War Emperor

Chapter 1908: Amazing blow

In that starry sky, ten huge black holes appeared, each of which had hundreds of millions of miles, which was astonishing.

It can be seen how powerful the Nine Heavens Spear is.

Now that Lin Jiutian is displaying such a spear, even if they all feel the scent of the rain.


Lin Jiutian clenched some Nine Heavens Divine Spears with both hands, and the majestic divine power in his body was poured into it vigorously, immediately making the **** divine spear exuding blood light, more concentrated, like a sea of ​​dead mountain blood.

Then he roared, his eyes burst out with two extremely thick divine lights, holding the divine spear vigorously, and stabbing it fiercely at Lin Zhentian.

Ho Ho Ho!

The roar of gods and demons sounded.

A violent gust of wind blew across the universe, like a torrent, causing many people with low strength to be blown out like weeds in an instant.

Even Lin Han felt an unstoppable sense of supernatural power.

Such a spear can be called a truly earth-shattering weeping spirit.

Under the blood-red light, he felt like a sharp knife, not the wind at all, it could kill people.

"Hurry up and run away!"

Countless people around were pale and trembling, fleeing.

With Lin Jiutian's spear, they felt like the end is coming. The vast mountains and rivers of the entire Jiuxian tribe were resonating, and many grounds were trembling.

Some magnificent palaces are also collapsing.

True to its name, it was a disaster.

Among the immortal clan, many elders have joined forces to display a large array, delimiting an area as a safe zone, so as to withstand the terrifying wind, otherwise the light aftermath will be unbearable.

The masters of some big powers even more heartbeat.

If they don't see this level of attack, they also feel that they can go in all directions.

But compared with Lin Jiutian, he was still too small.

Just like the ants are seeing a giant dragon showing off their power, they are indeed the characters of the Nine Wonderland that had been powerful tens of thousands of years ago.

There was a look of worry in Lin Han's heart, wondering if his father could stop him.

Although the feeling that the emperor father gave him now is also terrible, but Lin Jiutian's prowess is really a bit shocking.

At this moment, Lin Zhentian's stern face also showed a touch of solemnity, and he obviously realized that it is no small matter for Lin Jiutian to be serious.

However, he didn't have any fear, and even a raging flame was burning in his eyes.

In fact, after receiving the inheritance of the Eternal Demon Cavern, he has never fought against anyone.

Lin Jiutian is very strong and can just verify himself.

Therefore, he now has a strong sense of war in his body.

"Good come!" Right now, he roared, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger, then spread his palms, and the black light transpired in his palms. Then, in the eyes of many people, a black long sword appeared in his hand, like a certain demon. Things were born, the sky dimmed in an instant, dark clouds rolled, lightning flashed and thunder, and the entire world was enveloped by a terrible air.

This sword has earth-shattering power.

"This is... Heavenly Demon Sword?"

Some well-informed elderly people suddenly shrank and exclaimed.

The Heavenly Demon Sword is the peerless fierce sword of a world-famous demon master in the eternal demon cave millions of years ago. He once held this sword with the spirit of killing all directions and being proud of the world.

Like many of the great powers of the vertical and horizontal sides, he was cut under the sword, blood staining the starry sky.

It can be described as a prestigious name.

Now it seems that Lin Zhentian is not only the power of the Demon Lord who inherits the Eternal Demon Lair, but also this sword.

With this sword, he is equivalent to possessing a weapon that slaughters the universe, which is envious and awe-inspiring.

Right now, many people couldn't help but widen their eyes, wanting to see what kind of power this fierce sword has a reputation for millions of years.

"Heaven Demon Sword, one sword destroys the sky, kill!"

After Lin Zhentian displayed the Heavenly Demon Sword, his whole body's aura rose instantly, his thick black hair fluttered wildly, like an ancient demon god, his eyes flashed with cold electricity.

Then, he spit out a cold voice.

With a violent grasp of the palm of his hand, the majestic power in his body was immediately poured into the Heaven Demon Sword.

In an instant, within the Heaven Demon Sword, the heavens and the earth were cracking, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling seemed to contain the power of destroying the world.

Then, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, which was also struck down with a sword.


The vast mountains and rivers resounded one after another.

It seems that this sword strikes out the power of the source.

On the sky, there appeared a huge sword mark that was tens of millions of miles long, which really split the sky in half, and there was an endless view of the starry sky that appeared in front of everyone.


Many people's legs were trembling in shock, and they almost sat on the ground.

You must know that the Dao within the Nine Immortal Stars is very perfect, even if some very powerful people come here, the destructive power will be greatly suppressed.

Lin Zhentian could cut open the sky with a single sword, showing how strong it was.

Under this sword, they felt a smell of death.

If you really hit them, there is no doubt that all the people here will die, and there will be no resistance at all.

Click! Click!

Then, in the horrified eyes of the entire Jiuxian Star, hundreds of millions of creatures, Lin Zhentian's sword and Lin Jiutian's spear finally collided fiercely.

A divine light that lasted for hundreds of millions of miles, directly rushed to Xiaohan, broke through the shackles of stars, and entered the vast starry sky.

Many stars in the starry sky were shot down, turned into star debris, and fell on the ground.

This is a disaster for Jiuxianxing.

Many places have caused major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the sea has also set off turbulent waves.

Fortunately, there are many masters in the Jiuxian Star. In every area, there are endless masters coming out, performing magical powers, and smashing those meteorites, so as to avoid greater disaster.

Otherwise, with such an attack, Jiuxian Star might surpass the general area, and it would be destroyed, with countless casualties.

In the Nine Immortals, the leaders of many powerful forces also sweated profusely on their foreheads.

What is magical war!

Lin Zhentian and Lin Jiutian fought with perfect power.

They all feel like two gods are fighting here.

After the attacks collided, there were hundreds of millions of rays of divine light coming out, and any ray of light hitting them would instantly be shattered into blood mist, the gap was too big.

Even if Lin Han had a dry throat, his face was pale.

Really there are people outside, there are heaven outside.

He was also far away from the realm of his father and Lin Jiutian.


Under the nervous gaze of many people, the huge energy beam on the sky lasted for more than ten minutes before slowly disappearing.

At this time, everyone could see clearly the situation of Lin Zhentian and Lin Jiutian within the battle circle.

Shi Cai's light was too dazzling, and it shrouded there, and nothing could be seen.

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