War Emperor

Chapter 1807: Master Liuyun

At this moment, the yin and yang two-pole diagram, the aura that exudes is several times stronger, and everyone feels that the two "Lin Han" are like ancient gods from ancient times, a whole body emitting a blazing white light, and a sacred breath is lingering. , A pitch black like ink, devilish spirit.

If you reach yin and reach yang, all the charm is condensed.


In the end, the two "Lin Han" all stretched out their palms and hit Lin Wutian.

The vigorous strength makes the void like a boiling picture scroll.

Lin Wutian's complexion instantly changed, and he displayed the flowers of the avenue to resist.

This avenue flower is a symbolic method for the three-talented powerhouse, and it has a strong suppression on the inferior.

In this way, the momentum is very impressive.

However, Lin Han's yin and yang two-pole diagram is too unique, and Lin Wutian's avenue flower is also slightly inferior.

In the end, amid a strong explosion, Lin Wutian couldn't help taking a few steps backwards, a mouthful of blood overflowed with a pop in his mouth.

This caused the surroundings to fall into a huge shock again.

The two poles of Yin and Yang above Lin Han's head stood in mid-air and looked very detached in the eyes of everyone.

"Lin Wutian, you are nothing but that." Lin Han smiled lightly, and there was a burst of joy in his heart.

The yin and yang two-pole diagram, even the flowers of the great road, can contend, which makes him very excited.

It seems that the yin and yang dipole figure that he has condensed is indeed extraordinary.

Lin Wutian gritted his teeth, his face felt cold.

This is a huge shame for him.

Then he took a deep breath and said indifferently: "I look down on you too much, next I will let you who know how good I am!"

He really didn't pay attention to a figure with only two auras.

In Lin Han's hands, he was deflated again and again, and he was completely aroused to anger.

Right now, his hands began to slowly rise, evolving in front of his chest, and as they evolve, everyone sees azure light, where they continue to gather together to form a formation, flashing inscriptions, revealing one A strong smell of mountain rain is coming.

"This is, "Jianzi Jue"."

Many people couldn't help but exclaim.

Each of the nine immortal veins of the Nine Immortals has a strong heritage.

Array word tactic is one of them. Once it is displayed, it can condense the texture of the very ethereal "array" between heaven and earth, and burst out the most violent array origin power.

This is not only the power of the formation, but also the magic of heaven and earth.

Therefore, its power is much more powerful than formation.

Among the formations, there are very few people who can comprehend the formation tactics, and because of this trick, it consumes divine power, and will not use it easily if it is not a last resort.

Lin Wutian tried so hard, and now even it has been displayed, it is really moving.


With the continuous improvement of the Zhenzi Jue.

The grandeur is magnificent, and the surroundings are even more powerful. Many mountain peaks are beginning to resonate, the sky is changing, and the gods of thunder fall down, illuminating the universe, and the scene is abnormally terrifying.

Looking at the pictures and texts shining with bright and extinguishing light, Lin Han's face was also slightly solemn, smelling a dangerous smell, if he came, it must be no small thing.

However, he was not worried. He had a solemn face right now, and displayed his Absolute Demon Sutra, running between the meridians.

Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods.

With his current combat power, he is really not afraid of anything.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" However, just as this tense atmosphere was about to erupt, suddenly an old shout came, and then an old man, a ghost, appeared, with a wave of his withered palm, a majestic aura , Swept out.

Lin Han and Lin Wutian were both held back by an invisible big hand.

The supernatural power on the body surface was also squeezed into the body uncontrollably, unable to mobilize even at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han was shocked. The old man's strength was so strong. In front of him, he and Lin Wutian had no ability to resist.

Lin Wutian also frowned, and turned his eyes away. After seeing the old man, he couldn't help but pause, and a look of awe appeared on his face.

I saw the old man, wearing a white robe with big sleeves fluttering, with a smell of dust and detachment.

The beard is very long, hanging down on the lower abdomen.

On the clothes robe, there is also a large tripod pattern painted on it, and there is a golden word "huang" on the pattern, which is extremely noble.

This is the symbol of the Sword King.

In the entire eighteenth realm of Immortal Realm, there are very few people who can reach this step.

Each one is to allow countless great forces to exist respectfully.

"The emperor of swordsmithing?" Lin Han couldn't help taking a breath. He had never seen such an advanced swordsmith.

This realm is not too far from Hongdu.

He guessed the identity of this person, besides Master Liuyun, who else could there be?

Unexpectedly, he would encounter such a legendary character here, and he couldn't help feeling a little agitated.

"See Master Liuyun..."

Sure enough, when the people around saw him, they all looked shocked and saluted.

Master Liuyun is the Taishan Beidou of the sword-making world, and no one dares to offend him.

Forging a weapon at will, it is enough to drive countless powerful people crazy.

What's more, sometimes the weapon is damaged, and it is not only easy to heal, but it may also increase the rank of the weapon.

Having a good relationship with him is equivalent to having a guarantee in terms of weapons.

The weapon is the second life of the repairer, and its importance is self-evident.

"En." Master Liuyun nodded indifferently, his old face very calm.

Then took a look at Lin Wutian and said, "Lin Wutian, anyway, Lin Han is also a guest. Is this your way of hospitality?"

The tone is not high, with an extraordinary momentum.

Lin Han is the son of Lin Xiaoyi, but Lin Xiaoyi is the saint of the Nine Immortals.

Speaking of which, Lin Han’s status is higher than many people in the clan

Even if Lin Xiaoyi is a sinner now, suppressed under the Demon Suppressing Tower, and Lin Han comes to the immortal realm, they will be criticized by the people of the Nine Immortals who call and kill them.

What's more, when Lin Han came to participate in this Immortal Vessel Competition, they originally let it come.

"Yes." Lin Wutian didn't dare to refute, but bowed to say yes.

The corner of his eyes was full of unwillingness when looking at Lin Han.

If it weren't for the sudden arrival of Master Liuyun, he would have given Lin Han a lesson.

Lin Han didn't pay attention to the expression in his eyes at all.

Master Liuyun turned his gaze to Lin Han, watched, and nodded slightly.

This young man is indeed extraordinary, with a delicate face and deep eyes, as if flashing infinite secrets, with a long body and a calm color.

Even in front of him, it was like a javelin, without any restraint.

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