War Emperor

Chapter 1907: New Demon Lord

After experiencing so many ups and downs now, he finally found Lin Xiaoyi again, and his heart was also very warm.

Many people around looked at each other and came down in amazement.

No one thought that the middle-aged man who came suddenly would be Lin Xiaoyi's husband and Lin Han's father.

Could he be the new master of the Eternal Devil's Cave?

If so, it would be amazing.

Everyone knows that the Eternal Devil's Cave, mysterious and powerful, has been dormant, just waiting for the birth of the next demon master.

Whoever becomes the next demon master not only possesses monstrous energy, but also has an amazing inheritance.

This has always been the most astonishing rumors circulating in Jiuxian.

It’s just that, for so many years, that demon lord has never been born, everyone has relaxed

The sudden appearance at this moment and the deep relationship with Lin Han and Lin Xiaoyi is surprising.

"Lin Zhentian..." Lin Yaotian was also taken aback.

A few years ago, Lin Zhentian came to the Jiuxian tribe alone to rescue Lin Xiaoyi.

But at that time he was not strong enough, and was injured and retreated by several pulse masters and some elders.

He didn't even think that Lin Zhentian now had transformed himself and became the new demon master of the Eternal Devil's Cave.

This identity is indeed shocking.

The Demon Lord of the Eternal Demon Cave has the potential to rule the universe.

"Who are you, you are young, and your tone is not young, do you think you can stop me?" Lin Jiutian saw Lin Zhentian coming, and Leng Sen smiled.

Even if he knew that Lin Zhentian was likely to be the new demon lord of the Eternal Demon Cavern, he was not afraid.

After all, he has lived for a long time, and he has also practiced Nisheng Gong, and his strength has greatly increased.

Lin Zhentian knew at a glance that he had only survived soon.

Such a character, even if it has a shocking heritage, has limited achievements.

"Can you stop you, you will know for yourself next, I advise you, get out, or die!" After Lin Zhentian greeted Lin Xiaoyi and Lin Han, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Lin Jiutian and shouted coldly.

The tone was full of strong and domineering, it seemed that even Lin Jiutian's current state, in his eyes, it was still nothing.

Opposite Shicai also showed murderous intent to Lin Han and Lin Xiaoyi, and he was undoubtedly a little cold in his heart.

This is his wife and children. In any case, he can't let anyone in the world hurt them.

This makes a lot of people horrified, it's too domineering.

Don't he know how invincible Lin Jiutian is.

Lin Jiutian laughed sullenly when he heard the words, and there was a sharp arc in his eyes. Leng Sen said: "So bold, even I dare to be disrespectful. Today I will let you know that you, the so-called Eternal Demon Cave Master, What a joke."

The other strong men in the Eternal Demon's Lavatory did not move, but looked at Lin Jiutian with a sneer.

This old miscellaneous hair, in the eyes of others, may be invincible.

But he didn't understand what the Eternal Demon Cave meant.

Even if the Demon Lord has only just received the inheritance for a few years, it is not what others can imagine.

Lin Jiutian dared to look down on their demon master so much. They felt like idiots and would definitely suffer.


Lin Jiutian didn't think too much. At the moment, with a stern shout, his body leaped forward, like a great demon was born, a palm shot out, around him, there were millions of baby corpses roaring together, roaring, and fusion In the palm of your hand.

It seems that his palm is **** and brutal.

Many babies opened their mouths in their blood basins, showing their long fangs, and yelled at Lin Zhentian.

The picture is very scary.

Lin Han was interested and wanted to see how strong his father is now.

He could perceive that the emperor father now had an invisible smell.

"Small bugs." However, Lin Zhentian faced this blow with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He randomly clicked a finger, and with a bang, a deep and pitch-black horror finger light burst out immediately and hit the front.

The void immediately collapsed.

The tsunami seemed unstoppable.

Lin Jiutian's palm power immediately disintegrated, and under the wash of his fingers, it turned into powder and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

With the force of the fingers, there was still a majestic force that shook Lin Jiutian. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his body retreated a few steps.


Countless people were suddenly horrified, Lin Zhentian shocked Lin Jiutian with one move?

The four great elders were a little surprised.

Originally they thought that Lin Zhentian might not be Lin Jiutian's opponent, and they were ready to help.

This scene struck them like a thunder, making their movements instantly stiff.

Is the Demon Lord of the Eternal Demon Cave really so strong?

"How could it be like this..." Lin Jiutian took a few steps backwards, a faint color flashed in his eyes, his strength had already reached the level of transformation, plus he had cultivated Nisheng Gong, now he has integrated combat power, not to mention disregarding the whole. Nine Wonders is similar.

Lin Zhentian, a rising star, shocked him with one move, which was also very difficult for him to accept.

At the moment, his eyes flashed with extremely cold light, and he stared at Lin Zhentian gritted his teeth and grinned: "A little skill, it seems that you have benefited a lot from the Eternal Devil's Cave."

He is a little envious, what is soaring into the sky, there is no doubt that it is so.

Eternal Demon Cave is really extraordinary.

"At least dealing with you is not a problem." Lin Zhentian smiled lightly.

In a pair of deep eyes, the stars are disillusioned, and there is a vision of eternal stars flowing.

Under this momentum, his style is full of detachment.

"Let me really meet you." Lin Jiutian took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely solemn. In fact, seeing that Lin Zhentian was so young, Shi Cai hadn't really done anything at all.

After eating such a loss, he began to really restrain all his underestimation.

Lin Zhentian is not simple, and the inheritance of the Eternal Devil's Cave is not trivial.

If he does not treat it seriously, it is really possible that he will capsize in the gutter.

"Nine Heavens Spear, come out!" At the moment, his face sank, and he drank vigorously, spreading his hands on his chest, and infinite blood burst out from his body. In his dantian, he burst out like a blood jade cast. Into the spear.

With the appearance of the blood spear, a brutal murderous aura immediately swept across the universe.

Everyone can feel the coldness of scalp numbness.

It seems that this is a peerless murderous soldier that can slaughter all souls, and the sky is changing.

The second child, third child, fourth child, and fifth child all looked slightly condensed. The Nine Heavens Spear was an ancient treasure, which Lin Jiutian got in good fortune.

When he was young, his ability overwhelmed all directions and became a strong man. He also had an inseparable relationship with this magic spear.

Entering the twilight years, the skill is stronger, and the power of the nine heavenly spears is also increased.

Once in a remote star field in Nine Wonders, a demon appeared.

Lin Jiutian went to cast down the demon to defend the Tao, but with a spear, the vast star field collapsed and shattered.

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