War Emperor

Chapter 1806: Lin Wutian

He was wailing in pain, sweating profusely, and his face pale.

The rest of Lin Ziguang's friends were surprised.

Lin Ziguang is not Lin Han's enemy with one move, how is this possible?

Lin Han seems to be stronger than the rumors.

They all smell dumbfounded.

"Lin Ziguang, is this your strength? But so, do I have to kneel down now." Lin Lian Lian smiled, strode to Lin Ziguang's side, stepped on Lin Ziguang's face, and said in a condescending manner.

With enough force on the soles of the feet, Lin Ziguang's face made a creaking sound, as if his bones had been trampled to pieces, causing him to scream again.

The expressions of those who had mocked Lin Han in the first place were shocked.

Only now did I know that Lin Han was so strong that Lin Ziguang looked like a baby in front of him.

At this time, they looked at Lin Han's gaze, no longer the previous contempt, and some were just a touch of awe.

"Lin Han, bastard, let me go..." Lin Ziguang roared, shy and angry.

So many people watched, Lin Han stepped on him like this, he still couldn't resist, and he was very annoyed.

Under Lin Han's powerful aura, he felt like he was imprisoned.

Cold in his heart, he finally realized that he was far from an opponent when he hit the iron plate this time.


However, Lin Han didn’t pay attention to him at all. He stepped on it again, crushing all his face, blood spurted, and then kicked out again, like kicking a ball, kicking Lin Ziguang. Flew out forty to fifty meters.

The powerful force smashed some magnificent buildings.

Lin Ziguang, lying in the ruins, passed out directly.

With this kick, his meridians all over his body were broken, and his bones were broken into pieces, like a pool of mud.

Blood was constantly overflowing in his mouth, how miserable and miserable he looked.

There was silence all around.

Everyone felt that Lin Han was like a young demon king, unable to provoke him.

In the territory of the Nine Immortals, Lin Ziguang was labeled like this, too domineering.

"Asshole, who would dare to hit my line?" At this moment, a loud shout spread, like thousands of thunders exploded here, some people with low strength, wow, directly sprayed a mouthful of blood, With a look of astonishment, it can be seen how powerful the owner of this voice is, and even the momentum is unbearable.

Lin Han also frowned and turned his eyes, only to see a cloud of golden light flying towards here, like a huge sun, with a breath of majestic sea.

The powerful coercion spread, and even many guests showed their surprised faces.

This must be the true leader of the younger generation, with an aura far beyond genius.

"A person with three talents?" Lin Han's eyes condensed.

Above that group of golden light, there are three great avenue flowers blooming, like communicating with the truth of the universe, revealing a transcendent, powerful flavor.

It is the symbol of three talents.

"It should be Lin Wutian in the formation." Zhao Cunshan's expression was extremely solemn and reminded Lin Han.

Lin Wutian in the formation is one of the ten young masters of the Nine Immortals, with a brilliant reputation.

People like Lin Shuaiqi and Lin Ziguang look like children in front of him.

Rumor has it that he had already broken into the three-talented realm three years ago, and his talent was extremely enchanting.

When this person came, he naturally felt a little bad.

Lin Han sighed slightly, it was the first time he saw a young and powerful man with three talents, and he was really amazing.

This momentum alone is enough to make ordinary geniuses surrender and bow down.

"Boy, are you Lin Han? Do you want to die if you dare to hit someone in my line?" Under the horrified eyes, golden light flew over and turned into a young man.

He was twenty-six or seventeen years old, with brilliant blond hair, his whole figure descended like a golden god, and his whole body was full of vigor as the sea.

A pair of bright eyes stared at Lin Han and shouted coldly.


The voice was suppressed, and the ground around Lin Han trembled, as if he couldn't bear it and was about to collapse.

Countless people are in awe. This is indeed Lin Wutian, one of the ten geniuses of Nine Immortals.

In Nine Wonderland, like a star, the demeanor illuminates the endless starry sky.

"What about it? It was he who provoked me first, and he deserves it." Lin Han sneered, still not afraid, said.

His current strength is not bad, he may not be unable to compete.

"Bold, you dare to be so awkward in front of me. If you don't teach you today, you don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick." Lin Wutian's eyes flashed a touch of anger, and Lin Han was really mad enough to not put him in his eyes. a feeling of.


At the moment, he put out a big hand and directly covered Lin Han. There was thunder in the big hand, and the chaos was filled, as if opening up the world, the scene was astonishing.

Upon seeing this, Lin Han also saw a raging war intent in his eyes.

He also wanted to see if he could compete with the three-talent state.

"Bring it to me!" He shouted at the moment, showing his yin and yang dipole diagram on display, with a thud, like a huge ancient **** diagram appeared, revealing an incomparable grandeur.

Within the yin and yang two-pole diagram, there are two other gods sitting cross-legged, all of them are Lin Han, one black and the other white, pointing to the heavens and the earth, revealing the spirit of solitism.

Even Lin Wutian's big hands seemed weaker.


In the end, with an earth-shattering explosion, the two finally collided fiercely.

The bizarre yin and yang two-pole diagram shattered Lin Wutian's big hands, and the powerful yin and yang qi in it also shook Lin Wutian one step back.

This makes many people shocked from ear to ear.

With such a big gap, Lin Han could shake Lin Wutian back, which is too challenging to imagine.

No less than a child, he pulled a beast.

"How could this be..." Lin Wutian also looked dazed, unable to accept the result.

Then he suddenly raised his head to look at the huge yin-yang dipole figure floating above Lin Han's head, and his eyes were sharp: "What kind of dipole diagram is this?"

The hosts and guests of many big forces around were also shocked.

In the bipolar picture, it is indeed rare to breed gods.

What's more, there are still two statues, both of them are Lin Han himself.

No one has ever had a bipolar picture so weird.

Everyone feels that this is much stronger than the bipolar diagram of normal people.

Even the flowers of the three-talented people can contend.

This is amazing, after all, these two are not items of the same level at all.

"This is a bipolar diagram that can be constructed only when you are in a vertical position. You will naturally not understand it. Now you let you see how powerful it is." Lin Leng Leng smiled, not modest.

The ability to construct a peculiar bipolar diagram is indeed a symbol of genius.

Next, with a pinch of his finger print, the huge yin and yang dipole diagram began to rotate.

Everyone was shocked to discover that in the two-pole picture, the two "Lin Han" sitting cross-legged opened their eyes in an instant, like two resurgent yin and yang giant gods, making the world tremble.

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