War Emperor

Chapter 1918: Defeat

Right now, I really dare to say that to myself.

Outrageous, this is obviously not putting yourself in the eye.

He clenched some fists, completely annoyed.

In the ancient times, he made countless powerful people frightened, when he was treated like this.

"You are a realm master who dare to follow me. Don't you know that my previous realm was in the fairy ancestor realm?" With his scarlet eyes, he sneered after looking at the Northern Emperor's wind.

The realm master is indeed a realm master for others, unattainable.

But to him, it was nothing.

Xianzu is a realm stronger than the realm master.

Therefore, knowing that the Northern Emperor Piaofeng was only the realm master, he was more relieved.

Even if his current strength is not at the peak, just a realm master, it is not that easy to crush him.

Instead, he looked at Beihuang Piaofeng's gaze, and there was a hint of greed flashing in his eyes.

In the body of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, he felt the extremely powerful original power. If he swallowed the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, it would definitely supplement the power he consumed.

And, maybe it will make him go further.

This is too tempting for him.

So, he licked his lips, his eyes looked very gloomy.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng smiled faintly, and didn't say much. The realm master really can't beat the immortal ancestor, but if the opponent just treats him as an ordinary realm master, then it would be a big mistake.


He didn't talk too much nonsense, directly raised his palm and pointed out a finger.

In an instant, a general trend of destruction, like a flood, swept towards the Dark Demon.

Space is like a mirror, constantly shattering.

On his finger, there was no divine light erupting, but there was an unspeakable "power".

This trend seems to break everything, destroy everything, and obliterate everything.

Pointing out his finger, there were horrible whistling sounds in the world, and scenes such as Tai Chi birthing two yis, the void all over the golden lotus, the decaying sky, the roar of the four spirits, etc., kept flashing.

It seems that this blow has shocked the nature of the universe and created many visions.

"Today I will kill you to let you know that the power of the immortal ancestor is not provocative." A look of anger flashed across the black devil's eyes, but he was not afraid. He just wanted to kill the Northern Emperor Piaofeng and supplement his loss of origin.

At the moment, his face was gloomy, he roared, and his whole body was dark mist, shaking the starry sky.

He also pointed a finger, his fingers were as black as ink, and they were shining with metallic luster, like cast iron.

This pointed out that thousands of carrion corpses appeared in the void, holding a battle knife, killing forward.

Every carrion corpse, wearing ancient armor, seemed to rush out of hell. The war knife in his hand was also tattered, but it had a very terrifying aura. So thousands of carrion corpses were killed together. Full of an air of rush to kill everything.

The universe was shrouded by that terrible murderous aura, and many people fell into the ice pit, shivering.

This kind of momentum is too strong for ordinary people.

Some people with low strength are constantly sweating on their foreheads.

Just looking at it makes people feel that the soul is under tremendous pressure.

Lin Han is also fascinated, this is the real powerhouse.

In comparison, his previous battles were purely children's playhouses, and they were not worth mentioning.

I don't know when I can reach this state.

He clenched some fists, and Dao Xin became much more stable for the future.


Finally, under the horrifying gazes of the crowd, the Beihuang Piaofeng's finger and the black demon's finger finally met fiercely in the void.

In a flash of time, like two ancient stars colliding, layer after layer of divine light burst out in the void, continuously spreading fiercely into the depths of the starry sky.

Along the way, many stars were directly turned into dust and exploded on the spot.

Fortunately, on some life stars, there are also many masters who work together to cast a terrifying light mask to protect the stars to withstand the aftermath of this blow. Otherwise, their stars will also have a huge trauma.

This aftermath directly spread ten trillion li.

The shining starry sky seemed to be purified, mostly annihilated.

What is horror, the two give the best interpretation.

Destroying the starry sky is nothing more than that.

Even in the fairy world, many other realm experts who are concerned about here are silent.

This level of battle rarely occurs in the fairy world, especially in the last few years, the power of the Tao in the universe has become weaker and weaker.

In ancient times, the remaining masters also gradually withered, and now the realm master is called the wind and the rain, the strongest in the fairy world.

As for the fairy ancestors, they have all become legends.

Seeing an immortal ancestor really make a move, also makes many people feel clean.

Many more people widened their eyes, wanting to see how the Northern Emperor Piaofeng fought against the Dark Demon.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His main body was once a giant of the immortal ancestor level.

He defeated the main body with the Dao body and replaced it as a new hero.

Even if it was just the landlord, it was extraordinary.

The result of the battle naturally made them curious.

After ten seconds, the light gradually dissipated.

When everyone saw the results in the battle circle, they were all startled and shocked.

I saw that the Black Demon was actually shaken back hundreds of miles, lying in the ruins of a large mountain, and his whole body was covered with cracks, as if about to break apart.

A lot of black blood flowed out of his body and gathered into a stream.

He was ragged and miserable.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng is still standing in the air, but the light from the whole body is slightly dim, and it doesn't have much effect.

The whole body was vague, with an unfathomable smell.

After the surrounding atmosphere stagnated for a while, many people also had heart convulsions.

Even if they saw that the Northern Emperor's Piaofeng's momentum had the appearance of crushing the Black Demon, they didn't expect to actually do it.

This is an immortal ancestor that the world looks up to, just under the eyes of everyone, it hurts like this, really dreamy.

"how can that be……"

The Black Demon was lying in the ruins, feeling the serious injuries on his body, breathing was a little difficult, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

In his expectation, even if his state is not at the peak, he will definitely not lose when he fights against a character who only has a realm master.

Now he has failed miserably and has no capital to compete.

To him, it was too absurd.

Is this still a landlord? It feels like facing an immortal ancestor.

Therefore, in his eyes looking at the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes.

This guy is definitely not measurable by ordinary realm masters, and his combat power is far beyond ordinary people's perception.

There was a chill in his heart, and he felt like he had touched an iron plate.

Then, he seemed to think of something, and said: "Do you have a fairy ancestor Tao fruit?"

His eyes shone with strange light, staring at the black devil, his tone shaking.

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