influence on her, but she will be suppressed.

Now that she was suppressed by others, it can be seen how powerful Lin Han's current Golden Wing Roc Secret Art is.

At the same time, she was also annoyed, and it was precisely because of this Golden Wing Roc secret technique that she lost to Lin Han last time.

Not only did it fail, but he was seriously injured and defeated, and even the Space Necklace was taken away by Lin Han.

This is her shame.

Suddenly, she couldn't restrain herself anymore, and she moved towards Lin Han.

I want to take Lin Han early and scrape him thousands of times.

The golden long sword in his hand exudes extremely flaming golden light, with a slender hand raised, a sword facing Lin Han's head, it is slashed fiercely.

In this sword, she carried her angry will and was extremely powerful.

The golden sword light, like a mountain, penetrated the void and "smashed" towards Lin Han.

This kind of sword light doesn't need to smash people to death at all. Just smashing them is enough to smash people to death.

At the same time, the man in the red robe also let out a roar, the flames blazing across the sky, rushing towards the earth like a flame god. A palm shot, endless fire light, surging turbulently, and the temperature was high, causing the space to be burnt and distorted and collapsed, full of an overbearing boundless, overwhelming power.

The man in the red robe is practicing fire art, and he has a strong aura when he shoots.

At this moment, even the many guards of the Jin Family and the City Lord's Mansion who were fighting underneath could not help but look up and watch the two of them join forces to strike so terrifying, and there was a horror in their eyes.

Judging from their position, it is no less than destroying the world.

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