War Emperor

Chapter 1794: Kill two people

The strong wind swept in, causing Lin Han's soft hair to fly wildly.

On the thin face, there was no fear at all.

There was a sneer in his mouth, and his mind moved, and the big golden wings behind him immediately began to rotate violently like two huge golden heavenly swords.

There were sharp waves on the wings, like cast metal, nothing like energy.

Just like that, it was violent, no matter what.

At the same time, Lin Han also displayed the Heavenly God's suit, the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak, behind him, surrounded by the sky fire, stretching for thousands of meters.

The battle armor of the mad god, glowing with a bright dark golden luster, is like the most mysterious **** iron in the world, it is extraordinary.

Lin Han looked tall and handsome just like that.


With the blessing of the heavenly suit, Lin Han's aura became even more violent.

The whole person is like a sea of ​​war, like an immortal **** of war.

A pair of golden wings is more powerful when pressed down.


The golden wings first collided fiercely with Jin Susu's golden sword light.

Between the two, a splendid spark burst out, and because the strength on the golden wings was too majestic, even if Jin Susu was a little higher than Lin Han, he was still invincible.

She was directly shaken back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from her mouth.

Then, Lin Han's figure moved, his golden wings shook again, hitting the palm of the man in the red robe, and immediately shattered the magnificent palm.

A fierce counter-shock force also caused the man in the red robe to step back, his face pale.

He and Jin Susu were shocked, and they didn't expect that under their joint hands, they were still not Lin Han's opponents.

This result was too unexpected for them.

"I said, you are not my opponents, now I will send you to hell." Lin cold smiled, and a flash of killing light flashed across his eyes. The people in the city lord's mansion were already dead and injured. Zhao Cunshan was in the purple robe and Under the siege of the blue-robed man, he was already wounded, and he would be defeated soon.

He can't delay any longer.

Most importantly, Lingxuan was also injured. These days, she and Xiaolan have been with him in the city lord's mansion. Because he often practices, they rarely meet with Lingxuan.

Lingxuan and Xiaolan are his partners. He was injured by the Jin family, so he was not angry.

He not only wanted to kill Jin Susu and the man in the red robe, but he also wanted to destroy all the people in the Jin family.

"Death!" At this point, he shouted angrily and used the Bleeding Falling Emperor Sword. The majestic divine power in his body urged him forward, and immediately caused the Blood Falling Emperor Sword to burst out with dazzling red blood, like a terrifying shot. Purgatory.


In the end, Jian Guang was overwhelmed directly, without the slightest accident, Jin Susu and the man in the red robe each let out a scream.

Rao tried his best to resist, but he still couldn't do it. He was overwhelmed by a sword, turned directly into powder, and was destroyed between heaven and earth.

"Are you looking for death?" In the end, Lin Han looked at the guards of the Jin family who were attacking Lingxuan and Xiaolan and said angrily.

At least seven or eight good players were besieging there, and one little bird, and even some big guys had obscene gazes in their eyes, lewd smiles, and molested Lingxuan.

This caused the anger in Lin Han's eyes to burst out almost in substance.

Lingxuan is very close to him and will never allow him to be hurt.

These people completely aroused his killing intent.


Lin Han patted it with a palm, and directly slapped a large handprint that was tens of thousands of feet long, like a starry sky giant shooting out of the domain, breaking the clouds.

Those seven or eight masters were molesting Lingxuan, and when they noticed that such a powerful palm was aimed at them, their complexion changed drastically, their eyes lifted up, just in time to see that the big hand that covered the sky was pressed down.

They couldn't help but screamed one by one.


"We were wrong, don't kill us."

Lin Han's strength is too strong, even if they are among the guards, they are considered good, and they are not Lin Han's enemy with one move.

Therefore, the palm strength was overwhelmed without suspense, and those people had no hope of living.

Just a wave of fluctuations crushed all of them to death one by one, sprayed with blood, and their deaths were miserable.

Only then did Lingxuan and Xiaolan rescued, and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Ling Xuan Qiao's face was a little pale, and her hair was a little messy. Even on her exquisite body, her clothes were shattered in some places, exposing large areas of white skin, showing a unique sense of temptation.

A touch of emotion appeared in her eyes for Lin Han's rescue, and then she shook her head with a smile: "It's okay."

Then he looked around the battle circle and said: "You hurry up and help, the people in the City Lord's Mansion, they are invincible at all."

Xiao Lan also nodded quizzically, circling around Lin Han, the blue feathers scattered with blue brilliance, very gorgeous.

During this battle, it was also injured. On its petite body, there was blood flowing out of it. Fortunately, the power of its bloodline was extraordinary. To it, it was nothing. The blue light transpired for a while, and the wound was already in the naked eye. Visible speed of healing.

Lin Han watched the battle, and now it is indeed necessary to solve these people first.

Then he took Lingxuan and Xiaolan to an uninhabited corner, arranged a simple formation around them, and then joined the battle.

Based on Lin Han's current attainments in the formation, although the formation is very simple, it still has unparalleled power.

He is not worried that something will happen.

"The man in the purple robe and the blue robe, Jin Susu, and the man in the red robe are dead. Are you still going to fight?" Lin Han shouted angrily, and was the first to rush to the ring of Zhao Cunshan and the man in the purple and blue robe. in.

This is the most advanced battle circle.

Only by resolving this can the situation be truly reversed.

The purple-robed, blue-robed man and Zhao Cunshan were fighting to a fever pitch, and they didn’t notice the situation on the side at all. They turned their heads abruptly after hearing Lin Han’s words and saw Jin Susu and the red-robed man not far away. Disappeared, leaving only two masses of blood mud. In an instant, both of them were shocked, and a touch of anger appeared in their eyes.

This is the precious young lady in their clan, and their brother.

Just like this, it made them feel like they had been stabbed with a knife.

Then, their eyes turned scarlet, looking at Lin Han and roaring, "Bastard boy, today our two brothers want you to be buried!"

The killing intent on his body whizzed out like a tsunami.

With a sneer at the corner of Lin Han's mouth, he flew to the side of Zhao Cunshan and said to him: "City Lord, you have been exhausted enough for the battle, let's go down and rest first, just leave them to me."

Zhao Cunshan was also a little surprised that Lin Hanneng killed Jin Susu and the red-robed man.

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